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《围城》写于20世纪40年代,一经发表便被誉为是一部新版《儒林外史》。钱钟书先生在《围城》中用大量笔墨勾勒出了一个个鲜活的人物形象,对于女性人物的描写也颇下了一番工夫。在《围城》中,钱钟书先生通过知识女性形象的独特描写,为我们展现了20世纪40年代中国知识女性的生存状况和人生轨迹。尽管她们的境遇不同,命运不同,但在那个特殊的年代里,她们各自的经历却赋予了她们共同的特征。本文笔者仅从小说中几个具有代表性的知识女性形象人手对她们的共同特征进行剖析,并就此提出自己关于知识女性人生观的看法。所谓知识女性,笔者认为在不同的年代有不同的涵义,在20世纪40年代的中国,钱钟书先生笔下的知识女性是指接受过良好教育的知识分子。《围城》中的这样一群女性可以称之为知识女性群体,她们之间的共同的特征如下:群体特征一:接受良好教育,改变社会地位在旧中国,女性是社会中的弱势群体,正所谓“在家从父,出嫁从夫,老来从子”,没有读书识字的自由。这一切严重压抑着女性的身心,命运无法由她们自己来主宰,她们成为了男人的附属品。《围城》中的知识女性正是通过接受良好教育,获取知识来提高自己的社会地位,力争摆脱男人的束缚,进而主宰自己的命运。主要表现在:鲍小姐由未婚夫李医生出资,一个人到英国伦敦学习产科两年,回国后与李医生结婚并一同挂牌行医;苏文纨在法国里昂研究法国文学,做了一篇《中国十八家白话诗人》的论文,获博士学位;孙柔嘉大学毕业,由赵辛楣引荐到三闾大学任教;在家养病的汪太太,“中国画和钢琴”是她嫁妆里代表文化的部分,好比其他女人的大学毕业文凭和学士帽照片。  相似文献   
近十余年来,中外地质学家对我国河北西北部的汉诺坝玄武岩及其深源包体进行了广泛深入的研究,发现了种类繁多的上地幔岩石捕虏体,发表了不少专著和论文,但有关麻粒岩捕虏体的报导,迄今为止尚未见到。本文作者经过三年的努力,在汉诺坝玄武岩中发现了五类八种麻粒岩捕虏体,其中包括石榴辉石麻粒岩、斜长石榴辉石麻粒岩、斜长单辉麻粒岩、斜长二辉麻粒岩、石榴钾长石英麻粒岩、石榴斜长石英麻粒岩、辉石二长麻粒岩、辉石钾长麻粒岩。初步研究表明这些麻粒岩大部分是在下地壳环境下形成的,它们具有麻粒岩矿物组合和结构构造特征,但又不完全类同于古老高级变质地体中的麻粒岩。  相似文献   
国民待遇原则与涉外税收支出是一对矛盾的统一体.国民待遇原则要求的是内外平等对待,一视同仁,涉外税收优惠却是一种不平等对待和非一视同仁.二者所以共存,在于它们的统一性,即统一于对外国资本或外资企业税收待遇的非歧视.这种对立统一关系体现了税收效率与公平原则对立统一的内在要求.对于一国税制来说,国民待遇原则与涉外税收优惠两者的倚轻倚重则取决于该国经济发展的水平和客观的经济环境.  相似文献   
In the mid-nineties FIFA decided to increase from two to three the number of points assigned to the winning team of a soccer match played under traditional round-robin national leagues. Since a game of soccer can be regarded as a contest, FIFA's measure provides an interesting case-study for analysing how a change in the system of rewards (from a zero to a non-zero sum rule) may affect the contestants' equilibrium behaviour. In this paper we try to assess, both theoretically and empirically, whether FIFA's new point rule has changed soccer towards a more offensive game, in which teams adopt more risky strategies. In particular, we evaluate the “na?ve hypothesis” according to which the measure would induce every team to play always more offensively, and we explore the extent to which the change in teams' behaviour may be affected by quality differentials between teams. Our most important hypothesis is that when the asymmetry between opposing teams is large enough, an increase in the reward for victory induces the weaker team to play more defensively, rather than the opposite. By looking at a subset of matches held in the Portuguese first division league, which approximate the conditions of our model, we find support for this hypothesis. First version received: July 1999/Final version received: May 2001  相似文献   
Rennison (Comparing alternative output gap estimations: a Monte Carlo approach, 2003) has provided simulation-based evidence showing that the joint use of extended multivariate filters and structural vector autoregression models is optimal for estimating potential output. We use this approach to estimate the two components of potential GDP: the full-employment labour input and trend labour productivity. This decomposition is useful for identifying sources of fluctuations in potential output. It reveals, for example, that the vigorous growth rate of U.S. potential GDP recorded during the second half of the 1990s is attributable to a fall in the structural rate of unemployment and a marked upswing in trend productivity growth.  相似文献   
今年是我国加入世贸组织的第一年,是党的十六大召开的喜庆之年,也是我省贯彻落实省第十次党代会精神的第一年。做好今年的工作,意义重大,责任重大,使命重大。作为意识形态领域的重要组成部分,哲学社会科学界肩负着重要的责任,承担着重要的任务。社科联要以江泽民同志“  相似文献   
Abstract. Researchers have used stylized facts on asset prices and trading volume in stock markets (in particular, the mean reversion of asset returns and the correlations between trading volume, price changes and price levels) to support theories where agents are not rational expected utility maximizers. This paper shows that this empirical evidence is in fact consistent with a standard infinite horizon – perfect information – expected utility economy where some agents face leverage constraints similar to those found in todays financial markets. In addition, and in sharp contrast to the theories above, we explain some qualitative differences that are observed in the price-volume relation on stock and on futures markets. We consider a continuous-time economy where agents maximize the integral of their discounted utility from consumption under both budget and leverage constraints. Building on the work by Vila and Zariphopoulou (1997), we find a closed form solution, up to a negative constant, for the equilibrium prices and demands in the region of the state space where the constraint is non-binding. We show that, at the equilibrium, stock holdings volatility as well as its ratio to stock price volatility are increasing functions of the stock price and interpret this finding in terms of the price-volume relation. We would like to thank the editor and two anonimous referees for valuable substantive comments. Our gratitude also to Franklin Allen, Kerry Back, Domenico Cuoco, Xavier Freixas, Sanford Grossman, Michel Habib, Lutz Hendricks, Richard Kihlstrom, Fernando Restoy, Mary Thomson, Jean-Luc Vila, participants to seminars at Birkbeck College, Carnegie-Mellon, Columbia, ESSEC, HEC, IAE, INSEAD, London Business School, London School of Economics, McGill, Michigan, National University of Singapore, Pompeu Fabra, North Carolina, Washington-St-Louis, Wharton, the Jornadas de Economía Financiera BBV, and the Meetings of the Society for Economic Dynamics and Control and the American Finance Association. Special thanks are due to Süleyman Basak for his enthusiastic support and many helpful suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the BBV and Caja de Madrid Foundations and CREF (both authors) and of the Spanish Ministry of Education under DGICYT grant no. PB93-0388 (first author).  相似文献   
Component efficient solutions in line-graph games with applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, applications of cooperative game theory to economic allocation problems have gained popularity. We investigate a class of cooperative games that generalizes some economic applications with a similar structure. These are the so-called line-graph games being cooperative TU-games in which the players are linearly ordered. Examples of situations that can be modeled like this are sequencing situations and water distribution problems. We define four properties with respect to deleting edges that each selects a unique component efficient solution on the class of line-graph games. We interpret these solutions and properties in terms of dividend distributions, and apply them to economic situations. This research has been done while the third author was visiting Tinbergen Institute at the Free University, Amsterdam. The research is part of the Research Programme “Strategic and Cooperative Decision Making” at the Department of Econometrics. Financial support from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) in the framework of the Russian-Dutch programme for scientific cooperation, is gratefully acknowledged. The third author also appreciates partial financial support from the Russian Leading Scientific Schools Fund (grant 80.2003.6) and Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (grant 02-02-00189a). We thank three anonymous referees for their valuable comments.  相似文献   
本文分析了中国购买力平价研究的背景,简要介绍了购买力平价测算的基本方法。在国家统计局以部分城市参加OECD1999年一轮购买力平价项目试验性合作研究的基础上,应用国际通用的方法,测算了1999年中国与OECD国家购买力平价比较的结果,即1美元=4.67元人民币,相当于当年汇率的57%;同时,介绍了国内外关于中国购买力平价研究的主要结果,分析它们之间存在差异的原因。通过对比分析认为,本研究结果基本合理,反映中国购买力平价研究的共同趋势。  相似文献   
西部经济和生态环境互动模式:产业互动视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西部地区生态环境的脆弱性决定了西部地区在工业化过程中不能走"先污染、后治理"的发展模式,而应该强化经济与生态环境的互动发展.产业互动是经济与生态环境互动发展的重要组成部分,产业互动的思路是按循环经济的理念推进产业结构优化,依据比较优势原则发展西部特色产业作为依托点,以建立生态工业园作为产业互动的新载体.  相似文献   
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