This paper discusses several modern approaches to regression analysis involving time series data where some of the predictor variables are also indexed by time. We discuss classical statistical approaches as well as methods that have been proposed recently in the machine learning literature. The approaches are compared and contrasted, and it will be seen that there are advantages and disadvantages to most currently available approaches. There is ample room for methodological developments in this area. The work is motivated by an application involving the prediction of water levels as a function of rainfall and other climate variables in an aquifer in eastern Australia. 相似文献
Vast numbers of people in rapidly growing cities throughout the developing world depend on informal transport services for their mobility needs. Thus far the field of transition studies has addressed the dynamics of socio-technical change in situations where regimes of automobility and sanctioned public transport constitute the dominant order, but not in contexts of cities in the developing world, where informal transit thrives. In this paper we enquire about stability and prospects for change in these kinds of socio-technical systems. To this end, we trace the evolution of Bangkok's motorcycle taxi industry including recent efforts to introduce a potentially radical innovation: an information and communications technology (ICT) platform used as a taximeter. The paper concludes that innovations in informal urban transport are opening up alternative mobility pathways for the developing world, which might even spread far beyond their original confines into the West; and that the persistence of informal transport systems and the proliferation of innovations within those systems in developing countries prove to be relevant phenomena for defining prominent topics on the agenda of (sustainability) transitions research. 相似文献
This research investigates the psychological turnover theory, which is developed based on the Mobley's model, and compares the hotel employees of two culturally different countries: U.S.A. and South Korea. It takes the controversy of transferability of management theories in different cultures into consideration. This study also compares the influencing factors in the particular behavior between the two groups. For both samples, the path analyses using a series of multiple regression analyses have shown the existence of a particular linkage among the four psychological construct variables studied: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, thinking of quitting, and withdrawal intentions, thus supporting the model. Given the possible problems of collinearity between the predicting variables and thereby instability of the regression coefficients, stepwise regression analyses have been employed to serve the second objective of this study, resulting in significant differences between the two samples. In addition, a dummy variable has been created to examine the role of nationality in predicting the turnover behavior, with the nationality turning out to be an important predictor, however, its influence is indirect through organizational or psychological factors. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to examine the interrelationships between cultural familiarity (CF), Korean cultural involvement (KCI), involvement with Korean celebrities (IKC), attitude toward a country (ATCOUN), and word-of-mouth (WOM) toward Korea. Survey data were collected from 358 Tanzanian college students within Tanzania in March of 2017. The findings reveal that CF exerted a positive and significant influence on KCI, IKC, and ATCOUN. Moreover, KCI positively and significantly forms both IKC and ATCOUN. Additionally, IKC was a positive influence on ATCOUN. ATCOUN was demonstrated to be a significant predictor of WOM, while KCI was demonstrated to act as a partial mediator between CF and ATCOUN. IKC was a partial mediator between CF and ATCOUN. IKC was a full mediator between KCI and ATCOUN. 相似文献
This study examines differences between family-owned and non-family-owned small and medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs) operating in regional tourism destinations. The research focuses on SMTE owners' commitment to stay in the town in which they are embedded. Based on samples of family (N?=?157) and non-family (N?=?141) businesses in regional South Australia, was used to test the construct validity of SMTE owners' “commitment to stay”. Multigroup invariance was used to test the factorial equivalence of scores from the commitment model across family and non-family businesses. Results support the validity of the “commitment to stay” CFA model. Multigroup invariance analysis suggests family business owners have a greater commitment to staying in their town. These results contribute to our understanding of the unique objectives and behaviours of family businesses in tourism as well as present important implications to destination managers aiming to support sustainable entrepreneurial development. 相似文献
Given that satisfied travelers tend to become repeat customers and spread positive word of mouth, destinations must induce travel satisfaction to increase their income. Travelers may face increasing physical and mental challenges during their travel that can undermine their travel experience, and staying overnight in a destination can improve the satisfaction of travelers by refreshing their energy. Given its important role in increasing the revenues of certain destinations such as Macau, staying overnight is strongly encouraged among travelers. However, the relationship between staying overnight and traveler satisfaction in the casino context has never been studied. By conducting a survey among 17,742 travelers in Macau, this study explores the moderating effect of staying overnight on the relationship between travel experience and satisfaction. The results indicate that staying overnight strengthens (reduces) the negative effect of visiting frequency (outside-Macau casino experience). However, staying overnight has no moderating effect on such relationship when the negative influence of first-time visit is considered. These findings also provide implications for tourism researchers and practitioners. 相似文献
Abstract The sporadic domestic political instability during the last decade, compounded with the ongoing international war on terrorism in Afghanistan and beyond, has created a substantial decline in tourist visits to Nepal. Safety and security are important aspects of travel destination choice and the perceived risk within Nepal and the South Asian region has mired the pace of international tourist arrivals. The objectives of this paper were to examine the state of tourism in Nepal and the negative repercussions of the political instability and international conflict that has thwarted the potential for growth. 相似文献
Organizations displaying best practices for attaining proactive sustainability targets at local level are of major importance as role models in the transition toward a sustainable transport system. This study summarizes results and conclusions from 20 municipalities in Sweden that have implemented the so called CERO analysis in order to adapt to future emission targets for travel. The overall aim of the study is to identify factors explaining why some municipalities are more successful than others in a benchmarking comparison.
The results indicate that commuting by car is by far the most dominant source of emissions, constituting on average 76% of total annual travel emissions (including both commuting and business travel). In order to reduce these emissions, travel planning programs within organizations must address both commuting conditions and business travel conditions to reduce car dependence for work travel, e.g., employees using private cars for business trips most likely also use their own cars for commuting. To identify potential success factors as regards emissions-efficient travel, three comparative statistical analyses were conducted: grouping municipalities with low emissions in relation to the total average; analysis of car commuters' willingness to change travel mode; and before-and-after analyses of municipalities implementing specific action plans. The results revealed that municipalities conducting follow-up studies 2 years after implementing travel planning programs all lowered their total CO2 emissions, by on average 10% during a 2-year period. Overall, these municipalities achieved redistribution to alternative travel modes but also reduced total travel mileage. 相似文献