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This paper investigates whether a designer can improve both the incentive provision and the selection performance of a promotion contest by making the competition more (or less) dynamic. A comparison of static (one‐stage) and dynamic (two‐stage) contests reveals that this is not the case. A structural change that improves the performance in one dimension leads to a deterioration in the other dimension. This suggests that modifications of the contest structure are an alternative to strategic handicaps. A key advantage of structural handicaps over participant‐specific ones is that the implementation of the former does not require prior identification of worker types. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using four rounds (1999, 2002, 2005 and 2008) of the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study, the present paper examines determinants of household income and consumption levels and inequalities. Unconditional as well as conditional stochastic dominance tests are performed by year, by household heads’ characteristics (age, education, gender, health, marital status and occupation) and by household characteristics (household type, household size and degree of urbanization). Mean least squares regression techniques are used to predict conditional expectations. The residuals containing effects for each characteristic conditional on the remaining characteristics are then used for the stochastic dominance analysis employing extended Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests of first‐order and second‐order dominance in distribution of income and consumption. The results provide a detailed and up‐to‐date picture of inequality and poverty by subgroup in Korea, which helps in targeting particularly vulnerable groups. While inequality in disposable income is found to be substantial, consumption inequality is less substantial. Households headed by the elderly, the uneducated, the divorced, the widowed, females, and those with health problems are found to be the most vulnerable groups.  相似文献   
This paper examines the concept of service quality in private banking theoretically and empirically and identifies factors which contribute to service quality. A multidimensional and hierarchical model is developed based on the work of Rust and Oliver (in Service Quality, pp. 1–20, 1994) and Brady and Cronin (in J. Mark. 65(3):34–49, 2001). The model is then empirically tested among private banking providers with the partial least squares method. Furthermore, the developed model is compared to other approaches, including Grönroos (in Eur. J. Mark. 18(4):36–44, 1984). Another model for comparison excludes the indirect effects of Grönroos (in Eur. J. Mark. 18(4):36–44, 1984) and focuses on the direct effects on service quality. We can conclude that the model based on Rust and Oliver (in Service Quality, pp. 1–20, 1994) and Brady and Cronin (in J. Mark. 65(3):34–49, 2001) produces the best results and can best explain service quality in private banking. Finally, an analysis of various provider groups is conducted in order to identify differences between private banking providers in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein and between providers with various minimum investment requirements.  相似文献   
Andreas Vogel     
Rudolf Stöber 《Publizistik》2005,50(1):114-114
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Andreas Vogel
The first step towards reform of the EC was taken when the Single European Act came into force in July of this year. What concrete decisions must the member states now take? What are their chances of being implemented?  相似文献   
Determinants of intra-industry trade: Among countries and across industries   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Zusammenfassung Determinanten des intraindustriellen Handels: Eine internationale und interindustrielle Querschnittsanalyse. — In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden in einem kombinierten Ansatz die Hypothesen empirisch überprüft, da\ (i) die Intensit?t des intraindustriellen Handels zwischen L?ndern systematisch mit bestimmten Charakteristika der Handelspartner und (ii) die Intensit?t des intraindustriellen Handels in einzelnen Branchen systematisch mit bestimmten Industriecharakteristika zusammenh?ngt. Als Stichprobe werden bilaterale Handelsstr?me der Jahre 1972 und 1973 zwischen den OECD-L?ndern auf der Basis dreistelliger Positionen der SITC-Gruppen 5–8 herangezogen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen darauf schlie\en, da\ es in der Regel zu einer Zunahme von intraindustriellen Handelsstr?men kommt, wenn Handelspartner im wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsniveau oder in der (heimischen) Marktgr?\e aufholen, die heimischen M?rkte von Handelspartnern simultan wachsen und natürliche oder künstliche Handelshemmnisse abgebaut werden. Im Branchenquerschnitt sind intraindustrielle Handelsstr?me insbesondere in jenen Industrien ausgepr?gt, in denen Transaktionskosten eine vergleichsweise geringe Rolle spielen; gewisse Anhaltspunkte deuten überdies darauf hin, da\ die Intensit?t des intraindustriellen Handels mit abnehmendem Standardisierungsgrad des Sortiments zunimmt.
Résumé Déterminants du commerce intra-industriel: Une analyse transversale internationale et interindustrielle. — Dans cette analyse nous testons empiriquement à l’aide d’une approche combinée les hypothèses que (i) l’intensité du commerce intra-industriel entre des pays dépend systématiquement des certains caractéristiques des partenaires commerciaux et que (ii) l’intensité du commerce intra-industriel dans les branches dépend systématiquement des certains caractéristiques de líndustrie. Comme échantillon nous utilisons le commerce extérieur bilatéral des années 1972 et {dy1973} entre les pays de l’OCDE au niveau des groupes 3-digit de la CTCI 5–8. Les résultats démontrent qu’il y a une augmentation du commerce intra-industriel en général, si les partenaires gagnent du terrain en niveau de développement économique ou en dimension du marché local, si les marchés locaux des partenaires croissent simultanément et si les obstacles commerciaux naturels ou artificiels sont diminués. En section transversale des branches, le commerce intra-industriel est particulièrement prononcé dans les branches oú les frais de transaction jouent un r?le comparativement faible; de plus, certains signes indiquent que l’intensité de commerce intra-industriel augmente si le degré de standardisation diminue.

Resumen Determinantes del comercio intra-industrial: entre países e industrias. — Este trabajo examina conjuntamente, determinantes especificos de naciones y bienes, que pueden influir sobre la intensidad del comercio intra-industrial, basándose en flujos bilaterales desagregados de comercio entre países pertenecientes a la OCDE. Los resultados son consistentes con las hipótesis de que una equiparación en el nivel de desarrollo o en tama?o del mercado, o crecimiento simultáneo en los mercados nacionales de los países que comercian entre si, o una disminuciń de barreras naturales o artificiales contra el comercio, tienden a ser acompanadas de un incremento en el comercio intra-industrial entre países. A lo largo de las diferentes industrias, este comercio parece ser especialmente intenso cuando los costes de transacción son bajos. Finalmente existe evidencia positiva aunque no definitiva, de que el comercio intra-industrial disminuye con el aumento en la uniformidad de los productos.
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