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近年来,作为积极财政政策的一个重要组成部分的国债政策,为有效增加国内需求,拉动经济增长做出了很大贡献,但与此同时,我们必须关注我国国债规模过大可能带来的后果。通过对我国国债规模及结构等方面的系统分析认为:我国国债隐藏着很大的信用风险,并提出了化解和防范这些风险的措施。  相似文献   
对统计学课程传统的教学模式进行改革是适应高职高专面向社会、服务大众,以能力为本办学特点的迫切需要。本对在统计学教学中实行“参与型”教学新模式的起因、具体实施过程和方法进行了研究和探讨,并对“参与型”教学新模式的教学效果进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   
文化消费质量问题正日益受到关注,但梳理相关文献可以发现,关于文化消费质量的已有研究严重欠缺.论文尝试从人均文化消费水平、文化消费占总消费支出的比重、文化消费与收入的匹配度、文化消费的内部结构、文化消费的差异以及文化消费的成本与消费效果等六个维度对文化消费质量的科学内涵进行刻画,藉此构建文化消费质量的描述性评价指标体系,并基于该指标体系对2001~2013年我国居民文化消费质量状况进行了测度,从而得出结论和建议.  相似文献   
Following LaFond and Watts (2008), we examine the relation between information asymmetry (as measured by PIN, probability of information-based trading) and accounting conservatism but focus on a country – Taiwan – whose institutional background is different from that of the United States. Due to the disparate degree of conservatism across the world, the conclusions of LaFond & Watts (2008) might not be universally applicable. Our findings support, in general, the applicability of their conclusion to a Taiwan data set. We find, however, that the effect of PIN appears weaker when auditor tenure is taken into account, thus supplementing their conclusions.  相似文献   
The preservation of the apprenticeship system in the Australian construction industry contrasts with its decline in Britain over the last three decades. This decline is conventionally ascribed to changes in industrial structure, specifically a decline in the role of the public sector, intensification of subcontracting and growth of self‐employment. Given that the Australian construction industry has undergone similar structural changes to those in the United Kingdom, this difference in outcome requires explanation. This article suggests that the contrasting outcomes are the result of institutional differences in the organization of the training system, employers and labour between the two countries. These institutional differences are, however, diminishing as arrangements for training and industrial relations in Australia are increasingly fashioned in the likeness of the United Kingdom.  相似文献   
悬浮床加氢裂化工艺技术经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了重油悬浮床加氢裂化工艺的最新发展,对国内新开发的悬浮床加氢裂化工艺特点作了介绍。并将悬浮床加氢和三种重油轻质化工艺——固定床加氢、延迟焦化、重油催化裂化在技术经济上作了分析对比。在原油品质越来越差的今天,针对劣质重油而开发的的悬浮床加氢裂化工艺具有非常广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
介绍了由微机、ADC芯片、I/O芯片及其他辅助芯片来实现颗粒物料配比的一种方法。  相似文献   
The paper develops a theoretical framework for analyzing the exchange structure in the trading of imperfectly imitable and imperfectly mobile firm resources. It first explores the conditions for such resources to be gainfully traded between firms and then investigates the interconnections between barriers to imitation and impediments to trading. A major part of the paper is devoted to developing an integrative and yet parsimonious model for assessing the exchange structure between firms that are involved in the trading of strategic resources in the face of signifcant transaction cost problems. The model is applied in the last part of the paper to the analysis of the choice between acquisitions and collaborative ventures.  相似文献   
研究目标:用完整遗漏估计量替代目前使用的未匹配遗漏估计量、逆记录检查遗漏估计量和平衡推算遗漏估计量。研究方法:采取文献解读、成果借鉴和移植及实地调查相结合的方法,研究完整遗漏估计量及其方差估计。研究发现:人口普查遗漏估计不只是要提供遗漏估计值,还要揭示遗漏的原因及其遗漏者的特征;构造普查遗漏估计量,既要包括登记在事后计数调查人口名单而未登记在普查名单的单重遗漏人口,还要包括同时遗漏于这两项调查名单的双重遗漏人口。研究创新:提出完整遗漏估计量。研究价值:完整遗漏估计量有望应用于中国2030年普查遗漏估计,开创世界人口普查遗漏估计应用完整遗漏估计量的先河。  相似文献   

Scholars have long studied drivers of entrepreneurial behavior among established firms. Yet little is known about how individual factors shape a firm’s choice to pursue entrepreneurship. We draw on behavioral agency theory to explore the role of equity incentives in driving corporate entrepreneurship. Our findings suggest CEOs avoid corporate entrepreneurial behaviors as their option wealth increases. However industry dynamics also prove to be an important contingency when predicting the effects of both restricted stock and stock options on the likelihood that the CEO engages in corporate entrepreneurship. Our findings provide a theoretical platform for predicting dimensions of entrepreneurial behavior and highlight effects of CEO equity ownership.

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