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Laser scanning is a very efficient way to generate realistic, high-resolution digital models of 3-D geological outcrops. This paper discusses the methodologies involved in the creation and analysis of virtual outcrops, based on laser scanner data. The visualisation of the laser scanner data as a photorealistic 3-D object is described. Geological features picked out on the virtual outcrop (e.g. fractures, faults or bedding planes) can be extrapolated outward, into space, and inward, into the subsurface, using tension surfaces.  相似文献   
最佳套期保值比率(OHR)的估计方法是金融工程理论研究的核心问题之一。从20世纪初所谓的“幼稚”方法到1970年代趋于成熟的JSE方法,以及后来的HKM方法和Adler—Dumas方法等,每一类新方法从某种程度上说都更好地起到了保值效果。然而,它们共同的症结都在于所估计的OHR是不随时间而变化的。自1982年Engle提出ARCH模型以来,不少国外学者已经开始尝试将ARCH/GARCH模型应用到OHR的研究中,从而求得动态的(或时变的)OHR,以期待衍生工具的套期保值效率得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   
面对国际金融危机,作为领军人物的企业家应增强必胜的信心,不断提升素质与能力,切实履行社会责任,保持健康向上的心态,勇于承担责任,完成历史赋予中国企业家的使命。  相似文献   
本文主要探讨中韩新能源领域的合作,尤其是对两国新能源领域中合作的经济效应进行评估。为了评价合作的经济效应,本文建立新能源合作的相对收益指数,并利用向量自回归模型(VAR)探寻能源合作指数(ECI)和贸易、GDP之间的关系,从而论证中韩新能源产业合作的重要性。  相似文献   
This paper examines the pricing behaviors of United States air carriers in domestic markets. With quarterly observations in 2000 and 2005, we use a heteroskedasticity-adjusted Instrumental Variable technique to investigate the carriers’ pricing strategies. The results show differential pricing strategies practiced by United States air carriers. American, United, Continental, and Northwest Airlines have higher airfares than Delta and Southwest Airlines in 2005. In 2000, all the carriers, except Delta have the same relationships with airfares. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the carriers’ pricing strategies can vary under the same market condition, indicating that carriers’ managerial decisions may influence their airfares.  相似文献   
Purpose: Backpacker tourism is flourishing in this century as the high development of Internet technology which enables travellers to search for resources they need easier. The research goal of this study was to exam how virtual skill and collective efficacy affect process innovation capability and subsequent team performance of collaborative design team in a virtual community. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, we formulated the virtual team model from the perspectives of open innovation paradigm and virtual competence, and we collected virtual community participation samples from the online communities. Invitation emails were delivered to numerous trip plan initiators in two well-known online travel communities for filling survey questionnaires for this study. In total, 3000 invitation messages were mailed, of which 373 were returned completed. The model and hypotheses were tested by structural equation modelling. Findings: Virtual competence, including collective efficacy and virtual media skill, is the essential key to facilitate process innovation capability and subsequent team performance success. Besides, knowledge sharing significantly moderates the relationship between process innovation capability and the team performance. Originality/value: Backpackers in the online travel communities have to have not only the willingness to collaborate, but also the abilities of using the correct tool to help with their tasks. When a self-efficacy gets into collective efficacy, it enables the collaborative team to develop with good virtual competencies. Accordingly, trip plan initiator and participants of a virtual team are as expertise contributors between conformity in online communities and online compulsive control tendencies.  相似文献   
This study examines the short- and long-run effects of various determinants on the demand for US air passenger-services using the Johansen cointegration analysis and a vector error-correction (VEC) model. Results show that, in the long-run, airfare, disposable income and NASDAQ have significant effects on US air travel demand. The combined short-run dynamic effects of disposable income, NASDAQ, population and airfare jointly explain changes in air passenger-miles. Finally, we find that the 9/11 terrorist attacks drop air passenger demand by 5% during 2001:Q3-2002:Q2, which in turn pushes down the seat capacity by 4%. However, it has little impact on airfare.  相似文献   
This paper explores some of the theoretical linkages between Thorstein Veblen and Karl Marx. Special reference is placed Veblen's criticisms of Marx and the Marxist tradition for adhering to the preconceptions of (a) the natural right of labour to the full product, and (b) the teleology of conscious agents directing action towards change. Veblen was incorrect to believe that Marx adhered to the natural right of labour thesis, but he was correct to assert that Marx utilized undesirable teleologies. Overall, however, Veblen was attempting to reformulate and modernise the materialistic conception of history through an evolutionary analysis of institutions. The two thinkers complement each other in important ways, although Veblen's analysis is more evolutionary, collectivist and holistic.  相似文献   
文章以2007-2012年我国A 股上市公司为样本,从政企关系重构的视角研究了地方政治权力转移对企业社会资本投资的影响。研究发现:(1)在地方政治权力转移当年,企业会显著提高社会资本投资力度。随着主政官员任期的增加,企业社会资本投资呈现下降趋势。这说明在主政官员任期内,企业社会资本投资呈现先增后减的周期性特点。这种周期性特点仅在民营企业中存在。(2)民营企业社会资本投资的周期性特点在地方官员来自外地、继任官员预期任期较长、管制行业以及融资约束程度高和无政治关联的企业样本中更加显著。(3)在地方政治权力转移当年,民营企业提高社会资本投资力度能够帮助其获得政府补助,但这种优势并不会立刻体现出来;同时,企业提高社会资本投资力度也会对自身的研发投入产生挤出效应,且挤出效应持续存在于继任官员的整个任期中。文章的研究为理解企业建立政企关系的手段、过程与效果提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
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