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What are the common denominators for success when we consider increasing gas efficiency and enhancing creativity in organizations? As an analogy, the principles of increasing gas efficiency are applicable to enhancing creativity in organizations: Plan activities in advance, allocate sufficient time, resources, and set a SMART goal with clear priority and focus. Identify talent in ourselves and others and do not fall into the temptation of following others. Big ideas take time. Maintain momentum, avoid interruptions, incorporate new technologies, information, and feedback, and modify action to achieve goals. We have 100% control of our thoughts and action. Stop idling, take action, and do it now. If everyone contributes just a little, the cumulative effect over time can be huge. If we have the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) for doing the right things that will benefit humanity and the whole world, but fail to do them, is this ethical? We, the managers, need to focus on what we have done and what we have failed to do, change our thinking, change our behavior, and accomplish our goals.  相似文献   
This study tests the income similarity effect developed by Linder on the developed and developing APEC countries. A modified gravity model is estimated for fourteen APEC countries based on trade data from 1985 to 1999. The result confirms early prediction that the income similarity effect is stronger for developed APEC countries. The developed APEC countries with similar per capita incomes tend to trade more with each other during the study period. In addition, the level of trade between the APEC countries can be predicted by their economic characteristics. The result reveals that trade between the APEC countries would increase as their economies become more developed.  相似文献   
Using the modified gravity model, this study examines whether the free trade areas of NAFTA, ANZCER and ASEAN would result in trade creation among the member countries and trade diversion with the non-member countries. Further, it applies Linder's income similarity concept to explain the trade patterns in the developed and developing countries within these free trade areas. First, the results suggest that the implementations of the free trade areas have facilitated higher trade among the member countries, particularly the ANZCER and ASEAN countries. However, among all three free trade areas, the formation of the ANZCER free trade area has resulted in trade diversion with non-member countries, whereas that of the ASEAN free trade area has resulted in a trade increase with non-member countries. Surprisingly, the formation of the NAFTA free trade area has no significant effect on trade with non-member countries as their trade flows remain quite low even before its implementation. Second, the result indicates that the trade-enhancing effect of income similarity is confirmed for the developing rather than developed member countries. The developing member countries with similar incomes would trade extensively more with each other. This result can be partly explained by Hanink's income threshold concept, which argues that the income similarity effect is only applicable to developed countries with very small difference in incomes. Given the heterogeneous country sample in this study, the substantial income differences among the developed member countries would probably account for the lack of income similarity effect in these countries.  相似文献   
This research investigates the efficacy of business ethics intervention, tests a theoretical model that the love of money is directly or indirectly related to propensity to engage in unethical behavior (PUB), and treats college major (business vs. psychology) and gender (male vs. female) as moderators in multi-group analyses. Results suggested that business students who received business ethics intervention significantly changed their conceptions of unethical behavior and reduced their propensity to engage in theft; while psychology students without intervention had no such changes. Therefore, ethics training had some impacts on business students’ learning and education (intelligence). For our theoretical model, results of the whole sample (N = 298) revealed that Machiavellianism (measured at Time 1) was a mediator of the relationship between the love of money (measured at Time 1) and unethical behavior (measured at Time 2) (the Love of Money → Machiavellianism → Unethical Behavior). Further, this mediating effect existed for business students (n = 198) but not for psychology students (n = 100), for male students (n = 165) but not for female students (n = 133), and for male business students (n = 128) but not for female business students (n = 70). Moreover, when examined alone, the direct effect (the Love of Money → Unethical Behavior) existed for business students but not for psychology students. We concluded that a short business ethics intervention may have no impact on the issue of virtue (wisdom). Thomas Li-Ping Tang (Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University) is a Full Professor of Management in the Department of Management and Marketing, Jennings A. Jones College of Business at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). He has taught Industrial and Organizational Psychology at National Taiwan University and at MTSU. Professor Tang teaches, has taught, MBA/EMBA courses in China (Hong Kong and Shanghai), France (Nantes), and Spain (Valencia). He serves, has served, on 6 editorial review boards and reviews papers for 28 journals. His research interests focus upon compensation, the Love of Money, business ethics, pay satisfaction, and cross-cultural issues. He has published more than 100 journal articles in top behavior sciences and management journals (e.g., Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Management Research, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Business Ethics.) and presented more than 190 papers in professional conferences and invited seminars. He was the winner of two Outstanding Research Awards (1991,1999) and Distinguished International Service Award (1999) at Middle Tennessee State University. He also received the Best Reviewer Awards from the International Management Division of the Academy of Management in Seattle, WA (2003) and in Philadelphia, PA (2007). Yuh-Jia Chen (Ph.D., Columbia University) is an Associate Professor of Business Statistics in the Rinker of School of Business at Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. He has taught statistics at Middle Tennessee State University and Teachers College, Columbia University. His research interests lie in money attitude, choice and decision-making, risk-taking behavior, and compensation. His publications have appeared in behavior sciences and management journals (e.g., Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Business and Psychology, and Journal of Business Ethics).  相似文献   
唐学庆 《中国市场》2008,(41):106-107
本文以"钻石模型"为切入点,从生产要素、需求状况、相关产业、企业战略以及政府和机遇五个方面对我国铝轮毂产业的竞争力进行分析,并据此提出进一步的发展对策。  相似文献   
Backaround Baostecl and CVRD reached an agreement on the price hikes of 65 percent and 71 percent in February.And in June Baosteel and Rio Tinto which is the largest iron ore company in Australia reached an agreement on the price hikes of 79.88 percent on the iron ore fines and 96.5 percent on the iron ore lumps.This is the first time that two kinds of the iron ore price grew at the same time in Asian market.  相似文献   
中小企业营销的新模式——论坛营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤静 《市场研究》2007,(12):47-48
<正>近年来,我国中小企业整体发展迅速,在整个国民经济中占有重要地位,已经成为我国经济发展的重要支撑。中小企业一般存在着资金薄弱、规模较小、生产和技术创新投入力度低、经营管理水平低等原因,导致企业在传统  相似文献   
<正>相关链接:REACH法规(Registraion,Evaluation,Authoriza- don and Restriticon ofchenlicals)全称为《化学品注册、评估、授权和限制法规》。该法规于2006年12月经欧盟议会和欧盟理事会正式表决通过。并于2007年6月1日正式实施。该法规的主要内容是通过建立一个全面的化学品注册、评估、授权和限制监管系统,对欧盟境内生产、使用、销售的化工产品及其下游的纺织、轻工、机电等产品中的化学品进行统一的监控管理,目的在于保护人类健康和自然环境不受到化学品的负面影响。  相似文献   
<正>人们看到“暴力”一词,往往想到的是强制性的身体暴力,但是“暴力”在新的经济环境之下,还产生了另外一种不同的含义,围绕暴力经常出现的新词汇就有“喜剧暴力”、“伦理暴力”“文化暴力”、“财富暴力”和“语言暴力”  相似文献   
以某型号矿用排水泵入口段口环密封为研究对象,采用数值仿真方法,研究排水泵迷宫密封内部流动特征,分析迷宫密封结构尺寸与形状对其泄漏量的影响。结果表明:迷宫的间隙尺寸对密封性能的影响最大,间隙宽度和节流齿宽度的变化将导致泄漏量的大幅变化;相比直齿结构迷宫密封,异形齿结构有利于湍流充分发展,从而可以提高密封性能;通过分析复杂迷宫密封的内部流场,得到适用于排水泵的优化的迷宫密封结构。  相似文献   
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