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Traditionally, R&D studies focus on organisational characteristics and internal context factor effects on a firm's R&D activities. This paper extends previous research by analysing firm–level R&D expenditures in the wider context of inter–organisational networks. Using sample of 2002 manufacturing firms in Italy, it provides evidence that R&D intensity is linked to a firm's positioning within an industrial group's hierarchy. Further tests on the antecedents of R&D expenditures are carried out in relation to the effects of firm characteristics and industry factors. Important findings include a significant and positive association between R&D intensity and the firm's size, performance, intangible assets and industry concentration. These findings suggest that, in addition to firm–level factors and its market environment, network resources and organisation may play an important role in driving the intensity of the firm's R&D expenditures.  相似文献   
This article provides evidence on the relation among financial constraints, competition, and the cyclicality of markups. Based on a long series of industry data from a large number of countries, we find that markups increase in conjunction with the business cycle in environments with higher short‐term financial constraints (liquidity constraints) and more competition. The evidence also suggests that these two elements complement each other: the procyclicality of markups in firms facing both high competition and high liquidity constraints is higher than that explained by each determinant independently.  相似文献   
商业银行反周期资本缓冲的方法选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提供了设计反周期资本缓冲的一些经验教训和方法选择,主要贡献在于分析了用于指引资本缓冲建立和释放的条件变量。不同反周期资本措施的主要区别在于条件变量是银行特定的还是系统性的,前种方法对特定构成要素的数量要求巨大,相比之下系统性的方法更具优势。作为资本缓冲增加进度和规模信号的最佳变量未必是指引资本缓冲释放时机和程度的最佳变量。信贷/GDP比率是指引建立阶段开始的最好变量,总损失的某种衡量,与信贷条件指标一起,可以很好地发出释放资本的信号。不过,现阶段设计完全以规则为基础的机制不太可能,不同程度的主观判断不可避免。此外,本文还认为,减少最低资本要求的敏感性是可靠的反周期缓冲措施的重要组成部分。在本次金融危机发生之后,反周期资本管理正逐渐引起国内银行业及相关部门的重视,本刊征得作者同意,翻译并发表此文,以期为相关部门资本监管和风险管理提供借鉴。作者及所在机构对译文免责。  相似文献   
The economic literature has attributed part of the increase in government expenditure over the 20th century to female voting. This is puzzling, considering that the political science literature has documented that women tended to be more conservative than men over the first half of the 20th century. We argue that the current estimates of this relationship are afflicted by endogeneity bias. Using data for 46 countries and a novel set of instruments related to the diffusion of female suffrage across the globe, we find that, on average, the introduction of female suffrage did not increase either social expenditures or total government expenditure.  相似文献   
Boards of directors have recently become more attentive to their stakeholders' concerns, providing more transparent information and adopting more sustainable business strategies. This study investigates the influence of a critical mass of women on boards on the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure score and its three components separately. Using a sample of the FTSE-MIB listed companies in the 2005–2017 period, we show that reaching a critical mass of female board members—going from one or two women to at least three—enhances the level of ESG disclosure. The results also show that the critical mass of female board members has a positive influence on every component of the ESG score, with the highest contribution of women reaching the governance score. These findings provide insights to shareholders and policymakers and suggest that a critical mass of female board members is particularly effective in improving transparency, and it can be seen as a mechanism to transit to stakeholder governance, fostering more sustainable behavior in firms.  相似文献   
Contu  Giulia  Conversano  Claudio  Frigau  Luca  Mola  Francesco 《Quality and Quantity》2020,54(5-6):1633-1653
Quality & Quantity - Airbnb is currently one of the most developed new forms of hospitality. It is essentially an online platform that connects the owners of apartments or rooms with potential...  相似文献   
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - The aim of this study is to show how information asymmetry affects the venture capital (VC) deal selection process in the Italian capital...  相似文献   
The contribution of economic and financial integration to international stock markets comovements are investigated by means of a large scale macroeconometric model, set in the factor vector autoregressive framework (F-VAR). The findings point to a relevant role for both economic and financial integration in explaining international stock markets comovements for the G-7 countries. While economic integration would exercise its effects through the common response of stock markets to global economic shocks, financial integration would operate through financial shocks spillovers, particularly at the regional level.   相似文献   
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