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We use survey data on high school graduates before and after the Italian reform of tertiary education implementing the “Bologna Process” to estimate its impact on college enrollment. Individuals leaving school after the reform have a probability of enrollment that is 15% higher compared to otherwise identical individuals. This increase is concentrated among individuals with good school performance and low parental background. We interpret this result as an indication of the existence of constraints – for good students from less advantaged households – on the optimal schooling decision. We also find a small negative impact of the reform on university drop-out.  相似文献   
The paper contributes to the debate on growth and distribution in a non‐mainstream perspective. It looks at the role that capacity utilization plays in the process of growth under the hypothesis that the rate of capital depreciation is a function of the degree of capacity utilization. Our hypothesis implies results partly different from those obtained by other models in which capacity utilization plays a key role. In particular, a varying rate of depreciation affects the conditions under which distributional changes in favor of wages affect the rate of growth positively.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to identify the weighted importance of intrinsic and extrinsic attributes. Intrinsic attributes are defined as the specific features of products. Extrinsic attributes refer to other characteristics that are also important for price composition, such as brand, store layout and services, and purchasing experiences. In a survey with 1,923 collected responses, it was possible to identify and quantify intrinsic and extrinsic influencing factors beyond price strategy in the Brazilian fashion market for blue jeans. The statistical analysis was based on the hedonic price method. The idea of expressing the price based on a series of intrinsic and extrinsic variables avoids the problem of using the regression technique. In this research, multiple linear regression and quantile regression were applied. The results show that extrinsic attributes have greater influence than intrinsic features on explaining the final market prices using log-linear and quantile regression statistical methods.  相似文献   
This article provides evidence on the relation among financial constraints, competition, and the cyclicality of markups. Based on a long series of industry data from a large number of countries, we find that markups increase in conjunction with the business cycle in environments with higher short‐term financial constraints (liquidity constraints) and more competition. The evidence also suggests that these two elements complement each other: the procyclicality of markups in firms facing both high competition and high liquidity constraints is higher than that explained by each determinant independently.  相似文献   
This study underlines that the decision to enter into an external R&D relationship is related to an antecedent decision to carry out R&D. This calls for an empirical approach that permits the joint analysis of the determinants of the two decisions, correcting for sample selectivity. Based on a sample of Italian manufacturing firms, the results confirm the need to adopt this approach. Another contribution made by this study is the managerial implications that can be derived from its empirical model, which provide a better understanding of the factors associated with a firm's decision to engage in R&D both independently and with external partners.  相似文献   
Computing value at risk with high frequency data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We compare the computation of value at risk with daily and with high frequency data for the Deutsche mark–US dollar exchange rate. Among the main points considered in the paper are: (a) the comparison of measures of value at risk on the basis of multi-step volatility forecasts; (b) the computation of the degree of fractional differencing for high frequency data in the context of a Fractionally Integrated Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (FIGARCH) model; and (c) the comparison between deterministic and stochastic models for the filtering of high frequency returns.  相似文献   
The Italian National Health Service introduced quad-markets, regionalization, and managerialism in the 1990s. Under quasi-markets, large providers have been separated from purchasers and funded by 'activity'—the quantity, mix, and possibly appropriateness of services provided. Under regionalization, each of Italy's 21 regional governments is able to design its own funding arrangements. The regions have generally been trying to mitigate the effects of quasi-markets and are now increasingly 'governing' them. The system is producing some desirable results, including a shift from ordinary to same-day hospitalizations and a reduction in length of stay. Hospital admissions increased initially, but only where the regions encouraged this. Financial effects are more controversial.  相似文献   
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