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文章以2006—2014年中国西部11省区市汇总的乡镇层面面板数据为例,来考察农村交通基础设施的存量(有效路网密度)和流量(投资)对农村居民收入的共同影响,并从作为农村居民收入主要构成的工资性收入和家庭经营纯收入两种角度来探析农村交通基础设施影响农村居民收入的主要机制。结果显示,交通基础设施存量对农村居民人均纯收入及其两大主要构成均具有一定的显著促进作用,但流量层面对农村居民收入总体的影响不显著。分省来看,则发现了交通基础设施影响农民收入增长的异质性,各地区因自身发展条件和对交通的依赖性差异,导致其收入效应各不相同,同时流量的作用相对存量而言依然较弱,且异质性更为明显。分省异质性的存在表明,西部地区内部各省发展差异不可忽视,寻求农村交通基础发展推进农民增收的路径也应因地制宜。  相似文献   
随着国家电网公司“三集五大”、“大营销”体系的建设和省级计量中心建设的推进,电能计量资产管理面临集约化、标准化、精细化、自动化需求。重庆市电力公司通过积极探索和应用基于闭环供应链的电能计量资产全寿命周期管理体系及策略,不断提升电能计量资产集约化管理水平,取得了较好的实施效果。  相似文献   
This paper puts the current problems facing the thrift industry, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation into historical perspective. It discusses the development of federal deposit insurance and regulation of depository institutions. The paper discusses causes of the recent financial difficulties faced by thrift institutions and the policy responses to those problems. It then examines the effect of the recent 511 thrift failures on the risk-taking behavior of institutions and the Bank Board's policy responses to risk-taking. Finally, the paper suggests possible responses to the large and growing number of insolvent institutions that have an economic incentive to pursue extremely risky portfolio opportunities.  相似文献   
运用多任务委托代理模型研究零售商产品销售和市场知识共享两项工作任务的最优激励合约后得出,若两项工作任务的成本函数之间相互独立,那么激励相容条件下两项工作任务的最优业绩报酬也是相互独立的,且最优激励因子是各项任务下制造商边际收益的增函数、是零售商绝对风险规避系数、各项任务边际成本变化率和业绩方差的减函数,同时提出了效率风险的概念;而如果两项工作任务的成本函数是相互依存的,那么在激励相容条件下,产品销售任务的最优激励合约是“门槛型激励合约”,并定量地给出了零售商的“门槛激励条件”,最后结合模型结论从理论上解释了供应链企业间普遍存在的一些现实问题。  相似文献   
海门市土地利用结构优化研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在对海门市土地利用现状分析的基础上。结合当地社会经济发展的需求和有关规划控制指标。借助灰色线性规划模型求解未来该市土地利用结构优化数据。寻求符合社会,经济和生态三效益的土地利用规划方案。并在实施中取得了较为满意的效果。  相似文献   
How can executives achieve a match between expected external environmental conditions and internal organizational capabilities that facilitates improved performance? This paper argues that a firm's choice of ‘reference points’ can help achieve strategic alignment capable of yielding improved performance and potentially even a sustainable competitive advantage. Building upon prospect theory and other relevant theoretical perspectives, the strategic reference point (SRP) matrix is developed. A firm's SRP consists of three dimensions: internal capability, external conditions, and time. A theory is developed which posits an optimal SRP structure, and propositions are offered which articulate the expected relationships between the SRP, strategic choice behavior, and firm performance. The paper closes with some suggestions for using strategic reference points in both research and practice.  相似文献   
From the Survey of Consumer Finances conducted in 1989 and 1992 a logit model was tested for demographic and financial influences on household decisions to utilize home equity line credit. Results indicate that among households with credit lines other than credit card lines or business lines, the choice of a home equity credit line in lieu of another type of check credit line is influenced principally by percentage of equity in the home, income, net worth, age of the borrower, and credit price. Several implications may be derived from this study. As the markets reflect more complete information about the low-risk attributes of this credit, the convenience as a payment mechanism, and the tax subsidy to homeowners, it is expected that home equity credit lines users will be distributed more evenly across income and wealth categories.  相似文献   
针对现阶段我国电子产品制造业中存在的供应短缺和库存冗余问题,提出了一种独立分销商对客户的双向购销模式,分析了该模式中的短缺采购服务、回购和调剂冗余库存服务两大职能,并根据我国特定的行业环境研究了双向购销模式在我国的实施策略。  相似文献   
直通配送可以降低供应链成本、提高配送响应速度和质量以及满足客户需求。结合我国零售连锁业中商品配送环节的现状,本文分析了协作型直通配送的特点,提出了通过信息平台进行信息共享与资源整合的协作型直通配送运作模式,并对该模式的实施过程进行了论述,最后通过一个案例说明了该模式对我国零售企业物流配送环节的发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
土地利用规划管理作为一项政府职能,作为实施和落实土地利用规划的手段,在我国加入WTO后,其管理人员的素质和观念、管理的模式、管理的机制和法规等必将面临新的挑战,同时也将面临着各方面的机遇,在此基础之上,论文阐述了加入WTO后我国土地利用规划管理的基本原则及对策,包括规划管理体制的改革、规划管理方式的转变、规划管理的手段的调整、规划管理政策的健全等各方面的内容。  相似文献   
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