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Irena Grosfeld   《Economic Systems》2009,33(3):259-277
This paper explores the relationship between ownership structure and firm value in firms listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The results of the estimations, taking into account simultaneity and reverse causality, show that the relationship between ownership concentration and firm value differs across firms belonging to the sector of innovative technologies and more ‘mature’ firms. The results give support to the hypothesis that ‘mature’ firms with higher ownership concentration are likely to perform better than firms with more dispersed ownership. In contrast, in high-tech companies, with large share of knowledge related activities, higher ownership concentration is associated with lower firm value. This effect is robust to various alternative specifications.  相似文献   
This paper seeks to add to a scholarly dialogue regarding the role and value of qualitative techniques in research on learning and using statistics. The paper briefly outlines some of the core assumptions of qualitative research methods, and presents four examples to illustrate selected qualitative methods that are used by educational researchers and service organizations. The discussion emphasizes the need to integrate quantitative and qualitative approaches in research on learners and users of statistics, and suggests that such integration may be needed to study emerging web-based communities of learners and users of statistics.  相似文献   
This paper continues the analysis of a special uncapacitated single item lot sizing problem where a minimum order quantity restriction, instead of the setup cost, guarantees a certain level of production lots. A detailed analysis of the model and an investigation of the particularities of the cumulative demand structure allow us to develop a solution algorithm based on the concept of atomic sub-problems. We present an optimal solution to an atomic sub-problem in an explicit form and prove that it serves as a construction block for the optimal solution of the original problem. Computational tests and a comparison with a published algorithm confirm the efficiency of the solution algorithm developed here.  相似文献   
In this article we explore how nature becomes part of the city through the example of allotment gardening in the city of Prague, in the Czech Republic. Prague allotments were established based on an ongoing political-ecological process of urbanization of nature that was locally driven by socialist (from 1948 to 1989) and later neoliberal governance. We employ a situated urban political ecology (UPE) approach to analyse changes in the planning of allotments and the impact thereof on the experience of gardeners. This double focus allows us to uncover the effects of neoliberalization on the processes of production of urban nature in respect of both policy and everyday practice. We contrast contemporary capitalist urbanization with its socialist predecessor by showing the immediate effects of the acceptance of neoliberal modes of governance on allotments, urban nature and the understanding of the city. We open allotments as a terrain for UPE to turn attention to the (uneven) production of urban nature in a post-socialist context that has thus far been largely absent from the UPE literature. We demonstrate that post-socialist urbanization is a fruitful terrain that offers new opportunities to unmask the effects of neoliberalization on the production of uneven urban space and thus improves our understanding of contemporary uneven urbanisms.  相似文献   
A series of deregulatory reforms has promoted accelerated equity issuance at the expense of adequate time for underwriter and market scrutiny. Today the majority of publicly listed companies can raise equity on a moment's notice, but many eligible issuers choose to allow additional time for scrutiny. We hypothesise that issuers with less favourable inside information (i.e. lower quality issuers) prefer to avoid the pre‐issue scrutiny that could reveal their inside information and are therefore more likely to accelerate their offer. We find supportive evidence using measures of stock valuation and earnings quality as proxies for firm quality. The results suggest that investors are slow to capitalise the information embedded in the speed of issuance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multivariate shrinkage estimator for the optimal portfolio weights. The estimated classical Markowitz weights are shrunk to the deterministic target portfolio weights. Assuming log asset returns to be i.i.d. Gaussian, explicit solutions are derived for the optimal shrinkage factors. The properties of the estimated shrinkage weights are investigated both analytically and using Monte Carlo simulations. The empirical study compares the competing portfolio selection approaches. Both simulation and empirical studies show that the proposed shrinkage estimator is robust and provides significant gains to the investor compared to benchmark procedures.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of in-store background music valence (liking) and music fit with the overall store image on consumer evaluative and behavioural responses in the context of a high-end supermarket chain. Based on the previous body of work, a conceptual model is developed to examine music valence on customer appraisal of store offering and personnel, and on the length of shopping time and the value of purchase. The influence of the perceived music fit with the overall store image on shopping time is also assessed in the model. The hypothesized relationships are examined via covariance analysis using store-intercept consumer data. Implications of the structural analyses results for management of retail store brands and for future research on music as an element of store atmospherics are discussed.  相似文献   
The theory of economic reforms in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe did not follow the development of western economic theory. Although the fundamental economic issues are different in the West and in the East (employment and inflation versus shortages and lack of technological progress) the reform economics is concerned with the optimal mix of centralisation and decentralisation, of market and hierarchy, of autonomy and control, and-more recently-of public and private. All these issues have been extensively treated in western economic literature.This paper overviews those fields in contemporary economics which could offer the East European reformers an enlightening perspective and useful tools in their search for a new institutional solution. Four such fields are presented: comparative economic systems, theory of incentives, literature stressing relative costs and benefits of different institutional solutions and comparing market and nonmarket failures, and the theory of property rights.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the conference Plan and/or Market. A Comparative Study of Reform Economics in Soviet-Type Societies, organized by the Institut für die Wissenschaften von Menschen in Vienna in December 1988. Useful comments by Pierre-André Chiappori, Ellen Comisso, Roger Guesnerie, Pavel Pelikan, Richard Portes, Kazimierz Poznanski and Gérard Roland are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Skills are central to employment, yet they are often poorly understood in theory and underdeveloped in practice. The articles in this issue of HRMJ were originally presented at an ESRC‐funded seminar in Manchester in 2001 and show how working practices, control systems and regulation can have an impact on skills. This article introduces the special issue by considering the interrelationship between the individual expertise, job design and discretion that constitute skill. Drawing on data from the 2001 Skills Survery, it notes that developments in these areas are not necessarily compatible with one another, and reviews the implications for policymakers and practitioners.  相似文献   
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