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Public services in the UK are increasingly expected to account for their outputs and performance. This article describes a retrospective evaluation of the benefits from the R&D funded by a regional office of the NHS Executive. The methods adopted enabled the various elements of the region's R&D portfolio to be examined and provided a basis for the development of a plan for regular monitoring. The proposals for implementation are now also feeding into a debate as to how health services R&D might best be monitored nationally in a way that is compatible with the norms and practices of research in other contexts.  相似文献   
Despite considerable empirical evidence reporting a negative relationship between net share issuance and subsequent returns, it remains unresolved whether this anomaly is explained by risk or investor irrationality. This study examines the net share issuance anomaly using seasoned equity offerings before and after the introduction of an imputation tax system. We report robust evidence of a negative relationship between net share issuance and returns post‐imputation, but no relationship pre‐imputation. Our results provide evidence to support the international pervasiveness of the net share issuance anomaly, but more importantly suggest that this anomaly may be explained by risk.  相似文献   
A recent innovation in management accounting is the practice of reporting unused capacity costs. This experimental study examines factors that affect when this practice improves decisions and when it impairs decisions. Reporting unused capacity costs uniformly leads experimental participants to cut unused capacity resources. Such cuts improve overall profitability when demand exhibits a negative trend. However, the cost savings from capacity reduction are more than offset by the increased opportunity cost of foregone demand when demand exhibits a positive trend. As such, this study suggests that explicit capacity cost reporting can be detrimental to growing companies.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes a simple model that captures the relationship between institutional quality, the shadow economy, and corruption. It shows that an improvement in institutional quality reduces the shadow economy and affects the corruption market. The exact relationship between corruption and institutional quality is, however, ambiguous and depends on the relative effectiveness of institutional quality in the shadow and corruption markets. The analytics also show that the shadow economy and corruption are substitutes. The predictions of the model are empirically tested and confirmed.  相似文献   
In the second of the two articles, the authors reflect on and extend their earlier work by describing recent trends in water privatization, drawing important lessons from cases where privatization efforts have failed, offering suggestions about the way privatized firms can be successfully monitored, and addressing the popular argument that “fairness” demands that water be distributed by public firms at a zero (or heavily subsidized) price.  相似文献   
Contrasting approaches to assessing the performance of public services highlight important issues for policy-makers and future research. We need systematic comparisons between countries. We should use a broader range of evidence. The public ought to have a greater role in designing performance criteria, and we need to know more about the impacts of assessments.  相似文献   
This paper reexamines the determinants of the number of analysts following a firm using econometric models based on count distributions. We replicate Bhushan's (1989) analyst-following study to demonstrate the effects of using count-data econometrics, in lieu of OLS, in studying phenomena where the dependent variable ranges among nonnegative integers. In contrast with the original paper, our findings indicate the number of institutional investors is inversely related with analyst following. We also provide econometric evidence to support the preferred use of the negative binomial model in estimating cross-sectional, analyst-following regressions.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Prior research documents that US firms write off large in-process research and development charges (IPRD) for acquisitions, possibly overstating the current period expense to inflate future earnings. Consequently, in 1998, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began scrutinizing IPRD charges. We use pre-acquisition R&D expenses of 144 target firms as a benchmark for assessing whether IPRD charges are appropriate. Overall, the results suggest that most firms during our sample period were not overly aggressive in expensing IPRD–especially for acquisitions subsequent to the SEC's scrutiny. The results also indicate that the SEC's intervention reduced the frequency of overstated IPRD charges.  相似文献   
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