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重庆合川发电有限公司双槐电厂2×300 MW机组脱硫装置由于其投产后煤质发生了较大变化,造成烟气中SO2含量和排放量成倍的增加.为了保证其环保达标排放,对合川电厂脱硫装置进行了技术改造,利用倒装法增加了吸收塔高度,增加了1层喷淋层,保证了装置在改造后实现吸收塔出口SO2浓度低于400 mg/Nm3.  相似文献   
Intergovernmental fiscal arrangements may play an important role in ameliorating poverty in many countries. Successful poverty alleviation generally requires both ‘capacity improving’ and ‘safety net’ policies, and both types of policies may, to some extent, be implemented through, or affected by, intergovernmental transfers. From this perspective, we analyse the efficacy of intergovernmental fiscal arrangements in poverty alleviation in a transitional economy, Viet Nam. We argue that both general and specific transfers are needed for this purpose: the former to enable all provinces to provide a given basket of public services at a given tax-price by offsetting their revenue and cost disabilities and the latter to ensure that minimum levels of those public services provided by lower levels of government are targeted to the poor throughout the country.  相似文献   
安徽省旅游企业信息化管理的重点和难点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的趋势,为全球经济发展提供了新的生产力.为了加快安徽省旅游信息化的建设,根据目前安徽省旅游信息化的现状,站在旅游行业的高度,对旅游行业供应链、价值链进行重新设计,并就重点和难点问题展开专题研究.  相似文献   
Stock market reaction suggests that despite improved disclosure and increased accountability, Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) is too costly and not beneficial. Noting that bondholders are likely to reap the many potential benefits of SOX without bearing the brunt of costs, we examine how SOX affected corporate credit spreads to better assess its benefits. SOX has led to a significant structural decline in spreads of at least 27 basis points. Riskier firms (low rating, long maturity, high leverage, and small size) and firms closely related to SOX major provisions (earning variability, managerial trading, and corporate governance) experience greater declines in spreads.  相似文献   
1.风险投资的实质风险投资(venturecapital),在国外又称创业投资,是指将资金投入到快速成长的、具有高度不确定性的未上市中小企业,以期获得高收益的投资行为。风险投资家以专业知识主动参与经营,使被投资企业能够健全经营、迅速成长,风险投资家可在被投资企业成功后,将所持有股票卖出,收回资金及其高额利润,再投资于另一新创企业,复始进行中长期投资并参与经营。风险投资家以获取股息、红利及资本利得为目的,其最大特征是甘冒较大风险以获取巨额资本利得。与其他投资相比,风险投资的特殊性在于其投资收益是通过转让风险企业的股权而实现增…  相似文献   
This paper reexamines broadly. from the standpoint of innovation, the arguments for vertical integration in the U.S. telecommunications industry in light of structural change since the breakup of the Bell System. While basic and applied research became the casualty of the 1984 breakup and the 1995 AT&T split, there is no evidence that the pace of innovative activity and productivity has slowed. Evidence from R&D and patent data suggests some acceleration of innovative activity. However. the service segment of the industry ceased to be the center of technological innovation. The source of future innovation seems to lie in the telecommunications and Internet equipment firms and independent software firms. The emergence of the competitive stand-alone software industry, combined with a trend towards open operating systems and customer demand for greater flexibility, and growing substitution of technology alliances for in-house R&D appear to have undermined the case for vertical integration in the telecommunications industry. From the standpoint of business strategy, the question of whether a firm like AT&T, notwithstanding its huge investments in cable facilities, can develop distinctive and sustainable capabilities through horizontal expansion and ubiquity and one-stopshopping marketing alone remains open.  相似文献   
T. J. Rao 《Metrika》1966,10(1):89-91
Summary For the sampling scheme ofMidzuno [3] andSen [4], which provides unbiased ratio estimators an expression for the variance of the estimator does not seem to be available in literature. An expression for the same is derived in this note.  相似文献   
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