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The ethical governance of the global Internet is an accelerating global phenomenon. A key paradox of the global Internet is that it allows individual and collective decision making to co-exist with each other. Open source software (OSS) communities are a globally accelerating phenomenon. OSS refers to groups of programs that allow the free use of the software and further the code sharing to the general and corporate users of the software. The combination of private provision and public knowledge and software, and the seeming paradox of economic versus social motivations have stimulated a wide debate between researchers and policymakers. In this article, we analyze OSS communities from the viewpoint of “intrinsic motivation,” knowledge creation, and collective Internet governance. We believe that the growth of global OSS has fundamental implications for business ethics and the governance of the global Internet in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   
This study examines the role of knowledge management capacity in the relationship between strategic human resource practices and innovation performance from the knowledge-based view. This study uses regression analysis to test the hypotheses in a sample of 146 firms. The results indicate that strategic human resource practices are positively related to knowledge management capacity which, in turn, has a positive effect on innovation performance. The findings provide evidence that knowledge management capacity plays a mediating role between strategic human resource practices and innovation performance. Finally, this study discusses managerial implications and highlights future research directions.  相似文献   
Recently, guanxi has become one of the hottest topics in domestic academia. Although relationship and guanxi are the same in Chinese characters, significant differences exist between the “relationship” in the western academic context and what Chinese people are familiar with, the Chinese “guanxi”. The indiscriminate imitation of the western relationship marketing in China neglecting the Chinese native culture context is detrimental to a true and thorough understanding of the Chinese relationship marketing practice. Therefore, it is of great significance to conduct research on guanxi in the Chinese native commercial context. Based on domestic and foreign literature review, this paper uses a qualitative research method including content analysis and focus group to get a thorough understanding of guanxi both from the academia and from the practitioners, followed by quantitative analysis methods including questionnaire investigation and factor analysis to develop a native commercial guanxi concept scale. After comparison of the qualitative and quantitative research results, an integrated guanxi concept system is built, which lays foundation for the future guanxi research. __________ Translated and revised from Yingxiao kexue xuebao 营销科学学报 (Journal of Marketing Science), 2006, 9(1): 1–14  相似文献   
In this paper, we apply the asymptotic theory of panel cointegration developed by Kao and Chiang (1998) to Coe and Helpman's (1995) international R&D spillovers regression. The OLS with bias-correction, the fully-modified (FM) and the dynamic OLS (DOLS) estimations produce different predictions about the impact of foreign R&D on total factor productivity (TFP) although all the estimations support the result that domestic R&D is related to TFP.  相似文献   
在企业的所有资源中,人力资源是最根本的、具有决定性意义的资源,只有拥有高素质的人力资源,企业才能具备战略核心竞争力。而加强培训,是企业打造人力资源核心竞争力的重要环节。文章批驳了对企业培训工作的五点错误认识,提出了企业人员培训应做到与企业发展战略、生产经营、发展实力等相结合,做到优选培训人员、培训内容、培训方式、培训单位和师资。  相似文献   
新疆天业对推广滴灌节水技术的总结与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该论文重点阐述了新疆天业推广滴灌技术对农业生产方式产生的深刻变革、发展节水灌溉的经验和做法及建议在明年“三农”工作、“十二五”规划和国家水资源布局重大决策中,对节水灌溉予以高度重视、充分考虑。  相似文献   
根据在南京市进行问卷调查与实地访谈所获的调查数据,本文运用Logistic方法具体分析了人均住房面积等五个因素在廉租房实物配租住户住房满意度方面的影响程度;运用Excel数据统计分析住户在廉租房政策及实物配租方式等影响因素中的满意度。  相似文献   
Using panel data from Illinois grain farmers, a direct test of the relationship between income risk and farm consumption behavior is conducted. The estimation results indicate that income risk significantly affects farm consumption and the results are robust using alternative risk measures. This finding casts doubt on the relevance of the conventional life-cycle permanent income hypothesis, which implies that risk has no effect on consumption.  相似文献   
发达国家林产品绿色政府采购政策兴起及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
回顾了英国、新西兰、丹麦、法国、日本等发达国家的林产品绿色政府采购政策兴起及其历程,并对未来发展趋势进行分析。虽然实施时间比较短,林产品绿色政府采购政策的实施效果尚难以得到准确评估,但从长远来看,实施林产品绿色政府采购政策将促进林产品的合法交易和相关国家木材的可持续发展,具有较好的发展前景。另一方面因国情不同,木材贸易现状各异,目前各国对林产品绿色政府采购政策分歧较大。中国作为木材贸易大国,对此应加以重视。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖渔业资源的利用现状及其应采取的保护措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文简要介绍了鄱阳湖渔业资源的现状,分析了渔业资源存在的优势以及目前对其利用的不合理现象,并进一步从渔民思想的“惯性”、保护资源政策的落实情况、资源开发缺乏整体规划等方面分析了不合理利用渔业资源的深层次原因,文章的最后提出了保护鄱阳湖渔业资源的可行性对策。  相似文献   
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