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This study is rooted in the research traditions of cultivation theory, construct accessibility, and availability heuristic. Based on a survey with 221 subjects, this study finds that familiarity with direct-to-consumer (DTC) print advertisements for antidepressant brands is associated with inflated perceptions of the prevalence and lifetime risk of depression. The study concludes that DTC advertising potentially has significant effects on perceptions of depression prevalence and risk. Interpersonal experiences with depression coupled with DTC advertising appear to significantly predict individuals’ perceived lifetime risk of depression. The study ultimately demonstrates that DTC advertising may play a role in constructing social reality of diseases and medicine. The findings strongly suggest that the social cognitive effects of DTC advertising are far-reaching, impacting pharmaceutical marketing strategy as well as presenting issues regarding public health and the business ethics of advertising drugs to consumers. Jin Seong Park is a doctoral student at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He earned his MA from Marquette University and BA from Korea University in Seoul, Korea. His research interests include health communication and DTC drug advertising, mood and heuristics in consumer information processing and judgments, and international advertising. Jean M. Grow is an assistant professor at Marquette University. She earned her PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison and her BFA from the School of Art Institute of Chicago. Her scholarly work focuses on controversial advertising case studies. She has published extensively on Nike women's advertising, and her most recent scholarship focuses on DTC advertising of pharmaceuticals and public service announcements for Hepatitis C. In 2005, she coauthoured a book on creative strategy, Advertising Strategy: Creative Tactics from Outside/In (with T. Altstiel). Prior to joining the academy, she worked in the advertising industry with agencies such as DDB Needham, Foote Cone & Belding, J. Walter Thompson, and Leo Burnett.  相似文献   
信息化是覆盖现代化建设全局的战略举措."以信息化带动工业化.发挥后发优势.实现社会生产力的跨越式发展".是我国国民经济和社会发展的基本战略之一.大学科技园是国家创新体系的重要组成部分、是具有中国特色高等教育体系的组成部分,是高校进行产学研结合、服务社会、培养人才和国际交流的重要平台,也是一流大学的重要标志.  相似文献   
北京科技大学是一所以工为主.工、理、管、文、经、法多学科协调发展的全国重点大学.经过50多年的发展,尤其是经过近几个五年计划和"211"工程建设.北京科技大学在"新材料研究与制备技术"、"制造业信息化技术"等领域形成了鲜明的特色和优势学科群,某些研究领域已经达到国际领先水平.学校在学科、人才、科研、装备、信息等方面的综合优势.为科技园建设与发展打下了坚实的基础.提供了良好的环境和广阔的空间.  相似文献   
哈工大国家大学科技园成立于1999年12月,是国家科技部.教育部首批确立的15家国家级大学科技园建设试点单位之一.2001年5月验收合格,被正式批准成为国家级大学科技园.  相似文献   
This article reports the findings of a cross-cultural study that explored the relationship between nationality, cultural orientation, and attitudes toward different ways in which an employee might blow the whistle. The study investigated two questions – are there any significant differences in the attitudes of university students from South Korea, Turkey and the U.K. toward various ways by which an employee blows the whistle in an organization?, and what effect, if any, does cultural orientation have on these attitudes? In order to answer these questions, the study identified six dimensions of whistleblowing and four types of cultural orientation. The survey was conducted among 759 university students, who voluntarily participated; 284 South Korean, 230 Turkish, and 245 U.K. Although all three samples showed a preference for formal, anonymous and internal modes of whistleblowing, there were significant variations related to nationality and cultural orientation. The findings have some key implications for organizational practice and offer directions for future research.  相似文献   
上海,一颗闪耀东方的璀璨明珠.一座现代化的国际大都市,她饱含东方的神韵,却又融合西方文化.有着百年历史积淀的上海理工大学是一所以工学为主,理学、经济学、管理学.文学协调发展的上海市重点大学.为上海乃至全国培养了大量的专业人才.  相似文献   
一.盘活存量资产,因地制宜、因陋就简,建设科技园 上海交通大学徐汇校区地处寸土寸金的徐家汇,不可能在当地圈地盖新楼.为此.上海交大科技园有限公司打破传统建园模式.摒弃消耗社会资源的"圈地运动".充分利用社会存量资产,将旧厂房改造成科技园.这样不仅促进了产业结构调整.给陷入困境的传统产业带来了急需的资金,解决了部分下岗工人的就业问题,而且降低了公司的投资成本及中小科技企业的运营成本,加快了园区的建设速度.往日的旧厂房已被建设成基础配套设施完备、环境优良、服务功能齐全的集产学研为一体的现代高科技产业聚集的科技园区.  相似文献   
经过几年的探索与努力,河北工业大学走出了一条在特殊条件下"多点办园"的大学科技园建设之路,形成了"一园两区"的建设格局.即在学校所在地--天津市红桥区建成以高新技术成果孵化为主的天津红桥孵化园区,在河北省会石家庄建成以高新技术成果产业为主的工业化示范园区.  相似文献   
铁路作为国民经济大动脉,提出了跨越式发展战略,到2010年要形成时速达到200至300公里的客运专线、城际客运铁路和既有线提速线路配套的32000公里的快速客运网络,建成快速货运网络,加快实现客车车辆升级换代,时速200公里以上动车组实现国产化.  相似文献   
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