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This paper reviews the theoretical literature on bank capital regulation and analyzes some of the approaches to redesigning the 1988 Basel Accord on capital standards. The paper starts with a review of the literature on the design of the financial system and the existence of banks. It proceeds with a presentation of the market failures that justify banking regulation and an analysis of the mechanisms that have been suggested to deal with these failures. The paper then reviews the theoretical literature on bank capital regulation. This is followed by a brief history of capital regulation since the 1988 Basel Capital Accord and a presentation of both the alternative approaches that have been put forward on setting capital standards and the Basel Committee's proposal for a new capital adequacy framework.  相似文献   
为加强辖区金融市场业务的监管,促进金融市场业务健康、快速发展,防范金融风险、维护市场交易主体的合法权益,人民银行石家庄中心支行研究制定了《河北省金融市场业务现场检查规程(试行)》。该文介绍了《规程》制定的初衷、基本思路、内容特色及实施效果等,对其他部门的监管工作有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
《贷款转让交易主协议》的发布和交易平台的上线运行,初步奠定了我国贷款转让市场发展的基本框架,但与美国等发达贷款转让市场相比,我国贷款转让市场仍处于发展初级阶段,在市场主体、基础设施、制度建设等方面仍存在不少亟需完善之处。下一阶段,应通过进一步完善主体结构、健全市场机制、加强政策协调、强化自律管理等举措,推动贷款转让市场的规范、健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   
吉林省支农资金的紧张带来了资金的供需缺口,推动地方金融机构通过场外货币市场进行的资金融通业务活跃,而交易动机、流动性管理方式、监管强度不一致等因素,助长了异常交易行为的发生。人民银行长春中心支行立足实践、大胆创新,改进监测方式和监管手段,通过建立风险预警指标体系,对地方性金融机构货币市场业务实施非现场监管,动态监测金融机构流动性状况和市场风险情况,从实践上取得了良好的效果。这些有益的探索和尝试,对开展区域货币市场监管有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   
近年来,我国银行间市场发展迅速,农村信用社改革试点工作也取得重大进展,但农村信用社银行间市场参与度普遍较低。文章以山东省内7个市地65家农村信用社为研究对象,深入分析影响其银行间市场业务发展的各种制约性因素,并在转变观念、完善体制和机制、加强政策指导和推动业务协作等方面提出了改进建议。  相似文献   
This paper draws attention for the fact that traditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models do not provide the closest possible targets (or peers) to inefficient units, and presents a procedure to obtain such targets.It focuses on non-oriented efficiency measures (which assume that production units are able to control, and thus change, inputs and outputs simultaneously) both measured in relation to a Free Disposal Hull (FDH) technology and in relation to a convex technology. The approaches developed for finding close targets are applied to a sample of Portuguese bank branches.  相似文献   
This article provides empirical evidence and contributes to theory building concerning business model fit and dynamics in the area of solutions business. Business models are seen in this context as going beyond considerations such as offerings and internal processes or even relationships, and as including network and market considerations. Indeed the paper highlights the fact that a business model is not firm-focused, nor dyad-focused, but rather network-, and even market-focused, demonstrating that a business model is not static, but dynamic. Manufacturer and customer continuously shift form and content of their respective business models to adapt both to the needs of the counterpart and to market context. A qualitative case study approach is adopted, with subsequent content analysis. The case study relates to the aerospace industry with focus on a complex engineering firm, one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, its customer — a national airline — and their network partners of various kinds. The data were collected through multiple face-to-face interviews with managers in both companies, as a part and parcel of a network of actors that influences and is influenced by the supplier–buyer relationship. Relationships over time between these firms and network partners are described, highlighting the interplay of products and services related to the provision of solutions. Findings highlight the dynamic nature of business models over the relationship lifecycle between supplier and customer in a complex engineering environment, and the need for reciprocal adjustment of models.  相似文献   
In this paper we analyse whether entrepreneur location decisions differ across industries and identify the factors determining the choice of location between rural and urban environments. Firm location is based on a new taxonomy developed over the influential three dimensions of Hayter’s (1997) approach. The paper uses data from sample of one thousand Portuguese firms. We present a stylized theoretical model to determine how these new five dimensions influence firm’s location and test the model through a logistic regression. Our results show that that the location decisions depend on the sector of activity, type of area (urban vs. rural) and the characteristics of the entrepreneur. We find that companies engaged in knowledge intensive business services prefer to locate in urban areas. From an institutional point of view, firms prefer to locate in rural areas.  相似文献   
Propensity to firm creation: empirical research using structural equations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The identification of the entrepreneurs’ characteristics and the knowledge of the entrepreneurial profile of university students have been assuming a growing importance in the development of educational programs directed towards the entrepreneurship and start-up processes. This study aims to identify the factors that most contribute for the intention to start up a business. The research also tries to identify the profile of a potential entrepreneur student concerning several characteristics: personal attributes, family, demographic variables and motivations. Research findings include the idea that entrepreneurship education is the most relevant factor in what concerns the propensity to business creation. On the other side, personal characteristics have an important role in shaping motivation to start-up a business and perceived hurdles have a negative impact in the intention to start-up. The results may be relevant when developing an adequate educational program directed to the entrepreneurship education and start-up processes.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to econometric forecasting of stationary and ergodic time series within a panel-data framework. Our key element is to employ the (feasible) bias-corrected average forecast. Using panel-data sequential asymptotics we show that it is potentially superior to other techniques in several contexts. In particular, it is asymptotically equivalent to the conditional expectation, i.e., has an optimal limiting mean-squared error. We also develop a zero-mean test for the average bias and discuss the forecast-combination puzzle in small and large samples. Monte-Carlo simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the feasible bias-corrected average forecast in finite samples. An empirical exercise, based upon data from a well known survey is also presented. Overall, these results show promise for the feasible bias-corrected average forecast.  相似文献   
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