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Among the current literatures that discuss the influence exerted on residents’ consumption behavior by capital liquidity, some often independently decide the demarcation point of the liquidity restriction that affects residents’ consumption behavior, without taking into account when the economy is flourishing whether residents will be influenced by the restriction of the liquidity that their consumption behaviors can not be fully carried out. We introduce a threshold model which varies according to the actual GDP and other financial indicators (money supply, average stock index and balance of bank loans) to discuss residents’ consumption behavior in China under different economic states. The empirical results show that when the economy flourishes or resuscitates, residents’ income of the same period have not notable influence on their consumption, which suggests that residents’ consumption behavior does not considerably change according to the fluctuation of the current income, but conforms with the constant income-life cycle hypothesis. Moreover, two estimated values 0.7504 and 0.8597, as economic boom measures, all fall in the boom stable stage—basically consists with the early-warning index of the macro-economy boom issued by National Bureau of Statistics of China. It shows that the macro-economic boom is not notablely influenced by capital liquidity, so is residents’ consumption behavior.  相似文献   
全面小康社会应是全民族的全面小康社会,民族地区全面建成小康社会,是实现中华民族伟大复兴不可或缺的重要组成部分。我国民族地区虽然在全面建成小康社会的道路上取得了不小的成就,但是仍然存在许多问题和困难。本文通过对"闽宁模式"的研究,力求为民族地区全面建成小康社会提供一些有益启示。  相似文献   
利率市场化背景下商业银行面临的利率风险及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济及金融体制改革的不断深入,利率市场化改革己逐步推进。在利率市场化条件下,利率水平表现出较大的多变性和不确定性,利率风险已成为我国商业银行面临的主要风险。本文在对利率风险四种具体表现形式进行分析的基础,相应地提出了商业银行进行利率风险管理的对策。  相似文献   
最优秀的公司领导,不是一个只知道出现问题才去解决的“医生”,而是一个提前防范可能出现问题的“先知者”。因此。他必须成为这个公司的管理大师。  相似文献   
The present paper calculates 35 industrial sectors’ similarity matrices for the period of 1997-2008 using China’s input-output tables for 1997,2002 and 2007,and uses these to measure inter-industry technology spillover to analyze the spillover effects on industrial sectors’ labor productivity.The empirical analysis shows that inter-industry technology spillover has a significant positive effect on the labor productivity of each industry.The elasticity of productivity effects of inter-industry technology spillover is not only larger than that of direct R&D input,but also increases over time.We group the industries into four major categories and find that the inter-industry technology spillover effect within the categories is,on average,greater than that between the four categories,indicating that technology spillover occurs more easily between similar industries.This research shows that the interindustry technology spillover effect in China has begun to increase,and the government should take advantage of this effect.  相似文献   
我国幅员辽阔,气候多样,森林资源丰富。从总体上讲,在我国林业几十年发展的风雨历程中,为适应我国社会主义建设和改革开放各个时期的不同需要,林业在国民经济总体布局中的定位经历了由“产业型”向“公益型”的转变,相应地,国家对林业所采取的政策也由“重取轻予”最终转向了“重予轻取”。天然林保护工程的实质是政府购买环境服务,支付方式就是通过财政转移支付、优先信贷和粮食补贴等财政投资。从我国的基本国情出发,论述了天然林工程体系的建立。  相似文献   
过去房产测绘行业中垄断现象十分严重。房产面积测绘,一直由房产部门的测绘大队”独家经营”,它既当运动员又当裁判员,广大人民群众为此意见很大。于是,自2000年以来出台了一系列件,用来完善测绘行业。如建设部[2000]166号件”关于认真贯彻执行《房产测量规范》加强房产测绘管理的通知”中指出:”各地要结合地方政府机构改革,按照房产测绘市场化、专业化、规范化的要求,积极推进房产测绘体制改革,使房产测绘监督管理与测绘经营行为分离,房产测绘单位成为独立的法人实体和市场主体。”:建设部住宅与房地产业司于2001年4月在深圳组织召开了”全国房产测绘管理工作座谈会”。全国30多个省市的60余名各级领导,专家、学参加了会议并对房地产测绘体制改革问题进行了研讨;2001年5月1日起实施的建设部83号令《房产测绘管理办法》明确指出:”房产测绘单位应当是独立的经济实体,与委托人不得有利害关系”。”国家实行房产测绘单位资格审查认证制度”。”房产测绘单位应当按照《中华人民共和国测绘法》和本办法的规定,取得省级以上人民政府测绘行政主管部门颁发的载明房产测绘业务的《测绘资格证书》”;2001年6月1日起实施的建设部88号令《商品房销售管理办法》也明确规定了:”房地产开发企业应当在商品房交付使用前按项目委托具有房产测绘资格的单位实施测绘,测绘成果报房地产行政主管部门审核后用于房屋权属登记。”  相似文献   
The technique of efficiency index scheduling is an easy way to solve the optimum composition of independent investment projects. B/C, N/K, NPVR (net present value ratio) and IRR (internal rate of return) are usually used to estimate the efficiency of the project. This paper is to point out the B/C and IRR indexes, but it can't make sure the correctness of scheduling. The ideal index of scheduling is NPVR. When MARR (Minimum Attractive Rate of Return) is uncertain, IRR is the practicable index of scheduling.  相似文献   
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