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We consider the infinite-horizon optimal portfolio liquidation problem for a von Neumann–Morgenstern investor in the liquidity model of Almgren (Appl. Math. Finance 10:1–18, 2003). Using a stochastic control approach, we characterize the value function and the optimal strategy as classical solutions of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations. We furthermore analyze the sensitivities of the value function and the optimal strategy with respect to the various model parameters. In particular, we find that the optimal strategy is aggressive or passive in-the-money, respectively, if and only if the utility function displays increasing or decreasing risk aversion. Surprisingly, only few further monotonicity relations exist with respect to the other parameters. We point out in particular that the speed by which the remaining asset position is sold can be decreasing in the size of the position but increasing in the liquidity price impact.   相似文献   
Summary Theses and Counter-theses. Notes to Milton Friedman’s monetary concept of “New Liberalism.” —This paper summarizes Milton Friedman’s most important statements concerning problems of national money supply and credit policy into the following seven theses, to each of which the author opposes a counter-thesis. Thesis 1: The total amount of money in circulation is the most important monetary factor. Counter-thesis 1: The liquidity balance is the most important monetary factor. Thesis 2: The total amount of money influences nominal income and prices. Counter-thesis 2: Expenditure influences the amount of money. Thesis 3: The total amount of money can be manipulated by monetary policy. Counter-thesis 3: The amount of money in circulation cannot be manipulated. Thesis 4: Bank credits should be curtailed. Counter-thesis 4: Bank credits should be directed. Thesis 5: Monetary policy only with open market transactions. Counter-thesis 5: Credit policy through several combined instruments. Thesis 6: Price stability through a continuous development of the amount of money in circulation. Counter-thesis 6: Price stability through a continuous development of bank liquidity. Thesis 7: Monetary policy instead of fiscal policy. Counter-thesis 7: Credit policy and fiscal policy.
Résumé Thèses et contre-thèses. Remarques au sujet de la notion monétaire ?New Liberalism? de Milton Friedman. —Cet article résume les propositions les plus importantes de Milton Friedman concernant les problèmes de l’approvisionnement national en argent, et de la politique de crédit, en les présentant sous forme de sept thèses, à chacune desquelles l’auteur oppose une contre-thèse: Thèse 1: Le total de l’argent en circulation représente le facteur monétaire le plus important. Contre-thèse 1: Le solde de liquidité est le facteur monétaire le plus important. Thèse 2: Le total de l’argent en circulation exerce une influence sur le revenu nominal et les prix. Contre-thèse 2: Les dépenses exercent une influence sur le total de l’argent. Thèse 3: On peut contr?ler le total de l’argent en circulation par des mesures de politique monétaire. Contre-thèse 3: On ne peut pas exercer d’influence sur le total de l’argent en circulation. Thèse 4: II faut arrêter les crédits bancaires. Contre-thèse 4: II faut diriger les crédits bancaires. Thèse 5: Politique monétaire seulement avec des transactions de marché ouvert. Contre-thèse 5: Politique de crédit au moyen de plusieurs instruments combinés. Thèse 6: Stabilité des prix grace à un développement continu du total de l’argent en circulation. Contre-thèse 6: Stabilité des prix grace à un développement continu de la liquidité des banques. Thèse 7: Politique monétaire au lieu de politique fiscale. Contre-thèse 7: Politique de crédit et politique fiscale.

Resumen Tésis y antitesis. Comentarios sobre el concepto monetario del ?New Liberalism? de Milton Friedman. —En el presente trabajo el autor sintetiza las principales afirmaciones de Milton Friedman sobre problemas de provision de dinero y de política crediticia en siete tésis a las que opone otros tantos contraargumentos: Primera tesis: El volumen de dinero es la variable monetaria más importante. Contraargumento: El saldo de liquidez es la variable monetaria más importante. Segunda tesis: El volumen de dinero incide en el ingreso nominal y los precios. Contraargumento: Los gastos inciden en el volumen de dinero. Tercera tesis: El volumen de dinero puede ser regulado a través de la política monetaria. Contraargumento: El volumen de dinero no puedo ser regulado. Cuarta tesis: La creaci?n de crédites bancarios ha de ser reprimida. Contraargumento: La creaci?n de crédites bancarios ha de ser regulada. Quinta tesis: La politica monetaria debe basarse exclusivamente en operaciones del Banco Central en el mercado abierto. Contraargumento: La politica monetaria debe consistir en la aplicaci?n combinada de varios instrumentes. Sexta tesis: La estabilidad de precios se logrará por medio de una evolución continua de la masa dineraria. Contraargumento: La estabilidad de precios se logrará mediante una evolutión continua de las disponibilidades liquidas de la Banca. Séptima tesis: La politica coyuntural debe valerse de operaciones monetarias y no de operaciones fiscales. Contraargumento: La politica coyuntural debe valerse de operaciones tanto monetarias como fiscales.

Riassunto Tesi e controtesi. Osservazioni all’abbozzo monetario del ?New Liberalism? di Milton Friedman. —Le affermazioni più importanti di Milton Friedman sui problemi dell’approvigionamento nazionale del denaro e della politica di credito sono riassunte nel présente saggio nelle sette tesi seguenti, alle quali l’autore di volta in volta contrappone una controtesi: Tesi I: La quantità di denaro è la più importante grandezza monetaria. Controtesi I: II saldo di liquidità è la più importante grandezza monetaria. Tesi II: La quantità di denaro influisce sul reddito nominale e sui prezzi. Controtesi II: Le spese influiscono sulla quantità di denaro. Tesi III: La quantità di denaro puó essere diretta dal punto di vista della politica monetaria. Controtesi III: La quantità di denaro non puó essere influenzata. Tesi IV: Creazione di credito délie banche deve essere ostacolato. Controtesi IV: Creazione di credito délie banche deve essere diretto. Tesi V: Politica monetaria soltanto con transazioni di mercato aperto. Controtesi V: Politica creditizia con l’impiego combinato di più strumenti. Tesi VI: Stabilità dei prezzi mediante sviluppo continuo della quantità monetaria. Controtesi VI: Stabilità dei prezzi mediante sviluppo continuo della liquidità bancaria. Tesi VII: Politica monetaria invece di politica fiscale. Controtesi VII: Politica creditizia e politica fiscale.
The current paper extends previous results on Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filtering and shows that it is possible to implement the judgement-augmented, or restricted, HP filter within the state-space framework. The implementation entails augmenting the vector of measurements and altering one of the system matrices of the state-space model for the HP filter. Restrictions can thereby be incorporated in the HP filter, making, e.g., estimation more accessible. An application to US GDP gap estimation illustrates how the restricted filter could be usefully applied in an empirical macroeconomic setting.  相似文献   
China’s move towards a new normal has been motivated by domestic factors and accelerated by the decline in export opportunities to developed countries. This decline, combined with the knock-on effects of China’s growth adjustments, is disrupting the favourable external environment that made developing countries’ export-led development strategies viable. This paper concentrates on a rebalancing of developing countries’ growth strategies towards a greater weight of household consumption as a potential alternative and discusses three challenges – market size, domestic purchasing power and balance-of-payments constraints. Concentrating on the latter, it analyses changes in sectoral compositions of consumer demand and patterns of international trade. Results point to the risk that a shift in growth strategy causes an import surge. The paper’s findings indicate the scope and speed of required product innovation that would prevent a rebalancing of growth strategies towards a greater role of consumption from running into balance-of-payments constraints.  相似文献   
In Turkey, the empirical results on the link between financial development and economic growth are mixed. The existing studies do not take into account the fact that Turkey has experienced endemic political and economic instabilities over extended periods. This study aims to analyse the role of macroeconomic instability and public borrowing on the finance–growth nexus in Turkey by using time series econometric techniques over the 1980–2010 period. In doing so, we attempt to extend the existing literature by taking into account the role of macroeconomic instability as well as public borrowing. Our results reveal that there are additional – albeit indirect – channels between finance and growth via the effects of macro instability and public borrowing on financial development and economic growth. After taking into account the effects of overall instability and public borrowing, we found that growth–financial development relationship is bidirectional and permanent. In other words, in Turkish case, economic growth and financial development are jointly determined. Thus, our results shed some light on the ambiguity of the evidence on the link between financial development and economic growth for Turkey.  相似文献   

Using new technologies in customer interactions is a popular way of trying to increase customer engagement. It is, however, unknown how such efforts by marketers’ affect engagement, and particularly to what that engagement relates to. By analysing interview and observation data, the engagement manifestations of customers of a B2B company using virtual-reality technology were studied. The results show that customer engagement can be targeted at not only brands or firms but also the service the firm offers or the technology that enables the service. It is argued that the different objects of engagement can coexist and support each other but engagement with the firm is less susceptible to fluctuations. Marketers should be aware of what triggers customer engagement and what it is targeted at.  相似文献   
The paper compares free trade with autarky in an asymmetric multi‐country world under Cournot competition with constant returns to scale and linear demand. We derive respective conditions under which free trade will hurt a country's consumers, benefit its firms, induce it to export, increase its output and raise its welfare. We show that these conditions are linked in a clear order, with one implying the next. We further demonstrate that free trade can reduce world total output and total consumer surplus as well as world welfare. Along the way, we correct several oversights in the literature.  相似文献   
Our aim in this paper is to evaluate the causal effect of foreign acquisition on research and development (R&D) intensity in targeted domestic firms. We are able to distinguish domestic multinational enterprises (MNEs) and non‐MNEs, which allows us to investigate the fear that the change in ownership of domestic MNEs to foreign MNEs leads to a reduction in R&D activity in the country. Overall, our results give no support to the fears that foreign acquisition of domestic firms leads to a relocation of R&D activity in Swedish MNEs. Rather, in this paper, we find robust evidence that foreign acquisitions lead to increasing R&D intensity in acquired domestic MNEs and non‐MNEs.  相似文献   
This paper explores the determinants of the EU–US TFP growth gap using EU KLEMS. As found in previous analyses, TFP growth appears to be driven by catching-up phenomena associated with the gradual adoption of new technologies. TFP growth is also significantly driven by developments at the “technological frontier”, especially since the mid-1990s. Industries with higher R&D expenditures and higher adoption rates for ICT-intensive technologies appear to exhibit higher TFP growth rates, whilst human capital has mostly a significant effect across countries. Regarding determinants in industries relevant for the different TFP performance of the EU versus the US, ICT-producing industries appear to benefit from R&D in terms of stronger spillovers from TFP gains at the frontier, network utilities are strongly affected by product market regulations, whilst the retail and wholesale trade industry is significantly influenced by consumption dynamics which permit a better exploitation of scale economies.  相似文献   
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