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Mastitis infections cause severe pain in dairy cows and are the most costly illness to farmers. This study combined differentiation and consolidation (Diff-Con) theory with risk-benefit analysis to explore how risky decisions are perceived and justified after a decision has been taken. More specifically, using survey data from 428 Swedish dairy farmers, their decisions about adopting preventive measures to control mastitis (mastitis control options, MCO) in dairy herds were examined. The analyses included group comparisons with non-parametric rank tests and use of both ordinary least squared regression and seemingly unrelated regression analysis to examine how prior adoption of MCO affects farmers’ attitudes to the MCO. The results showed that MCOs already adopted were rated higher in perceived riskiness (if not implemented) and in expected benefit (for illness prevention) than non-adopted MCOs. Having made the decision to implement a strategy increased the likelihood of that decision being perceived as more beneficial (reducing mastitis) and risky (in terms of disease increase if not implemented), irrespective of the combination of strategies used on the farm, during the post-consolidation stage. No difference in perceived illness prevalence could explain the farmers’ rating of the MCOs. These findings suggest that there may be a path dependency in farmers’ decision-making with respect to MCO. This implies that novel MCOs may have difficulty in achieving wider implementation. These results have implications for the development of strategies to communicate best practices for use of MCOs and for new research on MCOs and farmers’ decision-making.  相似文献   
China’s research and development (R&D) policy has changed considerably over recent decades, and great changes occurred in 2006 when the main programme objective of China’s R&D changed from the 863 Programme and 973 Programme to the National Science and Technology Major Project. One topic that has drawn extensive attention is whether the investment reform improved R&D productivity in China. Using a unique panel dataset from 160 universities, this paper examines the effect of the investment reform on productivity improvement in China’s agricultural biotechnology sector. We use a panel count data model with a dynamic feedback mechanism to model the knowledge production process. Strong evidence indicates that the investment reform greatly contributes to knowledge output production in China’s agricultural biotechnology sector. We also find that the input quality is more important than the absolute quantity; human research capacity exhibits the greatest contribution to the output of patents; past knowledge accumulation helps produce more patents; and entry barriers to patent production exist in China’s agricultural biotechnology sector. Moreover, the patent explosion in China may have been largely caused by improvements in the human capital input quality.  相似文献   
This paper presents a generalized varying parameter model to investigate the performance of mutual funds. The model allows beta nonstationarity to include both market timing and random beta behavior; therefore, it can be regarded as a general case of previous research. Forty-three funds with a wide range of objectives are examined. The generalized varying parameter results indicate that about 30 percent of the funds show selectivity, 19 percent have random betas, and 14 percent indicate significant, yet negative, market timing performance. Therefore, mutual funds, as a group, show no market timing ability. The apparent ability to select undervalued securities, however, seems to conflict with the efficient markets hypothesis.  相似文献   
We analyze the informational effect of earnings announcements on stock price changes. Although prior studies postulate that the direction and magnitude of earnings surprises contribute to abnormal stock price changes, we attribute earnings surprises and subsequent stock price changes to the quality and quantity of available information. If a stock is followed by many financial analysts, the amount of information available to investors contributes to higher quality information, which in turn is reflected by a small earnings surprise. Furthermore, we demonstrate that as the quality and quantity of information increase, stock prices adjust more quickly, which sheds additional light on the post-earnings-announcement drift issue. Finally, cross-sectional analysis reveals that the flow of information, as measured by the rate of trading volume changes, and the stock of information, as measured by the number of financial analysts, contributes significantly to the variations in excess returns and return volatility. Traditional variables, such as earnings surprises, earnings reporting lag, and firm size, do not perform well.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the problem of estimating the parameters of the standard linear model from grouped data, or more generally from aggregated data. A number of alternative solutions are suggested and compared.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Tests der Effizienzlohntheorie und der Kontrakttheorie mit disaggregierten Daten der USA. — Der Autor testet die Voraussagen der Effizienzlohntheorie und der Kontrakttheorie, indem er den Grad der Lohnrigidit?t in sieben wichtigen Sektoren (1-stellige SIC) und 19 gewerblichen Industriezweigen (2-stellige SIC) in den USA sch?tzt. Der Grad der Lohnrigidit?t wird anhand von PhillipskurvenGleichungen, die nach Industrien disaggregiert sind und Indikatoren für die aggregierte Arbeitslosenrate sowie die Nachfrage nach den Produkten der einzelnen Industriezweige enthalten, gesch?tzt. Effizienzlohntheorie und Kontrakttheorie werden getestet, indem die Korrelationen zwischen dem Grad der Lohnrigidit?t in einer Industrie und den Merkmalen einer Industrie, die für die jeweilige Theorie charakteristisch sind, berechnet werden. Die Ergebnisse stützen stark die Effizienzlohntheorie und scheinen für die Kontrakttheorie nicht so günstig zu sein.
Resumen Tests de la teoría del salario eficiente y de la teoría del contrato con datos desagregados para los EE UU. — En este trabajo se someten las predicciones de la teoría del salario eficiente y de la teoría del contrato a un test, estimando el grado de rigidez salarial en siete sectores importantes (a nivel de un dígito de la SIC) y 19 industrias manufactureras (a nivel de dos dígitos de la SIC) en los EE UU. El grado de rigidez salarial es estimado usando ecuaciones de la curva de Phillips desagregadas por industria, las cuales incluyen indicadores de la tasa de desempleo agregada y de la demanda de productos industrials. La teoría del salario eficiente y la teoría del contrato son sometidas a un test calculando las correlaciones entre el grado de rigidez salarial de una industria y las caracteristicas de esa industria, relacionadas con estas teorias. Los resultados dan apoyo a la teoria del salario eficiente, mas no parecen ser tan favorables para la teoria del contrato.

Résumé Des tests de la théorie du salaire efficient et de la théorie de contrat avec des données disaggrégées des Etats Unis. — Cette étude soumet les prédictions de l’hypothèse du salaire efficient et la théorie de contrat à un test en estimant le degré de rigidité des salaires dans 7 secteurs majeurs (1-digit SIC) et 19 secteurs industriels (2-digit SIC) aux Etats Unis. Le degré de rigidité des salaires est estimé par les équations de la courbe de Phillips, disaggrégées par l’industrie, qui incluent des mesures du taux de ch?mage aggrégé et la demande aux produits des secteurs industriels. On soumet la théorie du salaire efficient et la théorie de contrat à un test en calculant les correlations entre le degré de rigidité des salaires et des caractéristiques des secteurs industriels qui se réfèrent à ces théories. Les résultats supportent principalement la théorie du salaire efficient et ne semblent pas être aussi favorables à la théorie de contrat.
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