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When the well-known BLP model is applied to products with rapid technological changes and declining prices it tends to yield implausible results. A sequence of increasingly sophisticated dynamic demand models, most recently Gowrisankaran and Rysman (2009, hereafter GR), have been developed to overcome these problems. We apply both models to new data on the US digital camera market. In addition, we demonstrate that the GR model can be specified as a BLP model plus an additional set of terms. This suggests that a dynamic model can be estimated as a BLP model plus a non-parametric function which is less computationally demanding. As a first step to implementing this semi-parametric approach we estimate a BLP model augmented with age as a proxy for the non-parametric component. We find that demand for digital cameras is more elastic when demand dynamics is accounted for in both the dynamic model and the BLP model with the age proxy. This suggests that the market is more competitive though the results are consistent with firms engaging in intertemporal price discrimination. Merger simulations predict the lowest price and quantity changes using the GR model.  相似文献   
品牌是一个名称、标记、名词、符号或设计,或者是它们的组合,其目的是识别某个销售者或某群销售者的产品或劳务,并使之同竞争对手的产品和劳务区分开来。品牌在本质上代表着产品特征、产品拥有者交付给消费者的利益和服务的一贯性承诺。最佳品牌就是产品的质量和保证。  相似文献   
财政部已经发布的评估准则和今天发布的3项新准则,初步建立了既符合国情又与国际接轨的资产评估准则体系.标志着中国资产评估行业统一、规范的准则体系正在不断的完善,对于进一步指导资产评估行业发展,提高资产评估执业质量具有十分重要的意义,对我国资本市场的发展也将产生积极的影响。  相似文献   
利率变动周期与商业银行绩效的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利率风险的计量、评估、监控是银行市场风险管理的重要内容。科学分析利率波动与银行收益之间关系,进而了解银行资产负债期限特征及利率风险管理水平,对实现我国商业银行资产负债管理科学决策,提升利率风险管理水平意义重大。本文采用Flannery的部分调整模型对我国上市银行的利率风险管理进行长时间窗口实证分析,结果表明:样本银行呈“借短贷长”的资产负债期限特征,利率变动期内其资产负债管理并未为银行带来实质收益,利率风险管理水平有待提高。  相似文献   
Despite evidence of a positive relationship, vision’s effects on performance are not fully understood, particularly in small professional service settings. This study advances prior research using a multi-stakeholder, multi-measure approach. It reports a positive relationship between vision-communication and -sharing on performance in Australian retail pharmacies using five measures—financial assessments, employee and customer satisfaction, productivity, and staff retention. Organizations whose managers communicate the vision to staff and whose employees share this vision outperform their peers across all business indicators and retain their employees longer. Financial performance and productivity were higher with long-term staff and managers.  相似文献   
针对单供应商-单销售商两级供应链,建立了“批对批”、等量延迟送货和等量非延迟3种生产-补货模型,研究了供应链上下游企业在集中式决策和分散式决策下的最优决策策略.给出了各种情形下供应商和销售商各自的最优决策以及与之相对应的库存水平和供应链系统总成本函数.最后通过数值仿真实验分析了模型的最优解特性并对结论做了进一步的说明.  相似文献   
从测井仪器刻度定义出发,提出了建立了石油测井仪器刻度体系及其需要解决的主要问题,进而阐述了度体系标准测井条件,刻度体系准确度的确定方法,以及提高刻度检定可靠性的途径。  相似文献   
本文针对国际标准草案 ISO/DP9283中用欧拉角的偏差描述机器人姿态偏差的规定,作者认为三个欧拉角的偏差没有独立的物理意义,不反映机器人姿态偏差的大小,这种描述方法十分不妥;主张以一次转动的转角描述机器人的姿态偏差。  相似文献   
This work explores how network partners collaborate to innovate and innovate to collaborate and thereby achieve value. The innovation processes analyzed are within an IJV in the Chinese exhibition industry. The findings highlight that the IJV's development of a successful trade show resulted from effective co-innovation by partners which enabled the exploitation of opportunities in an industry characterized by rapid growth and continuing structural change. Partner co-innovation enabled evolving strategic and operational capabilities which has led to continued and growing market success. This co-innovation involved the targeted co-mingling of partner resources which creates value that motivated continued cooperation. The effectiveness of the partners' activities is evidenced by the growing size and prestige of their large-scale trade show as well as the expansion of the IJV into other endeavors. The paper concludes by considering the way these innovative processes can be applied in other contexts.  相似文献   
中国耕地质量等级调查与评定   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:系统介绍全国耕地质量等级调查与评定工作的背景、主要过程、技术方法、评定结果及成果应用。研究方法:归纳分析法,比较分析法和统计分析法。研究结果:全国耕地划分为15个等别,平均质量等别为9.80等,质量水平总体偏低。研究结论:该项工作第一次全面查清了中国耕地质量等别及其分布状况,为实现耕地数量质量并重管理提供了重要支撑。  相似文献   
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