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Summary. This paper shows that information effects per se are not responsible for the Giffen goods anomaly affecting traders demands in multi asset noisy, rational expectations equilibrium markets. The role that information plays in traders strategies also matters. In a market with risk averse, uninformed traders, informed agents have a dual trading motive: speculation and market making. The former entails using prices to assess the effect of error terms; the latter requires employing them to disentangle noise traders demands within aggregate orders. In a correlated environment this complicates the signal extraction problem and may generate upward sloping demand curves. Assuming (i) that competitive, risk neutral market makers price the assets or that (ii) uninformed traders risk tolerance coefficient grows unboundedly, removes the market making component from informed traders demands rendering them well behaved in prices.Received: 30 April 2002, Revised: 3 December 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: G100, G120, G140.Support from the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA and the Ente per gli Studi Monetari e Finanziari Luigi Einaudi, are gratefully acknowledged. I thank Anat Admati, Jordi Caballé, Giacinta Cestone, and Xavier Vives for useful suggestions. The comments provided by the Associate Editor and an anonymous referee greatly improved the papers exposition.  相似文献   
In recent times, a new notion of incomes policy as an instrument aiming both at the control of inflation and at the defense of employment has come to supplant the original conception of incomes policy as the set of conditions which could make the growth of the economy compatible with price stability. The aim of the paper is to emphasize that the theoretical background of the former notion appears profoundly different from—and far less solid than—the one of the latter conception. The second aim is to emphasize that factual experience appears to confirm the role assigned to incomes policy in its original meaning. Wage moderation, important as it may be for the control of inflation, is not sufficient for the defense of employment. The third aim of the paper is to emphasize that the perspective of the European Monetary Union has made the defense of employment even more complex, thus calling for a careful reconsideration of a widely advertised relationship between "Maastricht" and employment. A procedural suggestion addressed to each one of the 15 members of the European Union concludes the paper. This article is published posthumously. His death is a great loss to the economic community.  相似文献   
进入新世纪以来,继2003年江西经济发展呈现一些转折性变化之后,2004年又显现一些阶段性特征。2004年,江西主经济指标提前一年完成“十五”计划,工业化进入中期阶段,人均生产总值预计达到1千美元,国民经济呈现既快又好的良好发展态势。展望2005年,在国际、国内环境总体趋好的大背景下,江西有可能在新的起点上实现更快更好的发展。  相似文献   
Bounds for Functions of Dependent Risks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of finding the best-possible lower bound on the distribution of a non-decreasing function of n dependent risks is solved when n=2 and a lower bound on the copula of the portfolio is provided. The problem gets much more complicated in arbitrary dimensions. When no information on the structure of dependence of the random vector is available, we provide a bound on the distribution function of the sum of risks which we prove to be better than the one generally used in the literature.  相似文献   
The Miles and Snow strategic type framework is re‐examined with respect to interrelationships with several theoretically relevant batteries of variables, including SBU strategic capabilities, environmental uncertainty, and performance. A newly developed constrained, multi‐objective, classification methodology is modified to empirically derive an alternative quantitative typology using survey data obtained from 709 firms in three countries (China, Japan, United States). We compare the Miles and Snow typology to the classification empirically derived utilizing this combinatorial optimization clustering procedure. With respect to both variable battery associations and objective statistical criteria, we show that the empirically derived solution clearly dominates the traditional P‐A‐D‐R typology of Miles and Snow. Implications and directions for future research are provided. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
While Open Source Software (OSS) communities provide opportunities for knowledge creation, we have a limited understanding of how entrepreneurs leverage OSS communities for their entrepreneurial ventures. Using social capital theory in a mixed methods case study, we compare entrepreneur and non-entrepreneur behaviors to investigate how entrepreneurs build social capital within an OSS community. This study shows that entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from non-entrepreneurs by focusing on cognitive and relational capital building activities, which in return makes it possible for them to leverage their social capital to influence and shape the environment in which they are operating. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurs strategically select which activities within the community to expend their limited resources on (e.g., developing code over participating in email conversations) and build their social capital more through their actions than through their words (e.g., showing their commitment to the community through code commits, bug fixes, and documentation). Given the liabilities of newness and smallness as well as other challenges faced by entrepreneurs, applying an open innovation strategy in OSS communities could be one approach where entrepreneurs, by developing and freely revealing their intellectual property to the community, share their way to success via OSS-infused entrepreneurial business ventures.  相似文献   
Quality & Quantity - Compositional data with a tridimensional structure are not uncommon in social sciences. The CANDECOMP/PARAFAC model is one of the most adequate techniques for modeling...  相似文献   
[目的]为切实解决我国长期面临的农业资源禀赋家底不清楚、农业资源更新不及时、基础数据共享不充分等实际问题,中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所率先启动了"国家重要农业资源台账数据"系统建设和服务应用。[方法]文章在国家重要农业资源台账数据基础上,根据研究内容与分析要求,甄选出了典型样点县(市)农用地资源数据库(2010~2015年),作为农用地资源态势分析和研究的依据。[结果](1)耕地、林地是典型样点县农用地主要类型。耕地主要分布在我国中东部地区,占土地总面积均在40%以上。2010~2015年,全国各样点农用地结构均发生了明显变化。耕地呈现总体增加的态势,年均增长率为1.76%,主要分布在土地后备资源较丰富地区,耕地减少的地区主要在快速发展的中部区域。(2)2010~2015年耕地质量呈现整体下降态势,这种趋势在我国中部经济增长较快的地区尤其明显。草地、园地面积均有明显减少,年均减少2.10%和2.02%。(3)分析土壤有机质含量平均值、全氮含量平均值、速效钾含量平均值及土壤pH发现,东北地区样点的有机质含量高,由北向南逐渐降低;南部地区的土壤全氮含量、有效磷含量较高,华北地区普遍偏低。土壤速效钾含量最高的地区分布在中部地区,而南部土壤速效钾含量较低。中部地区的p H普遍偏高,土壤呈碱性,南部及北部地区的pH偏低,土壤多为酸性。[结论]近些年来我国耕地数量保持稳定甚至有所增加,但耕地质量下降的问题不容忽视。从提高农业综合生产能力、促进农业农村可持续发展的战略高度,亟须进一步加大农用地资源整治与保护力度,加快国家农业资源基础数据建设与共享,加强农业资源利用领域前沿的技术方法和科学决策研究,为新时代农业农村优先发展、推进农业现代化提供参考依据。  相似文献   
基于多源数据融合的地表覆盖数据重建研究进展综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地表覆盖数据对于全球环境变化、生物多样性和发展政策制定有着重要意义。遥感已成为获取地表覆盖数据的重要手段。而目前的地表覆盖数据产品,如Globe Land30、FROM-GLC、MODIS Collection5、MODIS Cropland、Glob Cover、GLC2000等,存在数据精度不高、数据间一致性较差、与统计数据差异较大等问题。因此,基于多源数据融合的数据重建方法成为目前研究中的热点问题。文章检索了近10年关于多源数据融合在地表覆盖数据重建中的应用的相关文献,概括了多源数据在数据重建中的应用现状,并对基于多源数据融合的地表覆盖数据重建方法进行了归纳总结,重点评述了不同方法的特点及应用情况,阐明了各种方法的优势与不足,同时对存在的问题进行探讨并展望了未来基于多源数据融合的地表覆盖数据重建研究的发展方向。基于多源数据融合的数据重建方法包括基于多源遥感数据融合法以及基于多源遥感和非遥感数据融合法。该文在对基于多源遥感数据融合的数据重建方法进行论述时,主要讨论了其中应用最广泛的两种融合方法:基于数据一致性的融合法和基于回归分析的融合法。对于其他基于多源遥感数据融合的数据重建方法,如基于D-S证据理论融合法、基于数据集成融合法、基于统计模型融合法,也列举了最具代表性的相关文献进行论述。在对基于遥感数据和非遥感数据融合的数据重建方法进行论述时,主要讨论了其3种空间分配方法:完全依赖法、部分依赖法、动态依赖法。在对目前研究进行探讨的过程中,该文对其研究区域、数据源、地表覆盖类型、空间分辨率、融合方法和文献来源进行总结分析,并重点就融合方法展开讨论。围绕各种融合方法在数据重建中的运用,该文归纳出目前研究中存在的主要问题:研究对象和区域上的不足,研究区多为全球及欧美,其他区域的研究过少,研究对象多为所有地表覆盖类型和森林,对耕地和草地的研究过少;融合算法上的不足、重建结果精度上的不足。最后,指出基于多源数据融合的数据重建方法未来的发展方向,即综合运用两类方法,得到具有详细完整空间信息的长时间序列的地表覆盖数据集。  相似文献   
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