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中国经济内外失衡的原因及政策调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯乾  孙诚 《经济与管理》2012,(2):16-18,23
近年来,中国经济在快速增长的过程中也出现了内外失衡的问题。内部失衡以高储蓄、高投资和低消费为主要特征,储蓄和投资出现失衡,投资和消费关系不协调,外部失衡表现为国际收支"双顺差"。中国内外失衡既有财税分配体制与汇率政策等制度原因,又有出口导向型经济发展战略与粗放式经济增长方式等经济结构原因。为此,必须加强和完善城乡社会保障体制,采取更具针对性的公共支出政策,增强汇率弹性和本外币政策的相互协调,促进国际收支平衡与中国经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
孙犁小说以展现女性的人性美和形象美为主要特征。小说强烈的女性文本意识以及对女性人物内在品质和所处外在环境的描绘渲染,无不呈现出浓厚的道家文化风尚。受道家审美文化的深刻影响,孙犁成功塑造了许多富有魅力的女性形象,并由此为中国现代文学的审美思维和艺术追求注入了新的内涵。  相似文献   
金融危机理论研究及其给我国金融安全的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪多次金融危机使社会经济蒙受了巨大损失,相应的研究催生了金融危机理论,其中“泡沫”理论、货币危机理论和金融危机传染理论等影响最大。金融危机理论呈现为经济金融视角→货币金融视角→技术金融视角的研究进程,折射出研究者从理论解释到防范危机的愿望。我国在金融开放进程中,需要加强金融安全和金融风险防范的能力。  相似文献   
文章从法律视角论述了审计侵权声任的概念,并详细分析了审计侵权责任的归责原则、构成要件、举证义务、免责条件等要素,进而提出了完善我国审计侵权责任的法律构想。  相似文献   
教学策略是由于教学方式、方法和情境的选择和运用而实现对整个教学活动的调控,是对教学方法具有统摄、控制和调节作用的教学决策活动。文章从认知视角探讨教学策略的内涵、特征、结构、类型及应用,以对教学实践有一定的指导。  相似文献   
本文从经济学的理论角度分析了企业技术创新自我实现的可能性.分析发现:产品被成熟生产后的产量与资本报酬和资本边际生产率的大小有直接关系.因此,企业发展内部本身就可以通过市场供需调节来实现创新的循环和延续.从这一点上说,国家对于企业技术创新的鼓励政策应该更加依靠市场机制的作用.  相似文献   
The blended e-learning system (BELS), combining face-to-face classes with e-learning modules, is now widely used in education. The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the factors affecting nurses’ behavioral intentions of using the BELS. We synthesized the technology acceptance model, the information system (IS) success model, and perceived enjoyment (PE) into a hypothesized model to discuss and predict nurses’ intentions of using the BELS continuously. Self-reporting questionnaires were distributed to district hospitals and regional hospitals in central Taiwan. From the 800 distributed questionnaires, we received 557 completed questionnaires, yielding a response rate of 69.6%. Structural equation modeling was used to show that information quality, system quality, and service quality significantly affect perceived usefulness (PU) and the perceived ease of use (PEOU). The effect of service quality on PU, however, was not significant. PU, PEOU, and PE were significantly related to the attitude, and indirectly, to the behavioral intention of using the BELS. This research contributed to the literature by (1) identifying the IS success model (information quality, system quality, and service quality) and PE as antecedents of BELS usage; (2) advancing the theoretical development of behavioral intention regarding nurses’ use of the BELS; (3) providing empirical support for the effects of external factors on the PU and PEOU, which lead to attitude and behavioral intention of usage; and (4) providing hospital managers with a reference for assessing future developments and approaches to promote the BELS.  相似文献   
As social media use on mobile devices has been integrated in people’s daily lives, corporations began to target the publics on corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on mobile devices. In the context of a natural disaster, this study examines how publics respond to CSR-based initiatives by way of mobile corporate social responsibility (mCSR), including gratifications, social media engagement, perceived CSR motives, and the relationship outcomes as associated with mCSR practice. An online survey was conducted by sampling with 1,433 nationally representative adults in the United States. Findings indicated that four broad types of gratification, such as technological convenience, social interaction, recreation, and information exchange, significantly influenced relationship outcomes such as satisfaction, commitment, distrust, trust, and control mutuality. Results also demonstrated that perceived CSR motives and social media engagement on mobile devices were significantly related to relationship outcomes, providing empirical evidence for the important role that potential mCSR communications can play in engaging publics and cultivating relationships during natural disasters.  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of corporate site visits on analysts’ forecast accuracy based on a sample of such visits to Chinese listed firms during 2009–2012. We find that analysts who conduct visits (“visiting analysts”) have a greater increase in forecast accuracy than other analysts. Consistent with the notion that site visits facilitate analysts’ information acquisition through observing firms’ operations, we find that the results are stronger for manufacturing firms, firms with more tangible assets, and firms with more concentrated business lines. Moreover, we find that the effect of a site visit is greater when the site visit is an analyst-only visit, when the current visit is preceded by fewer visits, and when visiting analysts are based far from the visited firms. Furthermore, we find that site visits partially mitigate nonlocal analysts’ information disadvantage. Collectively, these results indicate that site visits are an important information acquisition activity for analysts.  相似文献   
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