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Zusammenfassung Bei der Beurteilung etwaiger leistungshemmender Wirkungen der Steuer- und Abgabensysteme muß insbesondere die Grenzabgabenbelastung analysiert werden; sie ist sowohl in Österreich als auch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der jüngeren Vergangenheit stark angestiegen. Mit diesem Beitrag wird versucht, die gesamte Grenzabgabenbelastung (aus direkten und indirekten Steuern sowie Sozialabgaben) für beide Länder approximativ zu bestimmen. Dabei scheint der Vergleich zwischen Österreich und Deutschland besonders interessant zu sein, da es im Steuer- und Sozialrecht einerseits weitgehende Gemeinsamkeiten in der historischen Entwicklung gibt, andererseits aber auch grundlegende Divergenzen bestehen, so beispielsweise im unterschiedlichen Gewicht von direkter und indirekter Besteuerung. Über etwaige Wirkungszusammenhänge werden abschließend einige spekulative Überlegungen angestellt.  相似文献   
Studies linking diet and health and consumers' demand for health information, has led to an increasing awareness of the role of nutrition in health and disease. Interest in soy foods and an awareness of its health benefits has also increased. The objective was to assess South African (SA) consumers' opinions and beliefs regarding the health benefits of soy and soy products using different statements. This cross‐sectional study randomly selected 3001 respondents from metropolitan and rural areas in South Africa. Data of 81% of respondents (n = 2437), who had heard of soy, were used. Trained fieldworkers administered questionnaires as face‐to‐face interviews. Fifteen statements probing consumers' opinions regarding the health benefits of soy were used. The data were weighted to be representative of the total South Africa adult population (n = 18 251 000) based on gender, age, living environment and race distribution in 2000. Effect sizes were used to determine the strength of associations (practical significance), since statistical significance could be attributed to the large study population. No practically significant differences between either gender or age groups, or between rural and metropolitan respondents' opinions were found. Most respondents in the total study population (50–75%), as well as within all race groups agreed that soy has many health benefits; soy is good for you; soy lowers cholesterol; soy is good for people with a milk allergy; soy helps keep your heart healthy; soy is good for diabetes and soy is good for growing children. Medium to large practically significant differences were found between racial groups regarding some of the statements. Practically significantly more adult Black consumers believed that soy is only for people with a low‐income, and fewer that soy milk is good for people with a milk allergy than did White, Indian and Coloured consumers. Whites were relatively more positive towards the use of soy for people with a milk allergy opposed to Blacks, while Blacks were relatively more positive than Whites towards the statement that soy helps keep your bones strong. The results indicate that SA consumers held positive opinions and associate consumption of soy with several health benefits. The role of soy is seen more as being preventative than curative. It may represent a challenge to the food industry to design soy‐containing products that appeal to a broader spectrum of consumers.  相似文献   
Im Hartz IV-Gesetz, das zum 1. Januar 2005 in Kraft trat, wurde unter anderem geregelt, welche Wohnraumstandards für Hartz IV-Empf?nger angemessen seien. Schon vor Inkrafttreten des Gesetzes kam es zu einer kontroversen Diskussion darüber, ob und in welchem Umfang Zahlungsempf?nger auf Druck der Beh?rden umziehen müssen. Wie hat sich die Haltung der Beh?rden im ersten Geltungsjahr entwickelt? Ist es in einem erheblichen Umfang zu erzwungenen Umzügen gekommen?  相似文献   
Two of the experimental methods used to estimate willingness‐to‐pay (WTP) for a non‐market good, the Becker‐DeGroot‐Marschak (BDM) mechanism and the non‐hypothetical choice experiment (nHCE) often lead to significantly different WTP estimates, complicating the choice between the methods. In Zambia the same group of researchers used both techniques to evaluate WTP for orange maize, which provides more vitamin A than other varieties. This provided an opportunity to analyse the sources of the difference. In the BDM experiment, one group of respondents was provided with more training opportunities than the other, and made higher bids. Accounting for lexicographic behaviour in the nHCE reduced the estimated WTP. These two design factors together resulted in a decrease in the WTP difference for orange maize (1,279–632 ZMK) although the difference remains statistically significant. More training was also shown to eliminate the effects of different orders in which maize varieties were presented.  相似文献   
Regulatory capital – as a tool for financial regulation – has come under scrutiny following the financial crisis of 2007‐2010 in terms of its ability to achieve the major objectives of financial regulations, namely contributing to financial stability; the provision of equally competitive regulatory conditions for financial institutions; and aiming to ensure that regulatory capital requirements are risk‐sensitive. This article investigates and compares the risk‐sensitivity of economic capital and regulatory capital requirements empirically from a systemic and institution‐specific perspective. The results are assessed to determine whether current regulatory capital requirements are representative of the relevant risks financial institutions face. Given these results as well as calls to strengthen Basel's Pillar 2 disciplines in the aftermath of the crisis, it also presents a case for regulators to place a heavier reliance on economic capital – rather than regulatory capital numbers.  相似文献   
In this paper we apply GMM estimation to assess the relevance of domestic versus external determinants of CPI inflation dynamics in a sample of OECD countries typically classified as open economies. The analysis is based on a variant of the small open-economy New Keynesian Phillips Curve derived in Galí and Monacelli (Rev Econ Stud 72:707–734, 2005), where the novel feature is that expectations about fluctuations in the terms of trade enter explicitly. For most countries in our sample the expected relative change in the terms of trade emerges as the more relevant inflation driver than the contemporaneous domestic output gap.  相似文献   
Brand community members have a strong interest in the product and in the brand. They usually have extensive product knowledge and engage in product‐related discussions; they support each other in solving problems and generating new product ideas. Therefore, brand communities can be a valuable source of innovation. So far, little is known about the member's ability and willingness to participate in a company's innovation process. How does passion for the brand, affiliation to the brand community, and trust in the brand affect the willingness to engage in a company's innovation process? What is the effect of brand passion on brand knowledge and on domain‐specific skills, which are considered important prerequisites for qualified and creative contributions to new product development? What is the effect of personality traits on the willingness and ability to engage in new product development? This research addresses these questions, which are interesting for managers who are thinking about opening up their innovation process and collaborating with brand communities and for academics exploring the opportunities of online communities for new product development and trying to develop promising new forms of open innovation networks. Drawing on brand community literature, relationship theory, creativity theory, and personality traits research, this paper introduces a comprehensive set of antecedents affecting brand community members' willingness to engage in new product development. It is argued that consumer creativity, identification with the brand community, and brand‐specific emotions and attitudes (passion and trust) as well as brand knowledge are important determinants of consumers' willingness to share their knowledge with producers. The paper also identifies two personality traits (i.e., extraversion and openness) that have significant influence on brand passion, creativity, and identification with the community. The hypotheses are tested on a sample of 550 members of the Volkswagen Golf GTI car community. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relationship among the constructs. Though a positive disposition toward a brand may be advantageous for consumers that are willing to interact with producers during new product development, our results show that it is consumer interest in innovations and the innovative process that drives them to get involved. Further, brand community members with more knowledge and more innovative skills seem to be more willing to contribute than less qualified community members.  相似文献   
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