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abstract    This study focuses on the impact of knowledge management in supplier relations (termed as supplier-focused knowledge management, SFKM) within the automobile industry of an emerging economy (Brazil), on financial and product performance. A model of the relationship between supplier-focused knowledge management, including its associated processes, and performance is described and the associated hypotheses are developed and then tested. Knowledge sharing through face-to-face communication is positively related to both product and financial performance, while technological knowledge sharing has a positive impact on product performance under conditions of high technological dynamism. Supplier involvement in the production process is related to product performance and use of knowledge management tools is related to financial performance. The results support the major hypotheses of our SFKM model. These results are discussed in the context of the knowledge management and supplier-relations literatures in terms of the contributions, implications for research and practice, and directions for future research.  相似文献   
As downside risk has been identified as a separate risk exposure to investors, we investigate whether downside beta and co-skewness exposure impact on the return to investors in Australian equities. Although considered as a developed market, the Australian Securities Exchange merits separate investigation, as it is small and concentrated on some sectors, when compared with the major developed markets. As realized returns are a proxy for expected returns, we separately examine conditional returns in upturn and downturn periods. We find that both downside risks are separately priced by investors, and that our results are unaffected by the inclusion of a range of company characteristics. We subsequently confirm that returns to each downside risk are not related. In robustness tests, we conclude that the return to downside risk cannot be explained by a size, a value, or a momentum premium. Although it also has explanatory power, the inclusion of a leverage factor also does not reduce the explanatory power of downside risk.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to examine the effects of marking‐to‐market of futures contracts on the price differential between futures and forward contracts based on the predictions of the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1981) (CIR) model. Cox et al ., (1981) derive a series of propositions with respect to the relationship between futures and forward prices and a set of testable implications. These are tested empirically in this paper using Australian data from November 1991 to June 1997. The results provide evidence of the presence of significant futures and forward price differences, where the futures price is consistently below the forward price. Only partial support is found for the Cox et al ., (1981) propositions, implying that the effect of marking‐to‐market is not able to fully account for the price differential. Therefore, it is not possible to rule out the influence of other institutional factors on the futures‐forward price difference.  相似文献   
Distributional properties of emerging market returns may impact on investor ability and willingness to diversify. Investors may also place greater weighting on downside losses, compared to upside gains. Using individual equities in a range of emerging Asian markets, we investigate the potential contribution of downside risk measures to explain asset pricing in these markets. As realized returns are used as a proxy for expected returns, we separately examine conditional returns in upturn and downturn periods, in order to successfully identify risk and return relationships. Results indicate that co-skewness and downside beta are priced by investors. Further testing confirms a separate premium for each measure, confirming that they capture different aspects of downside risk. Robustness tests indicate that, when combined with other risk measures, both retain their explanatory power. Tests also indicate that co-skewness may be the more robust measure.  相似文献   
A conceptual model of the effect of psychological contracts and associated fairness perceptions on customer service organizational citizenship behaviors (CSOCB) is presented. Psychological contracts, individually held beliefs regarding employer-employee reciprocal expectations and obligations, provide a basis for the comprehensive perception of organizational justice. In turn, justice perceptions result in CSOCB, or externally directed extra-role behaviors. When customer contact employees perceive violations, these behaviors are likely to be either negative or a reduction of positive behaviors. Future research is discussed.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the evidence on the impact of tariff reductions on employment in developing countries. We carry out a systematic review of the existing empirical literature, and include both, ex post econometric evidence and ex ante Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) simulation studies. The synthesis of results suggests that the effects of tariff reductions on employment are country and trade policy specific. When looking across higher quality econometric studies that control for the endogeneity of tariffs, only a couple of studies have statistically significant results, and these suggest that employment is likely to decrease slightly in the short run following trade liberalization. This is consistent with the notion that there are winners and losers from trade policy reform. These results are in contrast with the CGE findings, which by design incorporate projections of the medium‐run economy‐wide knock‐on effects suggested by economic theory. The synthesis of CGE studies suggests non‐negative effects of trade liberalization on aggregate employment and moderate inter‐sectoral labour reallocation effects.  相似文献   
It is well known that the range of attribute variation used in a conjoint design influences the inferred attribute importance. However, even if the range is held constant, the addition of intermediate levels can increase this importance. In this paper we show why the problem occurs for rankorder preferences. The results from an experimental study confirm the existence of a systematic influence due to the number of (intermediate) levels. Surprisingly, the problem is equally strong when rating scale preferences are collected. Several possible solutions are suggested.  相似文献   
Marketers have been interested in the relationship between brand loyalty and price sensitivity for many years and have examined whether loyalty reduces consumer price sensitivity. The results, to date, indicate that loyalty does indeed raise the price that consumers are willing to pay for a brand. Other than this broad finding, however, there has been little research in the literature regarding whether and how this relationship varies across consumers and product categories and, within consumers, over time. This is the issue that we investigate in this paper. Specifically, we examine whether the price sensitivity-loyalty relationship is heterogeneous and dynamic. We propose an approach wherein the price sensitivity parameter of a brand choice model is specified as a function of loyalty with three parameters. The first parameter of this function represents the maximum possible reduction in price sensitivity due to loyalty. The second parameter affects the type and shape of the relationship between price sensitivity and loyalty. In particular, depending on the value of this parameter, the relationship could be non-existent, follow a concave shape, indicating decreasing response to increases in loyalty, or be S-shaped to capture the case of increasing response initially followed by decreasing response subsequently. Finally, the third parameter captures the rate at which price sensitivity falls as loyalty increases.We use the proposed approach to investigate the relationship in four frequently purchased categories. In each category, we select a sample of households and calibrate the model on the choices of all the households in the sample. We next employ an Empirical Bayes approach to obtain household-level estimates of all the parameters. These parameters are then used to assign each household in each category to a no response or concave or S-shaped response groups. Within each of these three groups, we assign each household to one of four different response level and rate segments, that is, high response-high rate, high response-low rate, low response-high rate, and low response-low rate. Each of these segments differs in the response level, that is, the maximum reduction in price sensitivity as loyalty reaches a maximum—and the response rate, that is, how quickly price sensitivity falls with increases in loyalty.Following the assignment of each household to a segment in each category, we pool the households across all four categories and calibrate a membership function. This function explains households’ membership in different segments in terms of product category characteristics, household demographics, the household’s responses to price, display, and feature promotions and the evolution of loyalty of the household.Our findings suggest that the nature of the loyalty-price sensitivity relationship does vary across consumers as well as over time. Specifically, the concave response is more likely than the S-shaped response or the absence of a response. We find that the S-shaped response is not related to responsiveness to in-store promotions. It is, however, associated with a slower growth in loyalty to a brand as it is purchased. The concave response, on the other hand, is associated with responsiveness to feature promotions but is unrelated to how loyalty to brands evolves with their purchases.We also find that demographic characteristics are related to the behavior of the concave and S-shaped responses. Specifically, for the S-shaped response, household demographics are related to both the maximum level of the curve as well as its rate of growth. In particular, the curve grows faster with age and its maximum increases with the weekly working hours of the household. In the case of the concave response, high income and more working hours raise the maximum level that the curve achieves. Its rate of growth, however, is unaffected by demographics.We also provide several managerial implications for loyalty and promotional programs based on our findings. Specifically, our first finding—that the loyalty-price sensitivity relationship is dynamic—suggests that, rather than having promotional programs, where the value of the price promotion is fixed and some consumers are targeted with the promotion while others are not, managers should have an entire schedule of price promotions with each level of promotions targeting consumers at a different loyalty level.Our second finding that the nature of the loyalty-price sensitivity relationship is heterogeneous across consumers suggests that designing loyalty programs on the basis of crude classifications such as loyals and non-loyals is not appropriate. Instead, households that are identified as loyal, need to be further divided based on how the loyalty affects their price sensitivity. Promotional programs should then be based on the specific type of relationship that a household exhibits.The third finding that the reductions in price sensitivity to loyalty can exhibit an S-shaped or a concave pattern also has an interesting managerial implication. Specifically, given the differences between the two patterns in how long it might take a consumer to reach a point where s(he) is willing to purchase a brand due to loyalty rather than due to a price promotion, and hence be a profitable customer, it may be preferable for managers to invest more in consumers who exhibit a concave rather than an S-shaped response.Finally, our result that different categories may exhibit different patterns of the relationship between price sensitivity and loyalty implies that each category needs to be analyzed by itself for what the nature of the loyalty-price sensitivity relationship is likely to be so that the most appropriate program for that category can be developed.  相似文献   
Cross-cultural Competence (CC) of managers in globally dispersed MNE affiliates is one of the most effective means to overcome the liability of foreignness. Although managers high in biculturalism may have more resources than monoculturals to acquire (and deploy) CC in mitigating liability of foreignness, this has not been adequately examined. We contribute by examining the influence of two new antecedents of CC –biculturalism and Attributional Complexity. In four studies, we find that these antecedents are related to CC, effectiveness outcomes, and show incremental value over established personality traits in predicting them. We discuss contributions, limitations, future directions, and managerial implications.  相似文献   
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