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商业银行反周期资本缓冲的方法选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提供了设计反周期资本缓冲的一些经验教训和方法选择,主要贡献在于分析了用于指引资本缓冲建立和释放的条件变量。不同反周期资本措施的主要区别在于条件变量是银行特定的还是系统性的,前种方法对特定构成要素的数量要求巨大,相比之下系统性的方法更具优势。作为资本缓冲增加进度和规模信号的最佳变量未必是指引资本缓冲释放时机和程度的最佳变量。信贷/GDP比率是指引建立阶段开始的最好变量,总损失的某种衡量,与信贷条件指标一起,可以很好地发出释放资本的信号。不过,现阶段设计完全以规则为基础的机制不太可能,不同程度的主观判断不可避免。此外,本文还认为,减少最低资本要求的敏感性是可靠的反周期缓冲措施的重要组成部分。在本次金融危机发生之后,反周期资本管理正逐渐引起国内银行业及相关部门的重视,本刊征得作者同意,翻译并发表此文,以期为相关部门资本监管和风险管理提供借鉴。作者及所在机构对译文免责。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore possible variances and commonalities in staff-related management practices at different country subsidiaries of the same multinational corporation (MNC). The study was exploratory, using data from ninety-six semi-structured interviews about current practices of management within eight European country subsidiaries. Results were based on 12,000 statements about management practices from staff in different countries. Analysis of the statements evidenced variances and commonalities in management practices in the country subsidiaries studied. It is suggested that variances are attributable to cultural factors, institutional pressures and other societal forces, and that commonalities might be explained by a common organizational culture. A theoretical model has been adapted to explain the conditions under which management practices take place in different country settings.  相似文献   
Conflict between and within countries can have lasting health and economic consequences, but identifying such effects can be empirically challenging. This paper uses household survey data from Eritrea to estimate the effect of exposure to the 1998-2000 Eritrea-Ethiopia war on children's health. The identification strategy exploits exogenous variation in the conflict's geographic extent and timing and the exposure of different birth cohorts to the fighting. The unique survey data include details on each household's migration history, which allows us to measure a child's geographic location during the war and without which war exposure would be incorrectly classified. War-exposed children have lower height-for-age Z-scores, with similar effects for children born before or during the war. Both boys and girls who are born during the war experience negative impacts due to conflict. Effects are robust to including region-specific time trends, alternative conflict exposure measures, and mother fixed effects.  相似文献   
The paper considers two main cases of how the creative arts can inform a greater appreciation of human dignity. The first case explores a form of theater, Commedia dell’Arte that has deep roots in Italian culture. The second recounts a set of theater exercises done with very minimal direction or self-direction in executive education and MBA courses at the Darden School, University of Virginia, in the United States. In both cases we highlight how the creative arts can be important for promoting human dignity in organizations, and how they can lead to a more authentic conversation about values, ethics, and meaning.  相似文献   
Economies of scale in the provision of export services and informal face-to-face exchanges of information about export markets may improve export performance of small firms located in Marshallian districts (locales). This paper presents an empirical test of this hypothesis and finds that geographical agglomeration of small-medium firms in a delimited area significantly affects their export intensity and their probability of becoming exporters. The significance of geographical agglomeration persists in spite of all controls which show how the dependent variable is also (positively) affected by export subsidies, formal export cooperation among firms, cooperation in (and quality of) innovation, size and age.  相似文献   
In a complex procurement a buyer may consider biasing the auction rules in order to account for differences in product characteristics offered by the sellers. This paper studies the gathering, disclosure and use of information about this bias. While we also describe the optimal procurement auction in our setting, the main focus of the paper is on the case where the buyer does not have commitment power. We find that without commitment full disclosure of the buyer’s preferences is optimal. Furthermore, lack of commitment distorts the buyer’s incentives to learn about its preferences: unlike the commitment case, without commitment the value of this information can be negative. Based on Chapter 3 of my Ph.D. dissertation at Stanford University. I gratefully acknowledge the support of a John M. Olin Dissertation Fellowship and a Melvin and Joan Lane Stanford Graduate Fellowship. Thanks to Pat Bajari, Tim Bresnahan, Vinicius Carrasco, George Deltas, Jonathan Levin, Paul Milgrom, Ilya Segal and an anonymous referee for valuable suggestions.  相似文献   
The recent availability of cross-sectional and longitudinal survey data on life satisfaction in a large number of countries gives us the opportunity to verify empirically (and not just to assume) what matters for individuals and what economists and policymakers should take into account when trying to promote personal and societal well-being. We now have ample evidence, generally robust to different cultural backgrounds, on the effects of some important happiness drivers (income, health, unemployment, marital status, etc.) which can be considered “quasi-stylized facts” of happiness. If economic policies, for many obvious reasons, cannot maximize self-declared life satisfaction as such, we are nonetheless learning a lot from these findings. In particular, results on the relevance of relational goods, on the inflation/unemployment trade-off in terms of welfare and, more in general, on the measurement of the shadow value of non-market goods obtained with life satisfaction estimates are conveying relevant information about individual preferences and what is behind utility functions. Such findings suggest that the anthropological reductionism characterizing most economic models can be misleading and that target indicators of economic policies have to be refocused if we want to minimize the distance between economic development and human progress.  相似文献   
This paper explores the political economy at the time of the 2012 tax reform, which paved the way for a radical tax increase in 2014. Both were an explicit response to demands to improve public education. As opposed to the 2014 reform, the 2012 tax adjustment was an unplanned decision made in the wake of a pact of long-term fiscal stability during the government's last year in office and was partially negotiated with student associations and pressure groups. We hypothesise that the existing institutions were not strong enough to meet emerging social demands through formal channels. We will show evidence for the hypothesis that the government's incorporation of students’ demands in its agenda was mainly a response to the role of the media, the fact that it is not difficult for students to organise themselves and express their demands, the support of students’ families and the ruling government's fear of missing out on a second term in office.  相似文献   
We investigate the performance of socially responsible funds (SRFs) and conventional funds (CFs) in different market (geographical area and class size) segments during the period 1992–2012. From an unbalanced sample of more than 22 000 funds, we define a matched sample using a beta-distance measure to match any SRF with the ‘nearest neighbour’ CF in terms of sensitivity to risk factors. Using this matching approach and a recursive analysis, we identify several switch points in the lead/lag relationship between the two investment styles over time in different market segments. A relevant finding of our analysis is that SRFs played an ‘insurance role’ outperforming CFs during the 2007 global financial crisis.  相似文献   
We study how the proximity of elections affects policy choices in a model in which policymakers want to improve their reputation to increase their reelection chances. Policymakers' equilibrium decisions depend on both their reputation and the proximity of the next election. Typically, incentives to influence election results are stronger closer to the election (for a given reputation level), as argued in the political cycles literature, and these political cycles are less important when the policymaker's reputation is better. Our analysis sheds light on other agency relationships in which part of the compensation is decided upon infrequently.  相似文献   
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