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基于"受托环境保护责任"理论从需求和供给的视角分析环境审计动因,以我国环境审计理论研究规模为标本诠释环境审计需求,以我国环境审计结果公告数为标本诠释环境审计供给,以我国环境审计案例为标本诠释环境审计需求和环境审计供给之间的契合关系,研究表明:我国环境审计需求强烈,环境审计实践将更加有赖于环境审计服务的供给能力,而环境审计服务的供给能力受到诸多因素的影响;目前,大幅度提升环境审计服务供给能力是推进我国环境审计实践的关键所在。  相似文献   
The proliferation of golf events has provided increased opportunities to watch professional golf tournaments. The purpose of this study is to examine a variety of leisure benefits sought by Korean golf event spectators and provide useful marketing strategies to fulfill their needs. Within the contexts of leisure benefits, different individuals tend to assign different meanings to the same leisure experience. In this sense, golf event spectators are likely to pursue heterogeneous leisure benefits from their engagement. This study identified four distinct spectator groups (i.e., escape seekers, exercise seekers, interest seekers, and excitement seekers) and uncovered significant differences among these segments. Results provided empirical support that event-based sport tourism marketers need to implement diverse strategies to increase and reinforce their customer base.  相似文献   
We examined the recent occupational regulation changes in China and their labour market impacts. Using data from the China Labor-Force Dynamic Survey from 2014 to 2018, we found an earning premium of approximately 10 per cent, as well as more employment-based benefits, for those with an occupational license compared to those without one. Licensed workers reported higher skill-job task match than unlicensed workers. Our data cover the period of occupational regulation reform in China, when 70 per cent of occupations previously licensed or certified were deregulated. Over this period, the licensing status remained associated with positive earning and employment benefits premiums, and better skill-job task match at the labour market level. However, delicensing led to a distributional shift in the earning dispersion, especially at the bottom of the earning distribution; earning premiums rose sharply for the 10th to 30th percentiles. Workers directly affected by the licensing reform reported a significant decrease in employment benefits and in subjective job quality measures (i.e. skill-job task match and voice at work) after delicensing, relative to never-licensed workers. We suggest that non-wage compensation is lost in the short term because the signal of competency is no longer valued by employers after delicensing.  相似文献   
Unlike prospective participants with desire for initial participation, current participants are likely to have different interest in habitual leisure engagement from participation itself. Accordingly, they may respond to the effects of leisure constraints differently in order to progress toward a higher level of leisure involvement. This study aims to construct a theoretical framework that demonstrates how diverse components of current participants’ constraints negotiation process are conceptually connected to each other. Study results suggest that different negotiation strategies help current participants adjust their willingness to participate in the activity more frequently. Results also denote that the three dimensions of leisure constraints are differently associated with cognitive negotiation strategies, and commitment plays an important role in promoting the use of negotiation strategies to mitigate current participants’ perception of leisure constraints.  相似文献   
The rapid development of information communication technology has encouraged tourism authorities to carefully consider the typical duties of tourist information centres (TICs), wherein visitors acquire various kinds of travel information about a particular destination. This study aims to provide useful management implications to help tourism organisations develop feasible TIC operational strategies and implement alternative services in the ubiquitous information environment. To provide a richer understanding of tourists' heterogeneous preferences for TICs, this study makes use of the stated preference choice method with a sample of South Korean domestic tourists. Despite the widespread use of personal mobile devices, our study results suggest that South Korean domestic tourists still prefer to visit various types of TICs to acquire travel information. Results indicate that the TIC visitor group is less sensitive than the non-visitor group to advanced information communication technology and more satisfied with the availability of WIFI signals to facilitate the use of personal mobile devices or laptops. Our respondents also demonstrate their preferences for some TICs constructed with container structures, whereas they showed a strong aversion to visiting booth-styled TICs inside larger buildings. Based on these findings, this study provides several management strategies to fulfil tourists' ever-changing needs.  相似文献   
本文采用保荐代表人个人层面的数据,研究保代在核准制市场的保荐经历对其科创板IPO定价的影响.我们研究发现保代的核准制保荐经历有利于提升科创板的IPO定价效率,表现为当保代承担过核准制市场的保荐业务、在核准制市场的保荐次数较多,或者核准制市场客户业绩表现较好时,其科创板客户的IPO抑价水平更低.进一步检验发现在上市中,保代的核准制保荐经历可以降低科创板客户遭受的监管问询次数,而且当核准制客户业绩表现较好时,科创板问询语调也更加偏向积极;在上市后,保代的核准制保荐经历可以降低短期股价波动率,而且能够为投资者带来更高的长期超额回报;另外,有核准制保荐经历的保代会收取一定费用作为声誉溢价.本文的研究对于当前核准制和注册制并存的市场环境,理解和提升保荐代表人在跨市场中的价值发现功能具有重要的理论价值和实践意义.  相似文献   
资产证券化作为传统融资渠道之外的新型金融工具,向穷尽信用贷款、缺乏重资产的新兴企业提供了选择.为实现资产信用与企业信用相分离,需要将拟证券化的资产进行产权变更,部分优质资产由于政策、法律等原因难以进行这一程序,便需要信托对之进行包装,以信托受益权的形式实现真实出售.但是,同样的工具也可用于掩盖底层资产实际为信用的实质,将之包装为依靠自身产生现金流的资产,进而获得投资,长租公寓信托受益权ABS便是其中的代表,实践中产生了诸多风险,例如原始权益人藉此逃避监管与披露义务;无法产生有效的风险隔离;突破资产证券化的实质,以企业经营能力替换产生现金流的资产等.据此,应当通过贯彻穿透原则,明确限定底层资产权属,规定必要的自购比例,减少资金流通过程,提供更多融资渠道等方式保护投资者权益,维护市场秩序.  相似文献   

Social friendship and geographical position information often reflects individuals’ personal preferences and other types of knowledge that can be used to extract their similarity for recommendation systems. This paper finds that users are more likely to move around some specific centres or check in at some hotspots; a few individuals check in frequently, whereas most locations are rarely visited. Based on these findings, we propose a multi-centre clustering algorithm to capture users’ mobile patterns and develop a user similarity measurement method. Complexity analysis shows the method’s efficiency in handling large datasets and experimental results demonstrate its good applicability.  相似文献   
为建设更高水平的开放型经济新体制,近年来我国金融开放的步伐明显加快.那么在当前我国正面临投资结构脱实向虚的情况下,金融开放除了具有增长效应和波动效应之外,对企业的投资行为是否具有纠偏作用呢?文章以2010-2019年我国非金融上市公司年度数据为研究样本,利用沪深港通交易制度的实施作为资本市场开放的标志事件构造准自然实验,实证检验了资本市场开放对企业投资结构偏向的影响.研究表明:(1)沪深港通交易制度的实施有助于引导企业投资结构从偏重金融资产投资转向实体投资,且该效应在高融资约束、高成长性以及制造业企业中更为凸显.(2)在作用渠道上,沪深港通交易制度通过融资成本渠道和资产收益率渠道,降低了企业的股权融资成本,缩小了实体投资收益率与金融投资收益率的差距,对企业投资结构脱实向虚产生了纠偏作用,从而最终促使企业投资结构偏向实体投资.(3)沪深港通交易制度也会通过优化投资结构促进企业生产效率和价值的提升.文章为揭示我国持续扩大资本市场开放进程以引导经济脱虚入实进而实现高质量发展的内在机理提供了经验证据.  相似文献   
This paper aims to depict the patterns of China's productivity catch‐up with Taiwan in the electronics industry over the period 2001–2007. Specifically, we investigate the roles that ownership structure and innovation efforts play in the dynamics of the productivity gap. The firm‐level evidence suggests that the labour productivity gap between Chinese and Taiwanese electronics firms has narrowed during the past decade. Second, the narrowing of the labour productivity gap has occurred in foreign‐owned enterprises rather than in local firms. Examining the determinants of productivity catch‐up show that R&D significantly contributes to Chinese electronics firms' catching up with their Taiwanese counterparts.  相似文献   
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