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Stefan Gössling Paul PeetersC. Michael Hall Jean-Paul CeronGhislain Dubois La Vergne LehmannDaniel Scott 《Tourism Management》2012,33(1):1-15
This article reviews direct freshwater consumption in tourism from both quantitative and qualitative viewpoints to assess the current water demand of the tourism sector and to identify current and future management challenges. The article concludes that even though tourism increases global water consumption, direct tourism-related water use is considerably less than 1% of global consumption, and will not become significant even if the sector continues to grow at anticipated rates of around 4% per year (international tourist arrivals). The situation differs at the regional level because tourism concentrates traveller flows in time and space, and often-in dry destinations where water resources are limited. Furthermore, the understanding of tourism’s indirect water requirements, including the production of food, building materials and energy, remains inadequately understood, but is likely to be more substantial than direct water use. The article concludes that with expected changes in global precipitation patterns due to climate change, it is advisable in particular for already water scarce destinations to engage in proactive water management. Recommendations for managing tourism’s water footprint are made. 相似文献
Using two languages within an advertisement is increasing across many markets, throughout the world. By investigating code-switching effects between the Korean and English languages, this study is the first to directly test the Markedness Model perspective in the Korean marketplace. Furthermore, this study introduces a new type of code-switching (transliterated code-switching) between two alphabetic languages and assesses the impact of code-switching on advertising effectiveness across the different types. The results of Study 1 indicate that Korean–English (KE) code-switching and transliterated Korean–English (TL-KE) code-switching were significantly higher in attitude toward the slogan and product evaluation than English–Korean (EK) code-switching. However, there was no significant difference in the dependent variables between TL-KE and KE slogans. Study 2 tested the role of the perceived difficulty of the English words as a moderating variable. It was found that the KE slogan was more effective than the TL-KE slogan when difficult English words were embedded in the slogans, whereas no difference was found between the two slogans when the English words were perceived as easy. Implications for advertisers are presented and future research areas are discussed. 相似文献
Research examining the influence of social norms on motivating savings behavior is scarce. The current study tested social norm effects in conjunction with benefit information and the moderating role of attention to social comparison information (ATSCI) when responding to public service advertisements (PSAs) promoting savings behavior. Results from two experiments, testing positive and negative social norm information, respectively, support the argument that lower ATSCI individuals exhibit greater intellectual autonomy and discernment of information, especially regarding norm information, while higher ATSCI individuals generally demonstrate greater social compliance tendencies. Implications for theory development and enhancing savings campaigns are discussed. 相似文献
Maurizio Franzini Mario Pianta James K. Galbraith Francesco Bogliacino Virginia Maestri Michele Raitano Gerhard Bosch Thorsten Kalina 《Intereconomics》2016,51(2):48-48
While it has long been apparent that global levels of wealth and income inequality have been steadily increasing since the 1970s, the issue received scant attention in Europe until the recent fi nancial crisis and the resulting Great Recession illuminated for the general public just how great the chasm between the very rich and everybody else had grown. This realisation was coupled with an increased focus on inequality among economists and other academics, leading to a fresh drive for policy ideas to remedy the alarming trend. This Forum comprises a diverse range of viewpoints on the recent history and dynamics of inequality within Europe, each striving to defi ne the root causes in the various countries being examined. The defi nition of these causes, of course, can inform the direction of policies aimed at alleviating the growing inequality in many European countries and thereby curtail one of the major political and social issues of our time. 相似文献
Mauro Croce Gioacchino Lavanco Loredana Varveri Maurizio Fiasco 《Journal of Consumer Policy》2009,32(3):303-311
Book Note
Book Notes COPO No. 3 2009 by Lucia A. Reisch 相似文献336.
Business Ethics through philosophy includes threeelements: ethical thought, meaning meditation; ethicaldefinition, referring to philosophical readings;ethical values, in reference to case work in practicalethics. The purpose of this article is to show how businessethics can be conceived as an ethical vision,nourished and integrated around a philosophicalviewpoint.Three kinds of meditation are helpful in teachingbusiness ethics: nondiscursive meditation (part one),semidiscursive meditation (part two), and discursivemeditation (part three).The second and third elements of a philosophy ofbusiness, namely, readings and case work, areconnected with each form of meditation. There are fivephilosophical perspectives on business ethics: aFriedmanite ``The Business of Business is Business'Perspective, an (Industrial) Democracy Perspective, an(Eco) Systems Perspective, a Virtues Perspective, anda Western Christian Theological Perspective. Thereadings on the Friedmanite and Democracy perspectivesare connected to nondiscursive meditation. Readings onecosystems are illustrated in connection withsemidiscursive meditation. The Virtues and WesternChristian Theological perspectives are taken up inconnection with discursive meditation. The practicalcases are introduced with each philosophicalperspective. 相似文献
This paper provides a methodological analysis of credit risk in manufacturing firms by using two different credit scoring approaches. The first is the traditional discriminant approach for bankruptcy prediction based on a logistic regression model, whereas the second, data envelopment analysis, is a nonparametric approach for measuring firms’ efficiency that does not require ex-ante information on bankrupted firms. By using a manufacturing sample of both healthy and bankrupted firms during the period 2003–09 we provide an in-depth comparison of discriminant analysis and data envelopment analysis and conclude that a correct evaluation of firms’ credit worthiness is the result of successive fine-tuning procedures requiring the use of multiple methodological tools. 相似文献
In appealing to consumers, marketers need to know what the good life means across various consumer segments. The present study seeks to deepen the understanding of consumer subjective well-being (SWB) by exploring its relationship with selected secular and sacred values. SWB, defined as individuals' cognitive and affective assessments regarding their life satisfaction (Diener, 1984), is treated as the dependent variable in investigating how SWB is influenced by individual consumer materialistic attitudes (a secular value), religiosity (a sacred value), and demographics. Significant differences between high and low religiosity consumers regarding the role of income and materialistic attitudes in predicting SWB were found. Although income and some aspects of materialism are positively related to the SWB of low religiosity consumers, these variables are negatively related to the SWB of high religiosity consumers. This study implies that marketers might benefit from considering consumer religiosity as a segmentation and targeting direction in the design of materialistic positionings and communications. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Rungsaran Wongprawmas Gioacchino Pappalardo Maurizio Canavari Biagio Pecorino 《食品市场学杂志》2016,22(6):658-682
A non-hypothetical open-ended choice experiment with a multi-unit elicitation format was conducted to elicit Italian consumer willingness-to-pay (WTP) and demand schedule for new wheat-derived products that were produced by adopting an ecologically friendly post-harvest technique (high heat-treated, HHT). A sample of 270 Italian consumers were surveyed in Bologna, Catania, and Palermo in June 2014. Data were analyzed using a double hurdle model. Results suggest Italian consumers are willing to pay premium prices for HHT flour, while they prefer to pay for HHT packed bread at the same price as a conventional one. Consumers’ WTP for the second, third, and more units are lower than their WTP for the first unit of product. While factors that influence consumers’ decision to buy these two new products are the same, factors that affect their desired product units differ among each products. In conclusion, Italian consumers’ preference for an eco-friendly label depends on the types of products. 相似文献
We examine the formation of property rights in land during the early settlement by the Dutch of the Cape Colony at the southern tip of Africa. After its founding in 1652 as a provisioning outpost for ships of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), the colonial government promoted settlement initially by granting land with well-specified and enforced property rights in restricted zones near Cape Town. By 1714 it transitioned to accommodate rapidly expanding settlement by creating a weaker form of property rights, the loan farm, which was imprecisely defined and had limited government enforcement. We develop a profit-maximizing monopsony model to explain the VOC's choice to transition from the better-specified land grant to the less well-specified loan farm. We conclude that the decline in the population size and ability of the Khoikhoi, the Cape's original inhabitants, to organize effective resistance to the Dutch invasion was critical to the transition, as it lowered the costs of private enforcement of settlers’ territorial claims. The choice of property rights thus enabled and encouraged the rapid taking by European settlers of the western Cape of Africa for the expansion of the Dutch colony's pastoral economy. 相似文献