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Dynamic futures‐hedging ratios are estimated across seven markets using generalized models of the variance/covariance structure. The hedging performances of the resultant dynamic strategies are then compared with static and naïve strategies, both in‐ and out‐of‐sample. Bayesian‐adjusted hedge ratios also are employed as error purgers. The empirical results indicate that the generalized dynamic models are well specified and that their use in determining optimal hedge ratios can lead to improvements in hedging performance as measured by the volatilities of the returns on the optimally hedged position. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:241–260, 2003  相似文献   
The Chicago Board Options Exchange concurrently listed European‐style and American‐style options on the Standard and Poor's 500 Index from April 2, 1986 through June 20, 1986. This unique time period allows for a direct measurement of the early exercise premium in American‐style index options. In this study, using ask quotes, we find average early exercise premiums ranging from 5.04 to 5.90% for calls, and from 7.97 to 10.86% for puts. Additionally, we are able to depict a potentially useful functional form of the early exercise premium. As in previous studies, we find some instances of negative early exercise premiums. However, a trading simulation shows that traders must be able to trade within the bid–ask spread to profit from these apparent arbitrage opportunities. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:287–313, 2003  相似文献   
This study attempts to infuse relationship marketing theory into the study of logistics outsourcing relationships. In particular, the study demonstrates that not all of the partnerships between customers and providers of third‐party logistics services are the same in terms of their level of development. The existence of distinct levels of partnership established previously in the logistics literature is partially supported and a relationship between level of partnership development and the customer perceptions of key relationship marketing elements and outcomes is established. While exploratory in nature, these findings suggest there are benefits for the increased costs of developing closer partnerships.  相似文献   
Michael Meyen 《Publizistik》2004,49(2):194-206
Der vorliegende Beitrag fragt nach der demographischen Struktur der zentralen akademischen Akteure der Kommunikationswissenschaft in Deutschland und nach m?glichen Ver?nderungen dieser Struktur in den letzten 50 Jahren. Die Analyse zeigt zum einen, dass von einem einheitlichen Zugang zum Hochschullehrerberuf nach wie vor keine Rede sein kann, und zum anderen, dass das Fach vor einer demographischen Herausforderung steht. Die Kommunikationswissenschaft hat sich durch Akademisierung und ?Versozialwissenschaftlichung? von ihren Wurzeln gel?st. War Berufserfahrung im Medienbereich bis in die 1960er Jahre Voraussetzung für eine Berufung, verfügt heute nur noch eine Minderheit über solche Erfahrungen. Da die Existenz des Faches im Rahmen der Universit?t auch von der Nachfrage der Studierenden abh?ngt, kann man über die Folgen des anstehenden Generationswechsels nur spekulieren. In jedem Fall fehlt es an formal für die Hochschullehrerlaufbahn qualifiziertem Nachwuchs. Deshalb sind erhebliche Anstrengungen erforderlich, wenn der Boom im letzten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts sich nicht als Seifenblase erweisen soll.  相似文献   
The Government has decided that referenda will be held in three northern regions of England regarding the establishment of elected regional assemblies. If these are established, the areas with two-tier local government would be converted to unitary structures. The Government asserts that this would be necessary because the retention of the two tiers would be the retention of one tier too many, but offers no evidence to back up this assertion. This assertion has been tested by an analysis of the Audit Commission's Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) ratings for the single tier and county councils, which shows that the counties have achieved better assessments than the other principal authorities. In addition, the Boundary Committee has been advised by the Government to use a costing model which is seriously inadequate: transition costs are ignored and the basis for assessing on-going costs is extremely narrow. Transition costs would be at least £110 per resident in the two-tier areas if there were to be three unitary councils for each county area, and there is no reasonable prospect that there would in fact be on-going savings except with unitary counties.  相似文献   
We study the comparative statics implications of mean-variance preferences for optimal portfolios. Specifically, we show that all risk-averse mean-variance investors raise their investment in a risky asset in response to a change in that asset's return distribution if and only if the change lowers both the mean and standard deviation of the return by the same percentage. Besides being of interest in its own right, our results allow us to compare some comparative statics implications and the expected utility and mean-variance models systematically.  相似文献   
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