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Within four months of the stock market crash on October 19, 1987, there were six studies of what happened. The Brady Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the General Accounting Office, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange all produced reports that described and analyzed the Crash, and in some cases made recommendations for additional regulation. This paper examines the conclusions and analyses contained in these reports and provides a summary of their recommendations. Particular attention is given to the allegation that stock index futures trading was a significant factor in the Crash. In addition, the recommendations that higher margins be imposed on futures transactions and that formal trading halts be instituted in both the futures and stock markets are discussed in depth. A major conclusion of this review is that new market-making procedures are needed to cope with the growing institutionalization of trading in equity and equity-derivative markets. Columbia University  相似文献   
This paper explores how a structured decision process, based on methods from the decision sciences, can contribute to the integration of local and scientific knowledge in environmental decision making. Emphasis is placed on the use of key decision structuring steps and analytical tools to help ensure the systematic treatment of both fact-based and value-based knowledge claims. Practical methods are discussed for communicating and evaluating values and technical information across participants and cultures in ways that are methodologically rigorous and encourage different sources of credible knowledge to be considered on equal footing. Examples are presented from water use planning in British Columbia, Canada, where stakeholder consultations at 22 hydroelectric facilities demonstrate specific techniques that can be used to clarify values, to explore hypotheses, to clarify uncertainties, to identify and evaluate options, to make value-based choices, and to facilitate mutual learning.  相似文献   
Abstract.  This paper shows that under certain plausible conditions capital accumulation raises the return to capital. A three good trade theoretic model with Kaldorian demand functions is used to establish this result. This proposition is also independent of the assumption of diminishing return to capital a key feature of endogenous growth theory. Our result sheds light on the high rates of investment and growth that many East Asian economies have achieved.  相似文献   
As U.S. business becomes more international, so does U.S. management education. Executive development programmes offer courses in the U.S. and abroad to managers from many nations. As part of the transfer of U.S. management methods, the concepts, techniques and beliefs taught in these programmes may not be easily accepted, especially by foreign managers. Careful examination of cultural differences in attitudes and opinions is a necessary step in the successful transfer of management technology. This paper compares U.S. and Australian managers' values, attitudes, beliefs and opinions on a wide range of topics using a modified version of Schein's Public Opinion Questionnaire. Our findings suggest that there are common business management views as well as national differences among managers in the U.S. and Australia.  相似文献   
Why would managers abandon pay‐for‐performance plans they initiated with great hopes? Why would employees celebrate this decision? This article explores why managers made their decisions in 12 of 13 pay‐for‐performance “experiments” at Hewlett‐Packard in the mid‐1990s. We find that managers thought the costs of these programs to be higher than the benefits. Alternative managerial practices such as effective leadership, clear objectives, coaching, or training were thought a better investment. Despite the undisputed instrumentality of pay‐for‐performance to motivate, little attention has been given to whether the benefits outweigh the costs or the “fit” of these programs with high‐commitment cultures like Hewlett‐Packard was at the time. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
We show that the composition of government spending influences the long-run behavior of the real exchange rate. We develop a two-sector small open-economy model in which an increase in government consumption is associated with real appreciation, while an increase in government investment may generate real depreciation. Our empirical work confirms that government consumption and government investment have differential effects on the real exchange rate and the relative price of nontradables.  相似文献   
While the marketplace potential of the elderly segment is tremendous, research with regard to what influences the elderly’s patronage behavior has, to date, been inconclusive. This article attempts to determine the effect lack of transportation mobility has on various patronage behaviors. The research reported here is based on a large national smaple of the elderly and incorporates the factors suggested by previous research. The study shows mobility is not a significant influence on the type of retail store frequented, but can influence switching patronage between stores of a given type. Additionally, it was found that mobility is related to the elderly’s psychographic profiles, convenience needs, and information source usage.  相似文献   
Recent editions of this journal have entered into a debate over research agendas in the area of corporate environmental management. In this contribution to the debate, it is argued that research has to result in change if it is to be effective. Taking a postmodern perspective, it is argued that there is need for more emphasis on a critical research agenda. Responses to this article are encouraged for publication in future issues of Business Strategy and the Environment. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   
Given that the prices of gold and silver have witnessed large and substantial swings in recent years, policymakers and investors need readily available and reliable forecasts of the prices of these two precious metals. Survey data of forecasts of the prices of gold and silver provide a particularly rich data environment for policymakers and investors to study developments in the markets for gold and silver. Our research helps to develop a deeper understanding of the properties of survey data of the prices of gold and silver. We study the shape of forecasters’ loss function and the rationality of their forecasts. Assuming an asymmetric loss function weakens evidence against forecast rationality, but results depend on the empirical model being studied.  相似文献   
This paper presents a PDE approach in a Markovian setting to hedge defaultable derivatives. The arbitrage price and the hedging strategy for an attainable contingent claim are described in terms of solutions of a pair of coupled PDEs. For some standard examples of defaultable claims, we provide explicit formulae for prices and hedging strategies.  相似文献   
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