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In this paper we examine how the information processing of subjects who make an innovative choice (innovators) differs from that of subjects who make a noninnovative choice (noninnovators). The task involves selection of an alternative within a range of prerated product category innovativeness. We propose that subjects who seek 1) impersonal/uncontrollable sources, 2) higher levels of information, 3) more detailed (versus summary) data, and 4) noncomparative (versus comparative) data are more likely to make innovative choices. The research method is a computerized process tracing experiment utilizing Search Monitor (Brucks 1988).The authors wish to express their gratitude to Merrie Brucks for the use of and help with Search Monitor and to Eric Johnson, Dave Schmittlein, and Mita Sujan for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   
Empirical research from various countries indicates that overindebtedness of consumers is, to a considerable extent, attributable to unexpected changes in the consumer's situation caused by illness, unemployment, and other such circumstances. It is therefore relevant to discuss whether and in what way such circumstances should be taken into account in the rules of private law. In Nordic (especially Finnish) legislation, mainly from the 1980s, there are several provisions which provide for mitigation of sanctions against a defaulting consumer if the delay is caused by illness, unemployment, etc. Such rules are contained, inter alia, in the legislation on consumer credit and on interest on delayed payments.On the basis of these provisions as well as some practices developed by the consumer authorities, a general principle of social force majeure is seen to be evolving. This doctrinal principle would enable the courts and other decision-makers to take into account unfavourable changes in the consumer's health, work, housing, and family situation in cases not regulated by specific legislation, e.g., by giving the consumer the right of withdrawal from burdensome contracts in such circumstances or to protect his right to retain electricity and telephone connections in spite of his temporary payment difficulties. The principle is expected to carry increasing weight in the future, especially in the practice of the consumer authorities. Strong arguments speak in favour of the general acceptance of such a principle.
Wirtschaftliche Unmöglichkeit aus sozialen Gründen — eine neue Rechtsfigur in den Nordischen Staaten
Zusammenfassung Empirisch-rechtssoziologische Untersuchungen aus verschiedenen Ländern kommen zu dem Ergebnis, daß Verschuldung und Zahlungsunfähigkeit von Verbrauchern zu einem großen Teil auf unerwartete Umweltänderungen zurückzuführen sind, etwa Krankheit, Arbeitslosigkeit und ähnliches. Es ist deshalb wichtig zu diskutieren, ob und in welcher Weise solche Umstände bei der Anwendung von Privatrechtsvorschriften berücksichtigt werden sollen. In den Nordischen Staaten, insbesondere in Finnland, gibt es seit den achtziger Jahren gesetzliche Vorschriften, die eine Abmilderung von Sanktionen gegen in Verzug geratene Schuldner vorsehen, wenn der Verzug auf Krankheit, Arbeitslosigkeit usw. zurückgeht. Diese Regeln finden sich im Recht des Konsumentenkredits und der Verzugszinsen. Auf der Basis dieser Vorschriften entwickelt sich eine neue Rechtsfigur der wirtschaftlichen Unmöglichkeit aus sozialen Gründen. Dieser Grundsatz würde es Gerichten und anderen Entscheidungsträgern ermöglichen, nachteilige Veränderungen der Gesundheit, Arbeitswelt, Haushalt und Familie des Verbrauchers auch in noch nicht gesetzlich geregelten Bereichen zu berücksichtigen, z.B. durch Gewährung eines Auflösungsrechts bei übermäßig belastenden Verträgen oder durch Schutz seines Rechts auf Versorgung mit Elektrizität und Telefon trotz zeitweiliger Zahlungsschwierigkeiten. Es wird erwartet, daß sich dieses Prinzip in Zukunft verstärkt durchsetzen wird, insbesondere in der Praxis von Verbraucherschutzbehörden. Wichtige Argumente sprechen für die allgemeine Anerkennung dieses Prinzips.

Thomas Wilhelmsson is Professor of Civil and Commercial Law at the Institute of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Vuorikatu 5, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland, and a member of the Finnish Market Court.  相似文献   
In this paper we discuss the fundamental inconsistency that results from employing the two traditional concepts of rationality as the basis of selecting social goals. We then consider the possibility that the selection of social goals must be based on explicitly ethical criteria. To do so a third concept of rationality namely, ontological rationality, should be adopted. Moreover, we argue that J. M. Keynes in A Tract Monetary Reform based his public policy recommendations on a modified version of ontological rationality, thereby introducing ontological rationality into economics as the basis for selecting social goals.A previous version of this paper was presented at the Fifty-Eighth International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 7–10, 2004. The authors are grateful to session participants for their helpful suggestions, though the authors alone are responsible for the contents of the paper.  相似文献   
The relationship between deregulation in the trucking industry and highway safety is an important economic and social issue. Analyses thus far have concentrated on the relationship between the downward pressure imposed on freight rates by deregulation and total safety investment by firms. Two issues which have been ignored are the effects that deregulation had on route carriage restrictions and total firm mileage. We show that the inclusion of these factors yields a model in which the relationship between motor carrier deregulation and highway safety is dependent upon the relative effects of all three factors. Estimation of the model using accident data implies that trucking deregulation did not deteriorate highway safety and may have actually improved it.  相似文献   
Conventional wisdom holds that when a firm gets into trouble due to lagging sales and rising costs, cutting the size of the organization to reduce fat and waste is a normal and effective response. In this study, evidence was found to suggest that just the opposite might be true. The financial performance of Fortune 100 companies was tracked over a five-year period—two years prior to the announced layoff, the year of the layoff announcement, and two years following it. Contrary to expectations, the results indicate that financial performance worsened, rather than improved, following announced layoffs. Strategic and human resource implications for the management of corporate downsizing are provided.  相似文献   
Summary. We show the existence of a competitive equilibrium in an economy with many consumers whose preferences may change over time. The demand correspondence of an individual consumer is determined by the set of subgame-perfect equilibrium outcomes in his intrapersonal game. For additively separable preferences with concave period utility functions that are unbounded above, this demand correspondence will satisfy the usual boundary conditions. Whenever consumers can recall their own mixed actions, this correspondence is convex-valued. This ensures the existence of a symmetric competitive equilibrium.Received: 29 July 2004, Revised: 17 November 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D51, D91, C73. Correspondence to: Thomas MariottiWe thank Michele Piccione for useful comments and suggestions. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis or the Federal Reserve System.  相似文献   
This paper centers on Keynes' theory of money and his attack on the classical model. Keynes criticized the self-correcting model of the British orthodoxy along two separate lines. In the first, in which Keynes' theory of money was crucial, he took the institutional variables as given and examined the functional relationships. Keynes' burden was to undermine what he termed the "classical dichotomy," where money was a veil, playing no role in determining output and employment. Two key features of the orthodox model were loanable funds and quantity theories, and Keynes' theory of money emerged from the rejection of these theories. The key to his attack on the classical dichotomy was the speculative demand for money, which he presented as an indirect, unstable function of the interest rate. Hence, Keynes linked money demand to the interest rate. The interest rate was thus determined by monetary variables rather than real factors, contrary to British orthodox opinion. Keynes then demonstrated that intended investment and saving need not be equal at a full employment equilibrium.A previous version of this paper was presented at the Fiftieth International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 15–18, 2000, Charleston, South Carolina. The authors are grateful to participants for their helpful suggestions. The authors are responsible for any remaining errors.  相似文献   
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