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This study uses nationally representative panel survey data for Australia to identify the role played by mismatches between hours actually worked and working time preferences in contributing to reported levels of job and life satisfaction. Three main conclusions emerge. First, it is not the number of hours worked that matters for subjective well-being, but working time mismatch. Second, overemployment is a more serious problem than is underemployment. Third, while the magnitude of the impact of overemployment may seem small in absolute terms, relative to other variables, such as disability, the effect is quite large.  相似文献   
This article considers the effect of airline hub-and-spoke systems on the entry and exit behavior of rival firms in the U.S. airline industry. An analysis of simple entry and exit decisions provides insight into equilibrium conditions that are used to specify discrete choice econometric models. The empirical evidence indicates that hub-and-spoke network characteristics are significant determinants of entry and exit decisions in individual citypair markets.  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of S & L and credit union competition on bank behaviorin Idaho and Montana. A structure-performance OLSmodel is used to estimate bank interest rates oncertain deposits. Two key independent variables arelocal market share of credit unions and S & Ldeposits. Overall, previous studies found littleevidence that thrift competition affects bankperformance. We found some evidence that thriftcompetition, especially from credit unions, resultsin higher interest rates for bank CDs. Theseresults have policy implications as banking groupscurrently seek to restrict credit union competition.  相似文献   
非常高兴回到上海来谈论中国与国际金融体系问题。我非常同意奥曼教授对上海的高度评价,上海在过去的十几年中是非凡的。中国希望上海成为主要的、重要的金融中心,中国的经济正在发生着翻天覆地的变化,并使其金融体系重新显现。今天我主要讲四个方面的问题:一是国际货币体系的演变;二是美元的作用;三是中国的崛起与人民币的改革;四是亚洲货币与世界货币。  相似文献   
A principal challenge confronting the senior marketing team in B2B firms is how to ensure that the marketing strategies they develop are implemented effectively. The literature indicates that mid-level marketing managers' perceptions of the procedural justice within the firm may be critical in this respect. However, there has been little empirical research on this issue. The authors develop and test a conceptual model of the key drivers and consequences of marketing managers' procedural justice perceptions. The findings show that if mid-level marketing managers trust their senior marketing colleagues and simultaneously operate within moderately organic structures, then procedural justice will thrive. A consequence of this is more effective implementation of marketing strategy which, in turn, leads to increased market performance.  相似文献   
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