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Leseliste Top 5: Beteiligungscontrolling  相似文献   
Do Ukrainian Firms Benefit from FDI?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All countries are eager to attract as much foreign direct investments (FDI) as possible. At the same time FDI may have not only positive, but also negative economic effects for receiving countries. Positive effects are associated with technology transfer, efficient allocation of resources, and training of domestic workers. However, the entry of foreign firms could, e.g., lead to a decrease of labor productivity at domestic firms, which is a negative effect. The main purpose of this paper is to estimate direct and indirect effects of FDI. First, we test for direct influence of foreign direct investments on firms performance, where the latter is estimated alternatively as labor productivity and as exports. FDI notably increases both labor productivity and export volumes. Second, we look for spillover or indirect effects. There is statistical evidence that the levels of FDI in certain regional industries are associated with higher performance indicators of firms not receiving FDI in those same regional industries.JEL Classification: L1, L6, F2  相似文献   
Current conceptualizations of the commodification of management knowledge prioritize the agency of knowledge producers, such as consultancies, but downplay the role of other actors such as intermediaries. Using a qualitative multi‐method study of the role of procurement in sourcing consultancy knowledge, we demonstrate how intermediaries also commodify management knowledge, thereby limiting the exchange value of that knowledge. Through our analysis we develop a more sophisticated model of the processes and consequences of knowledge commodification. This model clarifies and extends prior research by highlighting the role of commensuration, comparison and valuation, as well as the related tactics that consultants and client managers use to resist procurement's attempts to commodify management knowledge.  相似文献   
Large external imbalances and fragile fiscal positions have emerged as major policy challenges for the euro area in the financial crisis. The paper analyses whether shifting government purchases between tradable and non-tradable goods could help reduce external fluctuations without large swings in the overall fiscal stance. The policy rules considered are budgetary-neutral in the sense that the overall level of government expenditure is kept constant. We compare the policy rules to fiscal devaluation as a strategy to reduce external imbalances and find that state-dependent changes in the composition of government purchases between tradables and non-tradables can stabilise excessive fluctuations in the event of economy-wide supply and demand shocks. Contrary to fiscal devaluation, the expenditure-shifting rule faces a trade-off between stabilising domestic activity and enhancing household welfare, on the one hand, and reducing excessive fluctuations in external positions, on the other hand. The excess volatility of domestic variables associated less volatility in the external position implies welfare losses for standard specifications of household utility. The adverse welfare effect is absent in the case of fiscal devaluation.  相似文献   
Mit dem Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz wollte der Gesetzgeber unter anderem eine im Verh?ltnis zu den IFRS gleichwertige, d. h. ebenso entscheidungsnützliche, aber einfachere und kostengünstigere Alternative bieten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden verschiedene Wahlrechte gestrichen, Bilanzierungsverbote aufgehoben und Bilanzierungsmethoden ver?ndert. Aus Sicht der Abschlusspolitik wurden damit einerseits explizite Wahlrechte verringert und andererseits implizite Wahlrechte geschaffen. Zudem bergen auch die übergangsvorschriften abschlusspolitisches Potenzial. Nach einer Einordnung der Abschlusspolitik und der Herausarbeitung der konkreten Potenziale werden die Konsequenzen in Bezug auf die Entscheidungsnützlichkeit diskutiert und die m?glichen Auswirkungen der ge?nderten Rechnungslegungsnormen am Beispiel der Bilanzierung von Pensionsverpflichtungen deutscher IFRS-Anwender empirisch belegt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beteiligungscontrolling ist ein noch relativ junges Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Nachdem daher zun?chst die Besonderheiten des Controllings von rechtlich selbst?ndigen Einheiten dargelegt werden, erfolgt eine Definition der Begriffe Beteiligungscontrolling und Konzerncontrolling. Danach wird das Erfordernis einer spezifischen Ausgestaltung des Beteiligungscontrollings im Unternehmen aufgezeigt. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die Herausforderung der Matrixstruktur aus rechtlichen und strategischen Einheiten eingegangen. Im Anschluss werden die Funktionen des Beteiligungscontrollings beschrieben sowie die zugeh?rigen Instrumente kategorisiert. Der Beitrag schlie?t mit grunds?tzlichen Empfehlungen zur organisatorischen Ausgestaltung im Konzernverbund.
Summary Legal entity controlling can be considered a relatively new topic in business studies. After explaining the special requirements for the controlling of legal entities, the term “Beteiligungscontrolling” (Legal entity controlling) is defined. Subsequently the need for an enterprise specific design of legal entity or rather group controlling is elaborated. In doing so, the challenges of a matrix structure of legal and strategic entity are addressed. Thereafter the functions of legal entity controlling are described and the instruments are categorised. The article ends with basic recommendations regarding the organisational implementation within the corporate group.
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