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Property rights,uncertainty and fertility: An analysis of the effect of land reform on fertility in rural Mexico 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Zusammenfassung Eigentumsrechte, Unsicherheit und Fruchtbarkeit: Eine Analyse der Wirkung der Landreform auf die Fruchtbarkeit in den l?ndlichen
Gebieten Mexikos. —In der Praxis k?nnen die Ziele der Bev?lkerungskontrolle und der Landreform miteinander in Konflikt geraten,
wenn das Land auf der Basis der Nutznie\ung zugeteilt wird. In dem mexikanischen Ejido-System des Landbesitzes werden spezifische
Anreize zu h?herer Fruchtbarkeit festgestellt; es wird hervorgehoben, da\ (mangels gut entwickelter Kapitalm?rkte aufgrund
der fehlenden Verk?uflichkeit des Landes) Kinder als Mittel zur intertemporalen Verteilung des Familienkonsums benutzt werden.
Ferner wird die Rolle betont, die Kinder für die Sicherung von Rechtstiteln auf Land spielen. Ein Pr?ferenzmodell wird verwendet,
um die Risiken zu analysieren, denen sich Ejido-Familien gegenübersehen, und es wird gezeigt, da\ die Struktur des Landbesitzes
ein bestimmender Faktor für die erwünschte Familiengr?\e ist. Eine Querschnittsanalyse mit Daten von 48 l?ndlichen Gemeinden
im Staat Mexiko stützt die Hypothese, da\ Ejido-Familien mehr Geburten und gr?\ere Kinderzahlen haben, auch wenn alle anderen
(verfügbaren) Faktoren berücksichtigt werden.
Résumé Les droits de propriété, l’incertitude et la fertilité: Une analyse d’effet de la réforme de campagne sur la fertilité en Mexique rural. -En pratique les buts du contr?le de population et de la réforme de campagne peuvent entrer en conflit si la campagne soit assignée sur une base d’usufruit. Les incitations à une fertilité plus haute sont identifiées en système d'ejido d'affermage de campagne pratiqué en Mexique; nous soulignons l’usage des enfants comme instrument d'effectuer l’allocation intertemporale de la consommation familiale (à défaut des marchés des capitaux assez développés qui existent à cause de la vendabilité manquante de la campagne) et le r?le des enfants en assurant les droits à la campagne. Nous utilisons un modèle de préférence d'analyser les risques avec lesquels les familles d’ejido sont confrontés et nous démontrons que la structure d’affermage de campagne est un facteur déterminant de la magnitude désirée de famille. Une analyse statistique transversale des données des 48 municipalités rurales dans l’état de Mexique supporte la hypothèse que les familles d’ ejido auront plus des naissances et plus des stocks d’enfants même si tous les autres facteurs (disponibles) soient considérés.
Resumen Derechos de propiedad, inseguridad y fertilidad: Un análisis del efecto de la reforma agraria sobre la fertilidad en el Mexico rural. —En práctica, las metas de un control de la población y de una reforma agraria pueden ser conflictivas si la tierra es asignada sobre la basis de usufructo. Los incentivos para una mayor fertilidad son identificados con el sistema de ejidos como control de la tierra practicada en México; se da importancia al hecho de usar a los ni?os como instrumentos para realizar una alocación intertemporal del consumo de la familia (en ausencia de mercados de capital bien desarrollados que existen debido a la ausencia de estabilidad de la tierra) y el rol de los ninos para asegurar los derechos sobre la tierra. Se utiliza un modelo de preferencia para analizar los riesgos que enfrentan las familias de los ejidos y se muestra que la estructura de tenencia de la tierra es un factor determinante para el tama?o deseado de la familia. Un análisis estadistico de corte transversal de datos para 48 municipalidades rurales en el estado de México apoya la hipótesis que las familias de los ejidos tendrán más nacimientos y mayores stocks de ni?os incluso si se toman en cuenta todos los otros factores a disposición.相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die Verteilung von Zolleinnahmen und die optimale Verzerrung des AuΒenhandels. Mit empirischen Anwendungen auf die Zuckerpolitik
der Vereinigten Staaten. — Erzeugersubventionen reduzieren die Wohlfahrt, wenn auch weniger als PreisstützungsmaΒnahmen verbunden
mit Vorratsbildung. Für normale Güter gilt das Gesetz des komparativen Vorteils, aber Subventionen k?nnen die Richtung des
AuΒenhandels umkehren. Z?lle und Kontingente k?nnen die Einnahmen für die Subventionszahlung steigern, obwohl die Verwendung
dieser Einkünfte für Transferzahlungen der Subventionierung vorzuzichen w?re. Die Vereinigten Staaten kontingentieren die
Zuckereinfuhr, gestatten aber den Zucker exportierenden L?ndern, die Gewinne zu kassieren und als Zuckererzeugungssubventionen
ineffektiv zu verteilen. Die Zucker exportierenden L?nder haben nicht genügend Informationen, um sagen zu k?nnen, wie eine
Kontingenterh?hung wirken würde; in diesem Aufsatz wird eine anwendbare Formel für die optimale Quote abgeleitet.
Résumé L’allocation des revenus douaniers et la distorsion de l’optimum du commerce. Avec applications empiriques à la politique du sucre des Etats —Unis. Les subventions à la production réduisent la prospérité, même si elles le font moins que les mesures d’appui aux prix, combinées avec la formation de stocks. Pour les biens normaux, la loi de l’avantage comparatif est valable, mais les subventions peuvent renverser la direction du commerce extérieur. Tarifs douaniers et contingents peuvent augmenter les revenus pour les paiements de subventions, bien qu’il soit préférable d’utiliser ces revenus pour les paiements de transferts. Les Etats-Unis contingentent l’importation du sucre, mais permettent aux exporteurs de sucre d’en recueillir les revenus, qu’ils distribuent inefficacement comme subventions à la production de sucre. Toutefois, les exporteurs de sucre n’ont pas les informations pour savoir comment une augmentation du contingent les affecterait, tandis qu’une formule applicable pour un contingentement optimal est ici dérivée.
Resumen La distribution de los ingresos aduaneros y la distorsión del óptimo de comercio exterior. Con aplicaciones empíricas a la política azucarera de los Estados Unidos. — Subvenciones al productor reducen el bienestar, aunque menos que las medidas de apoyo de precios combinadas con la formatión de existencias. Para bienes normales vale la ley de las ventajas comparativas, pero subvenciones pueden invertir la directión de las corrientes de comercio exterior. Aranceles de aduana y contingentes pueden incrementar los ingresos disponibles para el pago de subvenciones, aunque la utilizatión de estos engresos para pagos de transferencias sería preferible. Los Estados Unidos imponen cupos a la importatión de azúcar, pero permiten a los exportadores extranjeros que realicen los beneficios y los distribuyan sin efecto alguno en forma de subvenciones a la productíon de azúcar. Los exportadores de azúcar no disponen de las informaciones necesarias para conocer el impacto de un aumento de la cuota de importatión. En el presente arículo se desarrolla una fórmula operacional para la determinatión de la cuota óptima.
Riassunto La distribuzione di proventi doganali e la deformazione dell’ottimo di commercio estero. Con applicazioni empiriche alla politica dello zucchero degli Stati Uniti. — Sovvenzioni ai produttori riducono il benessere, ma in misura minore di quanto farebbero provvedimenti a sostegno dei prezzi legati a costituzione di scorte. Per beni normali vale la legge del vantaggio comparativo, ma sovvenzioni possono invertire la direzione del commercio estero. Dazi e contingenti possono accrescere i proventi per il pagamento di sovvenzioni, sebbene l’impiego di queste entrate per pagamenti di trasferimento del sovvenzionamento sia da preferire. Gli Stati Uniti contingentano l’importazione dello zucchero, consentono, però, di incassare i guadagni agli esportatori stranieri che li distribuiscono senza efficacia come sovvenzioni per la produzione dello zucchero. Con ciò gli esportatori di zucchero non hanno le informazioni per poter dire come un aumento di contingente potrebbe influenzarli, sebbene una formula applicabile alla quota ottimale sia derivata in questo articolo.相似文献
Sammy Saab Hélène Parisé Suchin Virabhak Steven E. Marx Yuri Sanchez Gonzalez 《Journal of medical economics》2016,19(8):795-805
Objective: This study compared the cost-effectiveness of direct-acting antiviral therapies currently recommended for treating genotypes (GT) 1 and 4 chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients in the US.Methods: A cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for CHC from a US payer’s perspective over a lifelong time horizon was performed. A Markov model based on the natural history of CHC was used for a population that included treatment-naïve and -experienced patients. Treatment alternatives considered for GT1 included ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir?+?dasabuvir?±?ribavirin (3D?±?R), sofosbuvir?+?ledipasvir (SOF/LDV), sofosbuvir?+?simeprevir (SOF?+?SMV), simeprevir?+?pegylated interferon/ribavirin (SMV?+?PR) and no treatment (NT). For GT4 treatments, ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir?+?ribavirin (2D?+?R), SOF/LDV and NT were compared. Transition probabilities, utilities and costs were obtained from published literature. Outcomes included rates of compensated cirrhosis (CC), decompensated cirrhosis (DCC), hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver-related death (LrD), total costs, life-years and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). Costs and QALYs were used to calculate incremental cost-effectiveness ratios.Results: In GT1 patients, 3D?±?R and SOF-containing regimens have similar long-term outcomes; 3D?±?R had the lowest lifetime risks of all liver disease outcomes: CC =?30.2%, DCC = 5.0?%, HCC = 6.8%, LT =?1.9% and LrD =?9.2%. In GT1 patients, 3D?±?R had the lowest cost and the highest QALYs. As a result, 3D?±?R dominated these treatment options. In GT4 patients, 2D?+?R had lower rates of liver morbidity and mortality, lower cost and more QALYs than SOF/LDV and NT.Limitations: While the results are based on input values, which were obtained from a variety of heterogeneous sources—including clinical trials, the findings were robust across a plausible range of input values, as demonstrated in probabilistic sensitivity analyses.Conclusions: Among currently recommended treatments for GT1 and GT4 in the US, 3D?±?R (for GT1) and 2D?+?R (for GT4) have a favorable cost-effectiveness profile. 相似文献
Assessing fiscal sustainability subject to policy changes: a Markov switching cointegration approach
We propose a Markov switching cointegration approach to assess long run fiscal sustainability. This method allows us to simultaneously:
(1) test for cointegration in the presence of significant fiscal policy changes; (2) assess the type of fiscal regime that
a country experienced at a given period and (3) analyse the timing of the transition between the estimated regime types. Given
its flexibility, our approach enable us to uncover a richer and more complex dynamics in the analysis of fiscal sustainability,
which standard linear cointegration methods fail to capture. 相似文献
It is difficult to find indicators for measuring the achievement of objectives during the progress of project portfolios. This article presents an approach for developing key strategic perfor‐mance indicators considering this limitation. The indicators proposed help measure the achievement of a portfolio's strategic objectives taking into account the realization of key benefits. This approach helps identify strategic interdependences between projects that the portfolio is composed of, facilitating the understanding of how the performance of a single project affects the overall performance of a portfolio. The key perfor‐mance indicators can also be used for monitoring the materialization of risks and opportunities influencing the strategic performance of a portfolio. 相似文献
介绍当代各种不同的维修管理方法,以及在现代生产系统中造成维修管理复杂性的因素及其特征。对维修管理的方法及其框架这两个概念加以定义。详细说明维修活动的过程是由企业活动水平来划分,并提出一个结构,保证正确支持当前的管理人员,根据应用于维修的信息技术,现代维修工程的作用,以及根据维修方面公关能力的需求,对所需要的功能进行分类。 相似文献
This paper describes an interactive professional learning experience (IPLE) and provides guidance for implementing an IPLE in an audit classroom. The IPLE described in this paper exposes students to a realistic practice environment within the classroom by bringing practitioners together with students in a professional supervisory setting. Practitioners review students’ work and then meet with students one-on-one to provide feedback on their work. We also document evidence of the pedagogical value of an IPLE by using a between-subjects experimental design in which learning outcomes for participants are compared to a control group that received the same instructions and completed the same written assignment, but did not participate in the professional interaction. In addition, pre- and posttests of students’ audit knowledge allowed for a within-subjects self-assessment of knowledge acquisition. The results strongly suggest that participation in the IPLE improves students’ performance on a skills test of relevant audit material and increases their self-perceptions of knowledge gained. In addition, results indicate that both students and audit professionals consider the IPLE a positive professional learning experience. 相似文献
Margarita Mayo Juan I. Sanchez Juan C. Pastor Alfredo Rodriguez 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2013,24(18):3872-3889
The buffering effects of supervisor support on the stressor–strain relationship have proven elusive in prior research (Beehr, Farmer, Glazer, Gudanowski and Nair (2003), ‘The Enigma of Social Support and Occupational Stress: Source Congruence and Gender Role Effects,’ Journal of Occupational and Health Psychology, 8, 220–231). We built on emerging work on source congruence and conservation of resource theory to test a series of hypotheses intended to clarify these mixed findings. Using a sample of 768 employees from 45 organizations in North America, results from moderated regression analyses, showed that the effects of supervisor support on the stressor–strain relationship depended on source congruence. In accordance with our predictions, although we found buffering effects for the physical stressors–strain relationship, we found a reverse buffering effect for the role conflict–strain relationship. These differential buffering effects did not emerge when considering coworker support. We discuss the implications of our results for shedding light on the mixed evidence regarding buffering work stressors reported in prior research. 相似文献
This article proposes a conceptual framework to analyse hospital competitiveness at the organisational level. Hospital competitiveness, defined as the capacity a hospital has to develop a superior performance that leads it to a position of competitive advantage, may be analysed in three dimensions: organisation, strategic behaviour, and performance. Based on previous studies and on the current structural adjustment in the Portuguese public hospital sector, this article suggests the following categories: legal status, organisational complexity, and resources for the organisation dimension; stakeholders, services and inter-organisational relationships for the strategic behaviour dimension; and type of indicators, efficiency and effectiveness, and benchmarking for the performance dimension. This framework seems to be particularly useful in evaluating Portuguese hospital competitiveness and providing insights for hospitals' managers and public decision makers both from Portugal and other countries. 相似文献
Terrence V. O'Brien Ph.D. Humberto Tapia Sanchez Ph.D. 《Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science》1976,4(3):608-616
Self theory is reviewed and then operationalized as three modes of the self concept—“actual,” “expected,” and “ideal.” Results
support hypotheses concerning agreement across subjects for self concept modes within personality and products and services
categories, individual consistency among self concept modes, and developmental directionality over time. 相似文献