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In recent decades, agrarian transformations in Southeast Asia have resulted in significant environmental and social change, yet insufficient attention has focused on the particular pathways by which these changes have increased vulnerability to climate change. In particular, climate precarity, a situation in which class, social, labour and/or gender inequities amplify negative impacts from climate change, has been on the rise for many smallholders. Using case studies in Vietnam of changes to swidden agriculture in upland areas and the loss of deepwater rice systems in the Mekong Delta lowlands, the paper examines social differentiation and ecological outcomes of these processes and how they have increased climate precarity, particularly for poor households and women. Based on longitudinal fieldwork in affected regions, we identify key changes contributing to climate precarity as farming systems intensify. In particular, loss of flexibility in farmer decision-making, loss of voluntary engagement with markets, and declining access to social capital and entitlements have increased risks for households and reduced adaptation options. Suggestions are made to more directly address these elements in future agricultural and climate policies, rather than current approaches to climate adaptation that often promote even more intensification of agriculture, which runs the risk of exacerbating precarity.  相似文献   
This study is said to be the first attempt in exploring the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) capital on employment generation/destruction in Turkish manufacturing industry by using labour demand estimation framework. The analysis is based on firm-level data, which includes all firms employing 20 or more employees in Turkish manufacturing for the period 2003–2013. Our findings based on system GMM estimations show that ICT has employment-enhancing effects in Turkish manufacturing. Moreover, our results provide the evidence that tangible ICT capital has stronger employment generation impact than that of intangible ICT capital in medium- and low-tech industries.  相似文献   
《消费经济》杂志创刊20周年之际,我首先想到的是,它是改革开放的产物,它是市场经济的产物,它是随着我国市场经济的发展而发展起来的。难道不是吗?在市场经济改革前,人们只有凭计划票证获得最低生理需要的消费权利,那还有人们去研究消费从而建立一门消费经济学、创办一份《消费经济》杂志的必要吗?还需要我们去探讨消费模式、消费结构、消费水平、消费市场、消费心理,研究消费者保护、消费文化、消费环境和消费力等一系列消费问题吗?只有转向市场经济了,只有社会财富丰富了,才需要我们开展消费研究和建立消费经济学。记得几年前,我在当时的…  相似文献   
郑必清 《消费经济》2006,22(2):13-14
最近几年,我每年都参加了湖南省消费者委员会与《消费经济》编辑部举办的关于“中消协”年主题的理论与实践研讨会,这种研讨会开得很好。中消协今年把“消费与环境”作为活动主题,这是对前几年消费维权主题活动的深化和拓展,既体现了建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的时代精神与要求,又充分反映了广大消费者的强烈愿望。水环境是自然环境的重要主要组成部份,水环境建设对于改善消费自然环境和维护消费者权益是十分必要的。在这里,我想就此问题谈一点见解。首先,水是最重要的消费对象和资源,人们的生存和发展无时无刻都离不开水。不说广义的…  相似文献   
Though even in such cases there may be different opinions, it appears fairly obvious under what conditions a business is excessively indebted. However, there is hardly any agreement on the point where an entire national economy ought to be considered as overindebted. The present article discusses this problem.  相似文献   
在我国著名消费经济学家尹世杰教授的亲手领导和指导下,《消费经济》杂志迎来了20周年华诞,可喜可贺。作为贵刊的忠实读者与作者,谨对贵刊的创建者和指导者表示崇高的敬意,并对贵刊全体工作人员表示诚挚的感谢。《消费经济》创刊20周年,成就卓著,众口皆碑,我就不多谈了。这里谨就学术方面略述其梗概:首先,贵刊在学术界第一次打出“消费经济”这一“品牌”,这不但在我国学术界是首创,在国际学术界也是极少见;其次,贵刊提出并论证了消费经济学系列的基本概念、范畴、规律、制度、结构、分类等,并创造性地论证了消费的性质、分类、形式、结构等…  相似文献   
非理性消费行为理论与实证分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文分析了谨慎型消费行为、枯竭型消费行为和畸形结构型消费行为三种非理性消费行为。谨慎型消费行为由旧消费习惯、实用消费观念等因素所导致,可以引起消费不足的问题;枯竭型消费行为由攀比心理、虚荣心理等因素所导致,可以引起产生物价过快上涨的问题;畸形结构型消费行为由偏好刚性、物质欲极强等因素所导致,可以引起社会资源利用效率降低的问题。对中国非理性消费现象进行分析,发现中国居民非理性消费行为符合上述理论解释。  相似文献   
论发展循环消费的基本对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
余颂 《消费经济》2005,21(6):44-46
循环消费既是循环经济系统的重要组成部分,又是具体实现循环经济发展的一个重要机制。因此,探讨循环消费的原则和作用及其发展对策,无疑具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
In this paper, we address two questions. First, what determined the growth of GDP per worker in Indonesia from 1960 to 2014? We examine Indonesia’s economic performance, using a growth accounting framework. We show that economic growth during the Soeharto era after 1975 was mainly determined by an increase in capital accumulation. Negative growth in total factor productivity (TFP) during the Asian financial crisis was more noticeable in Indonesia than in comparable ASEAN countries. In Indonesia, the contribution of TFP growth turned persistently positive after 1999. Second, what are the key determinants of the GDP per worker differences between Indonesia and the United States? Using data from the recently updated Penn World Table database and employing a levels accounting method, we find that the gap in physical capital deepening between the two countries is of declining importance in explaining the gap in labour productivity between Indonesia and the United States. We then compare our findings with data from the World Bank’s Changing Wealth of Nations 2018.  相似文献   
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