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2002年,上海港创造了一个新纪录——集装箱吞吐量完成861万TEU,比上年634万TEU增长35.8%,超越高雄港而成为排名世界第四位的集装箱港口。这一辉煌业绩标志着作为我国大陆最大的国际通航港口又向国际航运中心建设的目标迈出了一大步。上海港集装箱吞吐量的发展是超常的。近10年来,它都以年均28%的增长率攀升。1994年突破100万达到119.9万TEU,从1997年至2001年的5年里,每一年都突破一个大数,分别超越200万、300万、400万、500万和600万TEU,2002年则跃升双百万,达到861万TEU。这是上海港集装箱运输发展史上前所未有的。它超常发展的巨大…  相似文献   
中国邮政改革要注意解决的几个关系问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王化隆 《邮政研究》2005,21(4):14-15
为积极稳妥地推进邮政改革,文章分析并阐述了邮政深化改革与邮政发展的关系、邮政体制改革与保障机制改革的关系、邮政体制改革与企业内部改革的关系、邮政改革与企业内部稳定的关系,并就如何处理好这些关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   
关于邮政短信平台建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪青 《邮政研究》2005,21(2):14-16
为了有效地促进传统邮政业务的发展,开拓新的邮政业务领域,创造新的业务增长点,文章对发展邮政短信业务的相关问题作了分析,并结合安徽省的具体建设条件,对邮政短信平台建设的必要性、原则以及系统方案作了具体阐述。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the basis behavior of the Live Cattle Futures contract at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) before and after the 1995 contract changes. Additionally, an alternative method of basis calculation utilizing weighted mean futures prices versus settlement futures prices was compared to determine which method provides a better representation of the basis level. Within a regression model with heteroskedascity error framework, we found that the level of nearby basis in the period after June 1995 has shifted lower and the average monthly open interest of net commercial long positions has substantially increased after the contract modifications. These empirical results are consistent with the notion that more long activity entered the market in response to the contract modifications. Additionally, an alternative (new) measure of basis calculation (cash price minus weighted mean futures price) produced similar results to two other commonly used measures. In conclusion, the 1995 contract changes have neither increased nor decreased the volatility of live cattle basis. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 24:557–590, 2004  相似文献   
入世后,我国产业界将面临前所未有的机遇和挑战,相对WTO其它成员中的综合实力和竞争优势来说,我国农业将处于比较弱势地位,本文通过分析中国为加入WTO所签订的一系列与农业有关的条款,指出我国农业所面对的复杂形势,详细说明了能否趋利避害,关键在于怎样立足现实,走出一条既适合中国国情又符合WTO规则的发展之路,据此作者提出了多渠道避免农业弱势累积的方案。  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of Knightian uncertainty on a commodity futures market within the Newbery‐Stiglitz framework. It is shown that Knightian traders act more conservatively. In a partial trade equilibrium, risk aversion and Knightian uncertainty have qualitatively similar effects on the equilibrium price and the equilibrium trading volume. Full‐trade and no‐trade equilibria are likely to prevail when the producer and the speculator incur different Knightian uncertainty. Herein different impacts of risk aversion and Knightian uncertainty are observed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:701–718, 2003  相似文献   
Vehicle-based taxes are collected by provincial governments in Indonesia and constitute their most important source of locally collected revenue. This paper evaluates the structure and revenue performance of the two vehicle-based taxes–-the vehicle registration tax and the vehicle transfer tax–-focusing in particular on their allocative efficiency. This is evaluated in terms of their potential to meet road maintenance resource requirements, and the study finds that objectives other than allocative efficiency have determined the structure of the two taxes.  相似文献   
DBASEⅢ,是一个数据库管理系统,但在数值计算上很弱,本文举出一些实例说明如何在DBASEⅢ上实现数值计算上一些典型算法,同时也给出DBASEⅢ的一些编程技巧。  相似文献   
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets - Islamic indices encompass different fundamental principles to those held by conventional ones, which directs attention onto comparative financial performance. This...  相似文献   
本文主要从细节描写、表现手法、内心独白、内容的表现、文体的繁简五个方面分析了<老人与海>这部中篇小说的写作艺术,通过对它的写作特色的分析,生动地体现了这部作品在写作技巧、内容的表现上最突出的特征:即简朴自然、玄远深邃.  相似文献   
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