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山东经济——以世界为舞台   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引言 山东,古称“负海而扼天下之吭”,是“天下制胜之地”,曾有“山东安而天下皆安矣”的说法。今天,在中国的经济板块中,山东以其实力也属“形胜之地”。刚刚过去的2002年,山东经济亮点频闪,最引人注目的,是山东经济在国际舞台中的上佳表现。经历了经济模式的转变、贸易壁垒的突围、“倾销战”的洗礼,可以说,和着世界的节拍舞蹈,山东越来越从容了。  相似文献   
We present general results for finding or boundingt maxB , the maximum number of arbitrary whole blocks of observations which can be removed from a block design, and still leave all of the elementary treatment contrasts estimable. The block sizes may be larger than the number of treatments. The results are applied to BBDs, reinforced BIBDs and BBDs, BTIBDs, and a series of variance balanced incomplete block designs with two block sizes. Also given for most of these designs, are results fort max, the maximum number of arbitrary, scattered observations that can become unavailable, and still leave all of the elementary treatment contrasts estimable.The work was undertaken while Dr. Whittinghill was visiting Ohio State University, and supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences Division, Colby College, Waterville, Maine.  相似文献   
朱效娅 《邮政研究》2006,22(3):42-44
中国邮政进入物流市场参与竞争,有机会也有风险。风险来自多方面,文章着重分析了来自合同方面的法律风险,探讨了物流风险防范的对策。  相似文献   
袁斌 《改革与战略》2016,(4):59-61,135
文章从西部地区物流产业发展与金融支持现状出发,从融资需求、金融管理需求、金融服务需求、金融信息需求及金融人才需求五方面说明西部地区物流产业发展需要金融支持,并在此基础上提出西部地区物流产业发展的金融支持对策:完善物流企业的融资体制、建立与金融机构的合作机制、优化物流业发展的金融支持环境以及强化物流企业的软实力建设。  相似文献   
引导和保障低碳经济发展已上升为一种政府行为.政府必须在其中发挥先导性的作用,进行全面的低碳规划设计,通过政府干预使企业的低碳生产成为其追求利润最大化的最优选择.只有从这一层面入手,才能做到事半功倍,从源头上和执行效力上降低能耗、减少污染和温室气体排放.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new method for discussing the asymptotic subadditivity/superadditivity of Value-at-Risk (VaR) for multiple risks. We consider the asymptotic subadditivity and superadditivity properties of VaR for multiple risks whose copula admits a stable tail dependence function (STDF). For the purpose, a marginal region is defined by the marginal distributions of the multiple risks, and a stochastic order named tail concave order is presented for comparing individual tail risks. We prove that asymptotic subadditivity of VaR holds when individual risks are smaller than regularly varying (RV) random variables with index −1 under the tail concave order. We also provide sufficient conditions for VaR being asymptotically superadditive. For two multiple risks sharing the same copula function and satisfying the tail concave order, a comparison result on the asymptotic subadditivity/superadditivity of VaR is given. Asymptotic diversification ratios for RV and log regularly varying (LRV) margins with specific copula structures are obtained. Empirical analysis on financial data is provided for highlighting our results.  相似文献   
本文从当前国际关系、世界经济、全球和区域多边及双边贸易体制、国际分工、国际竞争战略等多个领域的深刻变化,概略分析了我国当前和未来面临的国际经济环境的突出特点和主要趋势;提出了世界经济的中国因素和中国经济的世界因素在迅速增大,面临机遇和挑战大量增多的国际经济环境,我们必须同时增强机遇观念和忧患意识。  相似文献   
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