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采用醇盐水解法制备纳米二氧化钛,最佳制备条件为醇:酯:蒸馏水=1:1:10(体积比);搅拌时间1h;煅烧温度为500℃;煅烧时间为2h。制得的纳米TiO2为单一晶型即锐钛矿型,平均粒径为17.32nm,比表面积为73.683m^2/g。光催化降解罗丹明6G的最佳操作条件是:TiO2用量0.5g;0.594%的H2O2溶液5mL;1.05%的FeCl3溶液1.5mL;反应时间为30min。脱色率达到98.51%。由于H2O2和FeCl3的协同作用,缩短了反应时间,提高了光催化效率。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,伴随着经济全球化趋势的深入发展,世界文化产品和服务贸易迅猛增长。然而全球文化贸易绝大部分是在少数发达国家之间进行的。以法国、加拿大为代表的许多反对文化贸易自由化的国家与美国之间的文化冲突日益激烈,揭示了在全球化语境下文化问题已日趋复杂。关于文化的普遍主义与特殊主义的辩论已远远超越了经济或纯粹的思想意识层面,其实质是一个国家在当今乃至未来全球化竞争中的经济和文化话语权。一国在信息经济与全球化时代所面临的最重要的问题是如何赋予个人、社会群体的文化创造的公民权,以及让社会上绝大多数人参与创造新的文化形式的可能性。  相似文献   
陈辉 《江苏商论》2012,(3):128-131
用文化与三大产业融合来发展旅游已经成为当前政府和学者关注的热点。本文首先对鲁迅故里名人文化与旅游产业横向融合进行了界定,分析了鲁迅故里主要景点开发现状,鲁迅故里名人文化与旅游产业横向融合现状,最后提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   
富氮气调在储粮应用中的问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析现行富氮气调储粮过程中存在的某些问题,提出解决方案,降低富氮气调储粮运行成本,提高富氮气调储粮的经济效益。  相似文献   
The southern pine beetle (SPB) is among the leading biological agents killing southern pine species in the eastern United States. In light of recognized spatiotemporal autocorrelation in SPB outbreaks, we devise a spatiotemporal block bootstrapping method that can be applied to analyze spatiotemporally dependent infestations. We also identify the relevant risk determinants and evaluate their impacts on the frequency of SPB outbreaks. For example, we find forest type, climate, and natural disasters like storm and forest management are all significantly associated with SPB risks. Using the results of a statistical model, we design a county-level group index insurance plan that generates estimates of actuarially fair premium rates for timber stands containing southern pine species. Given that no government-provided compensation scheme for SPB epidemics currently exists, application of this new insurance product could reduce forest owners losses. Our study offers an approach to analyzing and protecting against risks of other destructive pests affecting the timber sector.  相似文献   
Overuse of nitrogen fertilizer represents a considerable environmental problem globally, but especially in China. Recently, a recent approach on an experimental scale based on the diffusion of the so-called Three-Control Technology (TCT) successfully alleviated the overuse of nitrogen fertilizer in southern China villages in the Guangdong Province, serving as a reference point for other rice-producing countries tackling similar challenges. Here, we assessed the correlation between rice yields and reduction in the use of nitrogen fertilizer following the introduction of TCT. Our study was based on the collection of primary data from 248 households randomly selected from four rice-growing areas of Guangdong Province, China. Our results show that TCT significantly improved the efficiency in the use of nitrogen. Crucially, participating farmers, including both full adopters and partial adopters, were found to fundamentally change their application practices of nitrogen fertilizer, resulting in major improvements in the local soil and water systems.  相似文献   
In the contemporary e-business, a retailer may display the links to the competing retailers directly (direct referral), or display the referral link provided by a third-party advertising agency (third-party referral), and these referrals may be either one-way or two-way. In this paper, we show that the referrals may align the retailers’ incentives and facilitate implicit collusion, and one-way referral may result in a mutually beneficial situation, thereby providing an economic rationale for these seemingly puzzling phenomena. Using third-party referrals may enhance the retailers’ collusion despite the potential disutility and revenue leakage, and referral services may be detrimental for the consumer welfare.  相似文献   
Advertising competition and industry channel structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The introduction of independent retailers has long been recognized as a buffer that alleviates the price competition between channels. In this paper, we argue that this effect may be counter-balanced if the manufacturers compete along dimensions that differ from prices (such as advertising). We find that delegating to retailers may intensify other non-price competition between the manufacturers and therefore make the manufacturers worse off. Our analysis shows that the “retailer buffer” may be a two-edged sword and thus suggests that channel structure may critically depend on the specific dimensions along which the manufacturers compete with each other.  相似文献   
越来越多的服装外贸企业承认经营与发展面临着一定的困难.他们已经意识到OEM(OEM:Orginal Equipment Manufacture 原设备生产型企业)这条路越来越难走了.商品采购成本增加、行业利润率走低、人民币升值、配额不足、贸易摩擦、行业竞争激烈、客户要求不断提高、人员流失都是企业经营过程中面临的困境,其中行业利润率走低是所有困难中比例最高的一项.外贸企业的核心竞争力就是体现在综合服务上,而设计研发服务则是体现综合服务水平,提高产品附加值,进而提高企业竞争力的重要环节.通过建立产品开发部门,开发设计职能、强化设计研发工作来提高企业的核心竞争力,这是企业加速发展的必要措施和有效途径.本文根据外贸服装企业的特点结合本人近年来服务外贸企业的设计工作实践,提出了具体的设计管理模式,研发工作流程以及设计项目的管理方法,回答了外贸服装企业如何建立适合自身产品开发的团队,强化设计管理等问题.  相似文献   
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