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–  ⊙ Auf analytischer Ebene liegt mit der Netzwerk?konomik ein, umfangreiches Instrumentarium vor, um Aussagen bezüglich des Wettbewerbsverhaltens auf Netzeffektm?rkten abzuleiten. Dem gegenüber steht die empirische Forschung noch am Anfang, obwohl bereits vor zehn Jahren auf die Notwendigkeit einer empirischen Fundierung hingewiesen wurde.
–  ⊙ Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwieweit die in der Netzwerk?konomik angestellten überlegungen seitdem in die Strategie-/Marketingforschung eingeflossen sind.
–  ⊙ Dazu wird mit Hilfe einer Literaturanalyse die Rezeption der Netzwerk?konomik in der Strategie-/Marketingforschung erhoben.
–  ⊙ Es zeigt sich, dass die Netzwerk?konomik—in der empirischen Forschung—nach wie vor einen geringen Stellenwert einnimmt. Wenngleich erste Beitr?ge vorliegen, die den Diffusions-und Adaptionsprozess von Netzeffektgütern hinterfragen, wird ein Forschungsdefizit konstatiert, das sich auf die Auseinandersetzung mit unternehmensstrategischen Fragen bezieht.
This study analyzes the role of bank and corporate balance sheets on early warning systems (EWS) of currency crises. Using firm-level data on debt structure, leverage, liquidity, and profitability, this study presents estimations of EWS for a panel of emerging markets. Using calibration experiments, we assess the performance of alternative EWS specifications in a comprehensive range of crisis-probability cut-offs?. These models supplement EWS based on traditional macroeconomic indicators, improving forecasting performance substantially. The results support the third-generation models of currency crises and can assist policymakers on the design of surveillance strategies tailored for heterogeneous levels of risk tolerance and country specificities.  相似文献   
The economics and management literatures pay increasing attention to the technological, competitive, and institutional environment for entrepreneurship. However, less is known about how context influences the judgment of entrepreneurs. Focusing on the emerging judgment‐based approach to entrepreneurship, we argue that economics can say much about how the organizational, market, and institutional context shapes entrepreneurial judgment. We describe entrepreneurs as individuals who deploy scarce, heterogeneous resources to service customer preferences at a profit. Because of uncertainty, this process is essentially experimental, and context influences the experimental process. Thus, entrepreneurs will seek to design the internal organization of the firm so that it facilitates internal experimentation. Moreover, the market or task environment determines the need for experimentation (e.g., how fast do consumer preferences change, how does technology evolve, which assets are available at which terms, etc.). Finally, the institutional environment influences, for example, the transaction costs of acquiring and divesting assets as firms adjust their boundaries through ongoing commercial experimentation.  相似文献   
We provide a convenient econometric framework for the analysis of nonlinear dependence in financial applications. We introduce models with constrained nonparametric dependence, which specify the conditional distribution or the copula in terms of a one-dimensional functional parameter. Our approach is intermediate between standard parametric specifications (which are in general too restrictive) and the fully unrestricted approach (which suffers from the curse of dimensionality). We introduce a nonparametric estimator defined by minimizing a chi-square distance between the constrained densities in the family and an unconstrained kernel estimator of the density. We derive the nonparametric efficiency bound for linear forms and show that the minimum chi-square estimator is nonparametrically efficient for linear forms.  相似文献   
While it is well recognized that US metropolitan areas are polycentric, there is little consensus as to the appropriate method for identifying concentrations of employment within them. Existing methods suffer from strong assumptions about parametric form, misspecification, or reliance on local knowledge to calibrate model parameters. This paper introduces a new nonparametric method for identifying subcenters. Results indicate that this, more flexible, nonparametric approach yields greater accuracy with regard to both urban and suburban centers compared with other approaches. This approach should provide better data for the numerous topics that depend on the spatial accounting of employment within metropolitan areas.  相似文献   
Constitutional Political Economy - States embracing Islam-based laws are frequently seen as struggling with establishing democratic institutions, jeopardizing human rights and encouraging executive...  相似文献   
This paper revisits the impact of off-balance-sheet (OBS) activities on banks risk-return trade-off. Recent studies (e.g., Stiroh and Rumble, 2006) show that increasing OBS activities does not necessarily yield straightforward diversification benefits for banks. However, introducing a risk premium in the standard banks returns models, and resorting to an ARCH-M procedure, Canadian data suggest that banks risk-return trade-off displays a structural break around 1997. In the second subperiod of our sample (1997–2007), we find that the noninterest income generated by OBS activities no longer impacts banks returns negatively. While during the first period (1988–1996) the volatility variable is not significant in any returns equations, a risk premium eventually emerges, pricing the risk associated to OBS activities.  相似文献   
Empirical studies of large publicly traded firms have shown a robust negative relationship between board size and firm performance. The evidence on small and medium-sized firms is less clear; we show that existing work has been incomplete in analyzing the causal relationship due to weak identification strategies. Using a rich data set of almost 7000 closely held corporations we provide a causal analysis of board size effects on firm performance: We use a novel instrument given by the number of children of the chief executive officer (CEO) of the firms. First, we find a strong positive correlation between family size and board size and show this correlation to be driven by firms where the CEO’s relatives serve on the board. Second, we find empirical evidence of a small adverse board size effect driven by the minority of small and medium-sized firms that are characterized by having comparatively large boards of six or more members.  相似文献   
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