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Wirtschaftsdienst - The Hartz IV labour market reform in 2005 triggered a substantial reduction in unemployment in Germany. At the same time, it reduced social welfare for the long-term unemployed... 相似文献
In this paper, we analyse part-time employment of teenagers still in full-time education, their academic performance, and their school leaving decisions. Our estimation strategy takes account of the possible interdependencies of these events and distinguishes between two alternative states to full time education: entering the labour force full time and going on to further training. We model this decision in a flexible way. Our analysis is based on data from the UK National Child Development Study, which has an unusually rich set of variables on school and parental characteristics. Our main finding is that working part time while in full-time education has only small adverse effects on exam performance for females, and no effects for males. The effect of part-time work on the decision to stay on at school is also negative, but small, and marginally significant for males, but not for females. Other important determinants of exam success as well as the continuation decision are parental ambitions about the child’s future academic career. 相似文献
Alina Stanczyk Kai Foerstl Christian Busse Constantin Blome 《Journal of Business Logistics》2015,36(2):160-181
Global sourcing (GS) is a firmly established phenomenon in modern business practice that requires specific expertise from different organizational functions, such as purchasing, production, logistics, and research and development to analyze and select sourcing alternatives effectively. In this context, global sourcing decision‐making (GSDM) processes pose major challenges because two dimensions of functional politics, namely goal misalignment and power imbalance across functions, appear to influence procedural rationality in a manner not understood to date. Likewise, intuition also seems to play a role for the procedural rationality of GSDM processes. To elucidate the conditions under which procedural rationality is hampered or enhanced by politics and intuition, we studied five cross‐functional GSDM processes, in front of extant strategic decision‐making literature. We derive formal propositions on how functional politics and intuition influence the procedural rationality and present contingencies for the divergent role of intuition as well as functional politics in GDSM processes. Our research contributes to existing GS literature by providing a theoretical model of important microfoundations of how GSDM processes evolve. The findings also guide managers on how to structure GSDM processes such that GS projects can be conducted in a more rational fashion. 相似文献
Franz-Rudolf Esch Christian Brunner Dominika Gawlowski Christian Knörle Kai Harald Krieger 《Marketing Review St. Gallen》2010,27(2):8-13
Marken hinterlassen an allen Kontaktpunkten mit Kunden Spuren und Fingerabdrücke. Dessen sind sich Manager und Mitarbeiter
oft nicht bewusst. Das Management sowie die marken- und kundenspezifische Abstimmung aller Kontaktpunkte bieten somit gro?es Potenzial für Unternehmen
zur wirksameren Vermarktung ihrer Marken. Unternehmen, die Kunden ganzheitlich positive und zufriedenstellende Markenerlebnisse an allen Kontaktpunkten vermitteln,
sind erfolgreicher im Wettbewerb. 相似文献
Matthias Baum Christian Schwens Rüdiger Kabst 《Journal of Small Business Management》2011,49(3):305-330
We examine determinants of different types of International New Ventures (INVs), namely Export Start‐up, Geographically Focused Start‐up, Multinational Trader, and Global Start‐up. Whereas this typology of INVs has been widely accepted in the literature, empirical testing of the determinants of INV types is largely missing. Our arguments build on the International New Venture Theory (INVT). Hypotheses generated from our framework are tested on 195 German high‐tech enterprises. Results show that growth orientation, prior international experience, knowledge intensity, product differentiation, and learning orientation distinguish significantly between the different INV types. 相似文献
(12033) Christian Helmers and Natalia Trofimenko We evaluate the impact of firm‐specific export subsidies on exports in Colombia. Using a two‐step selection model, we predict firm‐specific subsidy amounts that can be explained by the characteristics that determine firms’ eligibility for government support and its amount. Drawing on the accounts of the discretionary allocation of subsidies in developing countries, we interpret the discrepancy between the predicted and the observed subsidy amounts as a proxy for a firm's ties to government officials. Controlling for observable and unobservable firm characteristics as well as persistence in exporting, we find that although, in general, subsidies exhibit a positive impact on export volumes, this impact is diminishing in subsidy size and in the degree of a firm's connectedness. 相似文献
Christian L. Dunis Jason Laws Andreas Karathanasopoulos 《European Journal of Finance》2013,19(3):180-205
In the current paper, we present an integrated genetic programming (GP) environment called java GP modelling. The java GP modelling environment is an implementation of the steady-state GP algorithm. This algorithm evolves tree-based structures that represent models of inputs and outputs. The motivation of this paper is to compare the GP algorithm with neural network (NN) architectures when applied to the task of forecasting and trading the ASE 20 Greek Index (using autoregressive terms as inputs). This is done by benchmarking the forecasting performance of the GP algorithm and six different autoregressive moving average model (ARMA) NN combination designs representing a Hybrid, Mixed Higher Order Neural Network (HONN), a Hybrid, Mixed Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), a Hybrid, Mixed classic Multilayer Perceptron with some traditional techniques, either statistical such as a an ARMA or technical such as a moving average convergence/divergence model, and a naïve trading strategy. More specifically, the trading performance of all models is investigated in a forecast and trading simulation on ASE 20 time-series closing prices over the period 2001–2008, using the last one and a half years for out-of-sample testing. We use the ASE 20 daily series as many financial institutions are ready to trade at this level, and it is therefore possible to leave orders with a bank for business to be transacted on that basis. As it turns out, the GP model does remarkably well and outperforms all other models in a simple trading simulation exercise. This is also the case when more sophisticated trading strategies using confirmation filters and leverage are applied, as the GP model still produces better results and outperforms all other NN and traditional statistical models in terms of annualized return. 相似文献
Marketing managers commonly employ complex price plans. Surprisingly, limited and conflicting evidence reports how customers perceive and react to complex prices. This study examines perceptions about price complexity and shows that customers tend to prefer simple prices. Two experimental studies show that perceived price complexity negatively affects customer perceptions of price fairness and influences product choice because customers negatively evaluate the transparency of the firm's pricing practices and infer higher total prices. Customers comparing alternate offerings may therefore prefer simple over complex prices, even when the latter are less expensive. Study results suggest limiting price plan variations positively affects customer inferences about transparency and fairness, and thus customer choice. 相似文献
2008年11月14日,美国财政部发布《2007年外国投资与国家安全法》(FINSA)的实施细则,此项法律旨在改革美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)关于国外机构收购、兼并和接管美国企业国家安全审查体制。2008年12月,美国财政部发布了有关经过CFIUS审核认为存在国 家安全问题的交易类别指引,正式条例和相关指引传递的明确信息是,在个案基础上,CFIUS将保持其对外国投资交易进行国家安全审查的广泛自由裁量权。那么,美国这些法规的出台将会给我国企业以外资并购的方式进入美国市场带来怎样的影响? 相似文献