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Zusammenfassung Protektion, Einfuhrwerte und optimale Handelspolitik. — Optimale handelspolitische Ma\nahmen, die Eingriffe in den internationalen Handel vorsehen, um bei Unsicherheit die makroókonomischen Ziele des Schutzes der heimischen Produktion und der Begrenzung der Devisenausgaben für Importe zu verfolgen, sind in der Literatur wenig behandelt und beachtet worden. Soweit es Schrifttum gibt, erweist es sich als unzureichend. In diesem Artikel werden in einer allgemeinen Analyse zwei Theoreme über die Rangfolge m?glicher Handelsrestriktionen, die im Hinblick auf die zwei genannten Ziele ergriffen werden k?nnen, entwickelt. Es wird gezeigt, da\ unter bestimmten Bedingungen die Festsetzung entweder eines Wertzolls, eines Einfuhrkontingents oder eines spezifischen Zolls die beste handelspolitische Ma\nahme sein kann.
Resumé La protection, la valeur des importations et les politiques commerciales optimum. — La considération des optimum politiques d’un effet restrictif au commerce international qui sont imposées, sous la condition de l’incertitude, pour réaliser les buts macroéconomiques de protéger la production industrielle locale et de reduire des dépenses importatrices a re?u peu d’attention dans la littérature. Les auteurs démontrent que la littérature existante est inadéquate. Ils offrent une analyse générale qui produit deux théorèmes sur le rang des possibles politiques restrictives commerciales pour les deux buts. Ils démontrent que, sous des conditions spécifiques, l’imposition d’un tarif ad valorem, d’un contingent ou d’un tarif spécifique peut être la meilleure politique.

Resumen Protección, el valor de las importaciones y políticas óptimas de restricción del comercio. -La consideración de las políticas óptimas de restriccion del comercio a imponerse bajo incertidumbre para los objetivos de protejer la producción en la industria doméstica y contener el gasto externo en importaciones, ha recibido escasa atención en la literatura. La literatura que existe se demuestra ser inadecuada. Se ofrece un análisis general que propone dos teoremas sobre el rango de posibles politicas de restricción del comercio para los dos objetivos. Se demuestra que bajo ciertas condiciones la imposición de una tarifa ad valorem, o una cuota, o una tarifa especínca puede ser la mejor política.
James M. Buchanan co-founded the field of Public Choice. He was influenced by Austrian economics, and in turn influenced Austrian economics. In particular, he advanced the understanding of subjectivist cost theory. His individualist approach to public policy making has been adopted by many Austrian economists. With Richard Wagner, he analyzed the politics of Keynesian economics. They explained why Keynesianism in practice led to a larger government, permanent deficits and inflationary monetary policy.  相似文献   
Doubt persists about ecotourism's ability to make tangible contributions to conservation and deliver benefits for host communities. This work in Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula tests the hypothesis that ecotourism in this region is more effective at improving well-being for local residents, at enhancing their access to key resources and information, and at supporting biodiversity conservation than other locally available economic sectors. Data from 128 semi-structured interviews with local workers, both in ecotourism and in other occupations, together with associated research, indicate that ecotourism offers the best currently available employment opportunities, double the earnings of other livelihoods, and other linked benefits. Locally, ecotourism is viewed as the activity contributing most to improvements in residents’ quality of life in the Osa Peninsula and to increased levels of financial and attitudinal support for parks and environmental conservation. Ecolodge ownership by local people is substantial, and many local ecotourism workers plan to launch their own businesses. The data offer a convincing rebuttal to arguments that ecotourism does little to address poverty or disparities in access to resources and equally rebuts claims that ecotourism is simply a part of the “neoliberal conservation toolkit” that cannot help but exacerbate the very inequalities it purports to address.  相似文献   
In this paper we test directly for the restrictions implied by rational expectations and structural neutrality. The tests are direct in the sense that they employ theLucas output equation father than the approximations to it, which replace the lagged output term by lagged monetary shocks, commonly considered in the literature. The direct approach is considered preferable because it avoids these ad hoc approximations and saves significantly on degrees of freedom. The latter permits us to pursue a fully nested testing procedure, which was not possible in earlier work employing postwar U.K. annual data. The main result is that the rational expectations restrictions are not accepted.  相似文献   
Auctions of divisible goods: on the rationale for the treasury experiment   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
We compare a sealed-bid uniform-price auction (the Treasury'sexperimental format) with a sealed bid discriminatory auction(the Treasury's format heretofore), assuming the good is perfectlydivisible. We show that the auction theory that prompted theexperiment, which assumes single-unit demands, does not adequatelydescribe the bidding game for Treasury securities. Collusivestrategies are self-enforcing in uniform-price divisible-goodauctions. In these equilibria, the seller's expected revenueis lower than in equilibria of discriminatory auctions.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on some of the ethical issues related to voluntary disclosure of qualitative information by Canadian public companies. Drawing on various organizational theories, we examine some of the ways that companies can symbolically manage legitimacy through disclosure. Press releases of a sample of companies that received cease‐trading orders were analysed for their use of language. We found that high‐risk companies attempted to manage legitimacy by selectively releasing information and by using ambiguous language. Moreover, some companies behaved unethically by using language that suggested a positive future despite the imminent release of a cease‐trading order. These findings have implications for organizational and accounting theorists and stakeholders in the corporate, fiduciary, and investment communities. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper we compaia the predictive power of two types of model of nominal income: one based on a simple single equation aggregate framework; the second disaggregated into price level and output components. The source of the decomposition of nominal income of the type of model that is considered here are the twin hypotheses of rational expectations and structural neutrality. The model chosen as being representative of this approach to macroeconomic model building and against which some single equation models are compared isBarro's [1978] model of the price level and output in the U.S.  相似文献   
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