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Privatization through global equity market placement has largely contributed to financial market development and integration. Despite the relevance of the fact, the reasons underlying governments' choice to sell shares of privatized companies abroad are still poorly understood. This paper presents new evidence for a sample of 233 share issue privatizations in 20 OECD countries, showing that redistribution concerns and the objective of domestic financial market development make domestic privatization more likely. However, if budget constraints are binding, governments tend to sell abroad a larger quantity of shares, particularly when corporate governance at home is weak.  相似文献   
A number of choice experiment (CE) studies have shown that survey respondents employ heuristics such as attribute non‐attendance (ANA) while evaluating food products. This paper addresses a set of related methodological questions using empirical consumer data from a CE on poultry meat with sustainability labels. First, it assesses whether there are differences in terms of marginal willingness to pay estimates between the two most common ways of collecting stated ANA (serial and choice task level). Second, it validates the self‐reported ANA behaviour across both approaches. Third, it explores the concordance of stated methods with that of the inferred method. Results show that WTP estimates from serial‐level data differ from those from choice task‐level data. Also, self‐reported measures on choice task ANA are found to be more congruent with model estimates than those for serial ANA, as well as with inferred ANA.  相似文献   
Greek law only recently has discovered the consumer as an object of protection. Even though there is no specific consumer legislation in Greece, case law and legal writing are becoming concerned with the inferior position of the consumer in the market place and are therefore developing more adequate instruments of protection. EEC legislation forces Greece to reform its law. The paper analyses different areas of law which have been shaped by the consumer impulse, most notably unfair and restrictive trade practices legislation, market regulations, product liability rules, and the prohibition of unfair contract terms. According to the author, implementation in these areas is not quite satisfactory, especially as far as conformity with EEC directives is concerned.
Verbraucherschutz in der griechischen Gesetzgebung
Zusammenfassung Der Aufsatz gibt einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Stand des Verbraucherschutzes im griechischen Recht. Hier sind noch erhebliche Defizite festzustellen, da sich kein Gesetz speziell mit dem Schutz des Verbrauchers befaßt. Ein wichtiger Impuls für die Verbrauchergesetzgebung geht von der Notwendigkeit Griechenlands aus, sich den EG-Richtlinien anzupassen. Die Rechtsprechung benutzt die Generalklauseln, um den Schutz des Verbrauchers zu verbessern. Im Schrifttum zeigt sich ein verstärktes Interesse für theoretische und praktische Fragen des Verbraucherschutzes. Der Aufsatz untersucht dann im einzelnen die verbraucherpolitische Bedeutung des Wettbewerbsrechts (sowohl Lauterkeits- wie Beschränkungsrecht), des Marktordnungsrechts, des Produkthaftungsrechts und des Rechts der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Hingewiesen wird auf Schutzlücken und auf Implementationsdefizite, insbesondere im Verhältnis zum EG-Recht, aber auch auf neue Tendenzen zur Anwendung und Reform des vorhandenen Instrumentariums.

Elisa Alexandridou is Professor of Commercial Law at the Law Faculty, Demokritos University of Thrace, Queen Olgas 70, Thessaloniki, Greece.  相似文献   
The increased scrutiny of investors regarding the non-financial aspects of corporate performance has placed portfolio managers in the position of having to weigh the benefits of ‘holding the market’ against the cost of having positions in companies that are subsequently found to have questionable business practices. The availability of stock indexes based on sustainability screening makes increasingly viable for institutional investors the transition to a portfolio based on a Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) benchmark at relatively low cost. The increasing share of socially responsible investments may play a role in providing incentives towards a continuous upgrading of sustainability standards to the extent that their performance is not systematically inferior to that of the other funds. This article examines whether these incentives have been so far detectable with particular reference to the Dow Jones Sustainability Stoxx Index (DJSSI) that focuses on the European corporations with the highest CSR scores among those included in the Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index. The aim of the article is twofold. First, we analyse the performance of the DJSSI over the period 2001–2006 compared to that of the Surrogate Complementary Index (SCI), a new benchmark that includes only the components of the DJ Stoxx 600 that do not belong to the ethical index to evaluate more correctly the size of possible divergent performances. Second, we perform an event study on the same data set to analyse whether the stock market evaluation reacts to the inclusion (deletion) in the DJSSI. In both cases, the results suggest that the evaluation of the CSR performance of a firm is a significant criterion for asset allocation activities.  相似文献   
The paper provides information about the development of Greek consumer law under the influence of the internal market programme of the EC. This influence has been very positive in general. Most consumer directives of the EC have been implemented, albeit with some limitations. Furthermore, the Greek legislator has anticipated not yet adopted EC directives, e.g., on unfair terms in consumer contracts and on product safety. The author argues for the establishment of a European Consumer Code, especially in order to overcome the restrictions of the subsidiarity principle.
Die Vollendung des Gemeinsamen Markts und der Verbraucherschutz in Griechenland
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag informiert über den Stand des griechischen Verbraucherschutzrechts aufgrund des BinnenmarktprogrammËs der EG. Letzteres hat sich überaus positiv ausgewirkt. Das griechische Recht hat die EG-Richtlinien zum Verbraucherschutz zum grö\ten Teil übernommen, wenn auch in einigen Gebieten, etwa der Produkthaftung, mit Abstrichen. In anderen Bereichen, etwa mi\bräuchliche Klauseln in Verbraucherverträgen und allgemeine Produktsicherheit, hat man EG-Regelungen antizipiert. Die Verfasserin fordert die Verabschiedung eines europäischen Verbraucherkodex, schon um negativen Wirkungen des Subsidiaritätsprinzips entgegenzuwirken.
This paper analyses MEPs’ voting behaviour on all regulations and directives forming the Six-Pack and the Two-Pack together with the key vote required to establish the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Whereas scholarly work has traditionally showed MEPs voting behaviour to be primarily driven by ideology (more specifically, by the MEP’s party group affiliation), we expect to find MEPs’ national origins to play a counterbalancing role and – at least partially – weaken intra-party position on key economic governance matters, where a conflict of interest might exist between creditor and debtor member countries. Findings confirm that national interests and country-level economic variables can predict MEPs’ votes in a considerable number of cases, opening new avenues for future research on territorial cleavages in the European Parliament.  相似文献   
Informational frictions between borrowers and lenders are particularly acute for innovative firms undertaking high‐risk projects. As a consequence, banks may end up denying credit to them. However, the literature on relationship finance predicts that a closer relationship between credit suppliers and obligors is deemed to alleviate information asymmetries, hence preventing credit rationing from occurring. The question of whether such situations also apply to innovative firms has so far remained relatively unexplored. Using a cross‐section of Italian manufacturing firms, I find that credit constraints appear to be more severe for firms undertaking innovative activities, although such effects are weaker when measures of R&D intensity are included. The empirical analysis also shows that firms located in an industrial district have easier access to external finance. If I move to consider firms engaged in substantial R&D activities located in a district, results suggest that they can benefit from better financial conditions.  相似文献   
This research explores the extent to which VFR travellers utilise commercial accommodation in the Sunshine Coast, Australia, and profiles the characteristics and behaviours of this particular type of VFR traveller. The research indicated that 26% of the VFRs stayed in commercial accommodation (CVFRs). This closely aligned with research using the same method in a comparative destination, Ballarat, Australia, indicating that 22% of VFRs stayed in commercial accommodation. CVFR travellers occupied similar types of commercial accommodation as non‐VFRs and engaged in similar tourism activities. However, they came from different generating regions and used different sources of information for planning their trip. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Prior research on the internationalization of firms from emerging countries has fruitfully invoked institutional theory to emphasize the legitimacy benefits that firms that obtain from showing isomorphism with international norms such as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Without denying the intuitive appeal for these firms to communicate acceptance of CSR, we suggest that firms face a legitimacy trade-off, where the hoped-for legitimacy benefits of isomorphism must be weighed against other home-country institutional considerations. We advance and test this notion that firms will navigate this institutional complexity by engaging in anisomorphism, i.e., espousing general acceptance with international values but with selective ‘translation’ based on home country differences. We test our predictions by analysing firms' communication of CSR, using a unique dataset comprised of 245 firms observed over the period from 2000 to 2018. Consistent with our predictions, we find that firms from countries more reliant on natural resource extraction (e.g., mining and fossil fuel industries) de-emphasize the environmental component of CSR, and firms from more autocratic countries de-emphasize the human rights component of CSR. Additionally, and consistent with our presumption of firms' weighing the international versus home-country legitimacy trade-off, we find that these main effects are sensitive to changes in firms' levels of internationalization.  相似文献   
Access to bank finance has emerged as a key challenge for firms engaged in circular business model innovation (circular BMI), both in practice and in the academic literature. Through interviews, focus groups and archival documents, we document the experience of firms accessing finance for circular BMI and assess bank willingness to lend to firms that engage in circular BMI. Our findings offer potential strategies for firms who look for external (bank) finance to realise circular BMI. Using a case study-based theory-refining approach, we identify three core strategies that firms can use to obtain bank finance for circular BMI. First, firms can signal future cash flow expectations by aiming to secure customer contracts and preorders. Second, relationship building with banks, suppliers and customers improves the banks' risk perception of firms. Third, firms can design standardised, long-lasting circular assets that can serve as bank collateral, especially once secondary markets develop, overcoming the difficulty of lending based on innovative, firm-specific assets.  相似文献   
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