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本文在回顾国内外相关研究的基础上,分析了在投资者类别调节下,上市公司投资者关系管理对投资满意的影响作用,构建了相应的理论模型,并以241位上市公司投资者为样本进行了实证检验.实证研究表明,在不同类别的投资人群中,投资者关系管理对投资满意的影响表现出了显著的差异.  相似文献   
冯明  仲志杰 《技术经济》2012,31(3):116-122
回顾了单层次(即微观及宏观层次)的责任制研究,梳理了现有的多层次责任制研究,重点探讨了国外学者提出的多层次责任制研究模型。最后指出现有研究存在的不足,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
The significant price-trading volume correlation found in the residential property market presents a challenge to the rational expectation hypothesis. Existing theories account for this fact with either capital market imperfection (down-payment effect or loss-aversion consideration) or imperfect information (search theoretic models). This paper employs data from a commercial real estate market, which face a different degree of severity of capital market constraint than the residential market, and thus provide an indirect but effective test for alternative theories. Policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   
Scholars believe that higher social expenditures are usually linked with higher government debts, whereas higher debts reduce social expenditures. However, it is reasonable to speculate that higher government debt may contribute to higher social spending, while fiscal deficits occur during a recession, which commonly creates greater demand for social expenditure. For a deeper investigation, this paper revisits the dynamic relationship between social spending and public debts in the time-frequency domain, using the novel wavelet-coherency analysis as well as the phase-difference technique to derive the co-moved and causal relationships between social spending and public debts in 13 OECD countries. The evidence identifies a dynamic relationship between variables. While higher social expenditures increase government debts, the shocks from government debts to social expenditures are conversely uncertain. We discover that higher government debt does reduce social expenditures, but it may be linked to higher social spending. The robustness of partial coherency and phase-difference discovers the role of a political party in the decision over social welfare programmes in the sample countries.  相似文献   
展丽潇  杨西龙  王丰 《物流技术》2012,(23):448-450
根据军事物流基地的保障特点构建了军事物流基地评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定军事物流基地有关各项指标的权重,通过指标排序,明确军事物流基地规划评价工作重点,为军事物流基地规划决策活动提供有效依据。  相似文献   
张锋 《经济师》2007,(1):124-125
人才群落的形成和发展,对增强组织的核心竞争力和可持续发展能力、促进人才的集群化成长具有重要意义。高校组织应在充分尊重人才生态运动规律的基础上,积极构建良好的人才生态环境,不断吸引、凝聚优秀人才,推动人才资源的集聚、盘活和裂变,促进人才群落的形成和优化升级,实现人才与高校组织生态的和谐发展。  相似文献   
瑞典的核废料处置技术和管理模式都处于世界领先之列,特别是乏燃料最终处置计划更是其他各国效仿的对象.文章在对瑞典核废料处置情况作简要概述之后,重点分析了瑞典核废料管理的经验.完善的规划与系统、绝对安全的理念与要求、公众的全程参与和对话,建构了一个特色鲜明的瑞典模式,给我国核废料处置和管理带来很多有价值的启示.  相似文献   
This paper provides estimates of bank efficiency and productivity in the United States, over the period from 1998 to 2005, using (for the first time) the globally flexible Fourier cost functional form, as originally proposed by Gallant ( 1982 ), and estimated subject to global theoretical regularity conditions, using procedures suggested by Gallant and Golub ( 1984 ). We find that failure to incorporate monotonicity and curvature into the estimation results in mismeasured magnitudes of cost efficiency and misleading rankings of individual banks in terms of cost efficiency. We also find that the largest two subgroups (with assets greater than 1 billion in 1998 dollars) are less efficient than the other subgroups and that the largest four bank subgroups (with assets greater than $ 400 million) experienced significant productivity gains and the smallest eight subgroups experienced insignificant productivity gains or even productivity losses. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国自然保护地历经60余年的发展,形成了多部门主导、保护类型多样的自然保护地体系。面对机构改革和以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建立的契机,传统规划的经验积累为新规划体系的构建提供了借鉴的可能。通过回溯机构改革前各类自然保护地规划,对比分析其规划结构体系,并从人地关系视角切入,分析各类规划针对保护对象、保护利用强度,以及社会发展调控上的差异,总结各类自然保护地规划的既有经验,为新时期规划体系的重构提供支撑。  相似文献   
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