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Team researchers have found that the diversity to effectiveness ratings are mediated by team conflict. Using a sample of 73 teams developing their business ideas, I found direct effects of diversity and conflict on member-rated team effectiveness. Here, I explain how the circumstances under which these teams operate can lead to these findings. For these teams, task conflict was found to relate negatively to member-rated team effectiveness. This finding contrasts with research on organizational teams, where task conflict usually relates positively to team effectiveness ratings. I also found that both diversity and average member experience influence member-rated effectiveness. These findings imply that diversity, conflict, and ratings of team effectiveness may differ for teams developing business ideas as compared to organizational teams. Thus, findings from organizational team research should be applied with caution to teams developing business ideas and possibly to new venture teams in general.  相似文献   
Michel Foucault famously analysed orders of knowledge, ‘epistemes’, in past European ages. In this study, his analytical method is fruitfully applied to gaining a better understanding of business sustainability within and beyond the Modern episteme. After an introduction to the contextual background for the study, this article provides (i) a justification for the use of a Foucauldian epistemic analytical method, (ii) an outline of the method, (iii) an application of the method to identify four sets of questions (morality, specialisation, anthropologization and mathematicization) that are both direct derivatives of the Modern episteme and problematic for sustainable development, and finally (iv) an application of the method to consider evidence for the emergence of a new episteme. Conclusions are also provided.  相似文献   
VAT attacks!     
Like the theory of the second best that the 2006 congress marks, the value added tax (VAT) is now fifty years old. Judged by the extent and speed of its spread around the world, and the revenue that it raises, the VAT would seem to have been a remarkable success. Over the last few years, however, it has come under a series of attacks. This paper considers three of the most prominent of these. One is the fear (raised mainly in the United States) that the VAT actually does too good a job of raising tax revenue—which raises the empirical question of whether it has indeed proved as effective a source of revenue as its proponents claim and its opponents fear. The second is the view that the VAT does a bad job of taxing the informal sector—and that tariffs might consequently be a better revenue-raising instrument for many developing countries. The third attack is the most literal, by criminals rather than theorists: in the European Union and elsewhere, sophisticated VAT fraud, targeting its refund provisions, has become a serious concern. The paper also argues, more generally, that the many unanswered questions concerning the VAT reflect an unfortunate disconnect between the development of the tax itself and of second best tax analysis. I am grateful to Ben Lockwood and Stephen Smith for allowing me to draw on our joint work, and to Vidar Christiansen, Sijbren Cnossen, Isaias Coelho, Alain Jousten, Victoria Perry, and Emil Sunley for many helpful comments and suggestions. Views and errors remain mine alone, and should not be attributed to the International Monetary Fund.  相似文献   
Ouraman Takht is a rural, highly mountainous and dry region located in the southwest Kurdistan province of Iran. Traditionally, the socio-economic structure of the region was based on limited farming, herding, gardening, and manual labor. Recently, modern education has been introduced to the region. The purpose of this study was to explore, from the Ouraman perspective, the impact that modern educational practices have had on the Ouraman traditional way of life. Data were collected over a period of 6 months using ethnographic methods including observation, interview, videotaping, and photography. Data were analyzed using Grounded Theory Methodology. Enabling/Constraining was the concept constructed from data to explain the impact that modern education has on the Ouramat region. The people of Ouraman perceived modern education as increasing the economic stability and growth of the region while simultaneously threatening cultural beliefs and the traditional way of life. In addition to the “core” category of “Enabling/Constraining, 13 other major categories were derived from data. These included: job necessity, Providing Economic Prosperity, empowerment, increasing public knowledge, positive notion, concerns about religious beliefs, emphasis on children’s education, religious justifications, modernism requirements, traditional concerns, education for girls, expression of satisfaction, and public embracement. The results are presented in a paradigm model consisting of conditions, interactions and consequences around the core category and can be used to understand the impact of change from the introduction of modern education can have on a traditional society.  相似文献   
This paper compares technical efficiency (TE) and metatechnology ratios (MTR) for dairy farms from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay using the meta-frontier (MF) approach. The estimated average MTRs for Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are 83.8, 79.6 and 91.4%, respectively, and these results are significantly different from each other. The TEs estimated with respect to the MF are 72.8, 65.8 and 73.4% for Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, respectively. The average TEs for Argentina and Uruguay are not significantly different from each other but are significantly higher than the value for Chile. The production frontiers for Argentina and Uruguay are relatively close to the MF, which suggests that these two countries might need to increase investments to promote local research to generate new technologies and/or search for technologies to adapt from more distant areas. By contrast, Chile could benefit from adaptive research, designed to make borrowed technology from Argentina and/or Uruguay applicable to local conditions, which could be a cost effective way to improve dairy farm performance.  相似文献   
This study explores the relationship among service range, ride convenience, motivation to ride, satisfaction with facilities, service satisfaction, and intention to re-ride. The conveyance of interest is the Puyuma Express because its transport service last year carries out the overall electrified era in eastern Taiwan and its vast passenger capacity breaks the record over the past 128 years. The very high passenger capacity includes passengers who are on their first ride but, to a much greater extent, passengers who are re-riding. This fact motivates this research. This work involves a carefully designed questionnaire, and uses both web-based and paper-based questionnaire surveys to collect data. The number of valid samples thus obtained was 228. Multiple regression analysis (MRA) and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) are utilized to test proposed research framework. The two methods yield completely different results. MRA reveals that satisfaction with facilities, service satisfaction, ride convenience, and service range are together responsible for the strong intentions of passengers to re-ride. FsQCA identifies seven complex antecedent paths that are responsible for strong intentions to re-ride. The latter explains outcome more comprehensively than the former. The motivation to ride is an important condition in fsQCA and should not be eliminated as MRA suggests. This empirical study elucidates the causal complexity for passengers’ intentions to re-ride, and contributes to theory and practice in the domains of both transportation marketing and consumer behavior.  相似文献   
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