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李莎 《邮政研究》2010,26(4):10-12
文章分析了当前邮政广告业的现状,提出了如何依托邮政资源优势,做大做强邮政广告业务的思路,探讨了如何重新审视邮政广告业务的发展价值。推进邮政广告经营管理模式创新和转型的举措。  相似文献   
文章探讨了物联网在物流和邮政行业应用的具体领域及其发挥的积极作用,以期通过物联网相关技术的应用提高运营效率,扩大服务领域。  相似文献   
走进即墨妙府老酒,那“千里之堤,毁于蚁穴!质量是命,安全是天”的警示语,让我们读懂了妙府的执着与追求;那古朴悠远的“古遗六法”和精心设计的“妙府文化长廊”,让我们体验了妙府的品质与精神;那享誉全球的妙府文化墙,让我们感受了“心法自然”的和谐与本真……  相似文献   
李魏 《走向世界》2010,(14):72-74
在青岛做话剧是胡来?朋友们都认为我这里出了毛病.纪舜超笑着用食指顶住脑门儿.这个外表看似柔弱的70后女生,行事作风却异常的硬朗与大胆,像她引入青岛实验剧场的首部戏剧的名字,不惜胡来.  相似文献   
李逢玲 《走向世界》2010,(23):88-89
五大板块整体联动 亮点纷呈由中国道教协会主办,中国宗教杂志社、山东省道教协会协办的2010中国崂山论道暨第二届玄门讲经活动7月25日在青岛闭幕。与上届相比,此次活动的规模、内容、群众参与度和影响力等方面都得到提升。  相似文献   
In determining domestic water prices, policy makers frequently need to use demand-side information rather than only rely on supply-side data as previously did, and household surveys are often conducted to collect information on the demand side. This paper presents a multiple bounded discrete choice (MBDC) survey model for collecting information about acceptability of different water prices by different types of households and estimating households' willingness to pay for water service improvement. The results obtained from MBDC surveys can be directly utilized in the development of water pricing and subsidy policies. An empirical MBDC study is conducted in Chongqing, China, where domestic water service quality was seriously inadequate, but financial resources were insufficient to improve the service quality. With a survey of 1500 households in five suburban districts in Chongqing Municipality, this study shows that a significant increase in water price is economically feasible as long as the poorest households are properly subsidized. The analysis also indicates that the order in which hypothetical prices are presented to the respondents with the MBDC method can systematically affect the answers and should be taken into account when designing such survey instruments.  相似文献   
中日电气及电子类产品内贸易指数分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化和技术进步推动下,产品内贸易日益成为国际贸易的主要形式.中日贸易中电气及电子类产品内贸易占主导,并日趋活跃.运用产品内贸易指数、竞争力指数等指数对中日电气及电子类产品内贸易进行深入分析.发现两国产品内贸易已达到相当高的水平,但是中国零部件的竞争力水平不高,局限于组装优势,仍处于生产价值链低端.因此,中国如何利用国际产品内分工,发挥自身优势,延伸价值增值链,促进中日电气及电子类产品贸易结构升级,乃是当务之急.  相似文献   
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