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事前评估是公共设施与公共服务公私合作伙伴关系模式供给的重要环节,也是保障公私合作伙伴关系项目成功的关键因素。通过文本分析和案例分析对澳大利亚公私合作伙伴关系项目事前评估制度框架和实施过程进行剖析,归纳其主要特征,同时对中国当前公私合作伙伴关系项目事前评估中央和地方的制度安排和实践进行分析,总结其主要问题。通过对比和借鉴澳大利亚事前评估的制度安排和实施过程,提出未来中国公私合作伙伴关系项目事前评估改善思路。  相似文献   
以商业模式创新作为中介变量,构建了企业家背景特征与技术创业企业绩效之间关系的理论模型。基于中小板和创业板125家上市公司的数据,采用多元回归分析方法对研究假设进行了验证。结果表明:企业家背景特征中的教育水平、专业背景、职能背景均对技术创业企业绩效具有正向影响;商业模式创新在企业家教育水平、专业背景和职能背景与技术创业企业绩效之间具有部分中介作用。  相似文献   
专利市场化水平通过对专利权人预期收益率的影响与专利维持时间产生联系。对高校和企业发明专利维持时间及其影响因素进行比较,可为提升高校专利市场化水平提供借鉴。从专利市场化视角出发,以华为和华南理工大学(以下简称“华工”)为例,运用回归分析方法对发明专利维持时间影响因素进行研究。结果发现,华为发明专利维持时间较长,且在审查时间、发明人数和权利要求数方面存在较大差异;各自变量对二者发明专利维持时间的解释力度亦有区别。为提升高校专利市场化水平,提出应强化知识产权创造市场导向、优化发明专利性质布局、强化发明专利专业属性、促进校企科研合作等合理化建议。  相似文献   
结合中国工程咨询业的特征,利用演化博弈理论研究了中国工程咨询企业技术合作创新行为的动态演化过程,建立相应的博弈支付矩阵和复制动态方程,分析了工程咨询企业技术合作创新行为的演化路径及其影响因素。研究发现:合作创新成功概率、社会惩罚力度、知识泄露损失、科研人员努力程度的增大,或独自创新成功概率、知识窃取收益的减小,都会促进企业群体向选择坚持合作策略方向演化;合作双方约定的违约金能在一定程度上限制企业的机会主义行为,但是违约金并非越多越好。  相似文献   
Achieving sustainable development targets requires major changes in the existing economic structure and a transition from a pollution-intensive energy system to a clean one. The role of the digital economy (DE) in this regard has received much attention in recent eras. However, there is little literature investigating the relationship between the DE and the energy transition in the presence of technological innovation. This study's aim, grounded in the sustainability agenda, is to explore the possible impact of DE and technological innovation on the energy transition for the BRICS nations from 2003 to 2021. Using the most recent Moments Quantile Regression method, the results reveal that the DE can contribute significantly to achieving SDG-7 by promoting energy transition. While technological innovation does not significantly influence the energy transition. Moreover, economic development is hindering the energy transition in the BRICS countries. Several alternative estimation methods have been applied to confirm the robustness of the results. The empirical results conclude that governments should build digital infrastructure and encourage innovation in the energy sector by supporting energy-related patents. The detailed policy implications are presented in the study.  相似文献   
A number of previous studies use auditor propensity to issue a going concern opinion (GCO) as a proxy of audit quality when examining a sample of financially distressed firms. This study examines whether audit quality (measured by discretionary accruals) influences the probability of financially distressed firms receiving GCOs using a non‐specific sample of 2937 firm‐year observations from Australia over the period 2011–2015. The study first investigates the association between financially distressed firms and the issuance of GCOs. This association is then re‐tested after separating the total sample into low and high audit quality subsamples. The results indicate that financially distressed firms are more likely to receive GCOs, confirming the application of ASA 570 Going Concern. However, financially distressed firms that receive GCOs from their auditors are limited to firms that have higher‐quality audits.  相似文献   

From a knowledge-based perspective, this paper highlights the need for a framework linking perceived competition of the industry and firms’ strategic location choices of external knowledge search and examines whether the perceived competition increases the propensity of cluster firms to search more widely from extra-cluster knowledge sources than intra-cluster knowledge sources. Furthermore, we emphasise that cluster firms with varying degrees of tacitness in their knowledge base might respond to such competition differently when conducting external knowledge search activities. Using a sample of 310 cluster firms in the Zhejiang Province of China, we find that the cluster firm would increase the propensity for more geographic boundary-spanning search relative to local search while under the pressure of competition. Moreover, the positive relationship between perceived competition and the propensity towards geographic knowledge search is weaker when the tacitness of the cluster firm’s knowledge base is higher. The findings contribute to the understanding of the relationship between competition and the choice of location strategies in external knowledge search.  相似文献   
运用断层理论,从知识获取和关系治理角度,分析焦点企业知识存量如何影响联盟组合分裂断层及分裂断层形成机理。基于焦点企业知识存量、分裂断层、知识转移效率、情景嵌入性之间的关系理论模型框架,认为焦点企业知识存量能够影响联盟组合分裂断层,其中,知识转移效率在这一过程中发挥中介效应,情景嵌入性发挥调节效应。结果发现:焦点企业知识存量与分裂断层之间存在显著负相关关系;知识转移效率能够部分中介焦点企业知识存量与分裂断层之间的关系;情景嵌入性能够正向调节焦点企业知识存量与知识转移效率之间的关系。  相似文献   
以创业板企业数据为样本,使用Logit模型及工具变量法,研究不同区域环境下政府背景风险投资对企业创新的事前甄选与事后培育作用,并对其机制进行探讨。结果表明:①经济区域对政府背景风险投资行为影响有限,与非核心发达地区相比,金融发达地区的政府背景风险投资对企业技术创新没有表现出差异性甄选行为,但却有更好的事后培育作用,而且这种培育作用会随着地区投资环境优化而增强;②行政区域对政府背景风险投资行为影响显著,与异省投资相比,本省政府背景风险投资对技术创新的事前甄选具有显著优势,但对被投企业后续创新投入产生了一定的负面作用,这种作用会因政府背景风险投资占有董事会席位而加大。  相似文献   
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