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Consumer researchers commonly assert that humanism differs from positivism (what is referred to here as naturalism) on a number of dimensions. However, it is shown here that once terminological differences and methodological similarities are recognized, the remaining differences between humanism and naturalism within consumer research are few. While arguments persist at the philosophical extremes, it appears that practicing researchers have achieved considerable reconciliation.  相似文献   

This article illuminates consumers’ views of marketing in light of theories of resistance. It argues that consumers engage in resistance to the power of marketing through their everyday actions and also through the ways they construct their accounts of these actions. It identifies three theoretical approaches to resistance (hegemonic, relational and autonomous). These are used to discuss consumers’ accounts of marketing collected through 78 personal interviews in which participants were asked to describe marketing and provide examples of their experiences with marketing as they defined it. Through this, the study uncovers various forms of consumer resistance, which can often go unnoticed. These are conceptualised through the notion of everyday resistance to marketing and are used to challenge existing marketing theory and develop paths for future research.  相似文献   
Without requiring the existence of an equivalent risk-neutral probability measure this paper studies a class of one-factor local volatility function models for stock indices under a benchmark approach. It is assumed that the dynamics for a large diversified index approximates that of the growth optimal portfolio. Fair prices for derivatives when expressed in units of the index are martingales under the real-world probability measure. Different to the classical approach that derives risk-neutral probabilities the paper obtains the transition density for the index with respect to the real-world probability measure. Furthermore, the Dupire formula for the underlying local volatility function is recovered without assuming the existence of an equivalent risk-neutral probability measure. A modification of the constant elasticity of variance model and a version of the minimal market model are discussed as specific examples together with a smoothed local volatility function model that fits a snapshot of S&P500 index options data.  相似文献   
文章从理论和实践两个方面证明和阐述了资源循环利用是矿区发展循环经济的有效途径,进而从矿区生态背景调查与分析入手,提出纵向主导产业链设计和横向耦合共生产业链构建的方法,最终形成矿区资源循环利用产业网状体系,从而达到既提高经济效益又从根本上改善生态环境的"双赢"目的。  相似文献   
Empirical evidence suggests that private estates where land is managed as a multi-tenant property by a single private company with a continuing interest in the value of that property tend to be better run than estates that are subdivided into multiple parcels of separately managed land with the commons managed via some form of political decision-making. Public policy, particularly in the UK, has hindered the growth of successful multi-tenant private estates.  相似文献   
South Africa's hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup? came at a time when countries and cities worldwide were increasingly competing for this sought-after status. The benefits and challenges of such an event have received significant attention from researchers and practitioners alike. No tourism destination is guaranteed long-term competitiveness by being offered the once-off opportunity to host a major international event. This study aimed to determine whether a mega-event would make a greater or lesser contribution to the long-term competitiveness of the host destination given the extent to which it was being addressed at a strategic level. Existing literature on destination competitiveness and mega-events was studied to identify relevant issues that would have to be addressed at this level. Primary and secondary qualitative data were collected from a host city on the eve of the 2010 FIFA World Cup? to place these issues into perspective. The empirical findings indicate how a mega-event can contribute to the competitiveness of a destination if it forms part of a broader event strategy; if the necessary leadership is in place; and stakeholder roles have been clarified.  相似文献   
你没有时间去认识所有把“你好”作为个性签名的人,也没有时间尝遍所有拥有“经典口味”的茶。一个好的品牌故事永远行走在风险的边缘,斥退贪欲,拒绝平庸。  相似文献   
This article explores the relationship between the changing roles of ambulance paramedics, the causes of increasing call outs in the UK and in other countries and the need for improvements in process and outcome measures to reflect these changes. It also reflects on the application of ‘Lean’ techniques to the modernization of ambulance services, although with some scepticism. Moreover, it is contended that changing roles have moved far in advance of existing performance measures, contributing to misunderstandings between healthcare professionals and service users.  相似文献   
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