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运用农业(农村)可持续化与现代化综合指标体系以1995—1998年的资料为基础,结合实际调查,对洪河农场的整体情况进行评价。  相似文献   
Empirical evidence suggests that private estates where land is managed as a multi-tenant property by a single private company with a continuing interest in the value of that property tend to be better run than estates that are subdivided into multiple parcels of separately managed land with the commons managed via some form of political decision-making. Public policy, particularly in the UK, has hindered the growth of successful multi-tenant private estates.  相似文献   
The authors present a case for including the patriarchal model into the analysis of female labor force participation in the United States. They argue that only if it is assumed that the division of labor and distribution of goods and services are structured to benefit the male head of the family can various trends be explained, including the low relative income of women compared to men, the increase in female labor force participation without a corresponding increase in household work by men, and the increasing number of divorces initiated by women despite the fact that divorce increases female poverty.  相似文献   
文章从理论和实践两个方面证明和阐述了资源循环利用是矿区发展循环经济的有效途径,进而从矿区生态背景调查与分析入手,提出纵向主导产业链设计和横向耦合共生产业链构建的方法,最终形成矿区资源循环利用产业网状体系,从而达到既提高经济效益又从根本上改善生态环境的"双赢"目的。  相似文献   
The paper develops a class of continuous timestochastic volatility models, which generate asset price returnsthat are approximately Student t distributed. Using thecriterion of local risk minimisation in an incomplete marketsetting, option prices are computed. It is shown that impliedvolatility smile and skew patterns of the type often observed inthe markets can be obtained from this class of stochasticvolatility models.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the efficiency of the Australian stock market during the period of volatility and disruption associated with the Global Financial Crises (GFC). Furthermore, the investigation seeks to observe any divergence in market efficiency between industry sectors that demonstrate differing economic performance across the period. Spanning a time period of 2000–2015, the data are split into three periods of distinct economic conditions: a pre‐crisis period of relatively high growth, the GFC period of disruption and contraction, and a post‐GFC period of relatively low growth. Five sector indices listed on the Australian Securities Exchange are analysed to search for evidence of market efficiency (Real Estate, Consumer Discretionary, Financials, Materials, and Metals and Mining). A range of non‐linear tests are applied in order to systematically investigate the structure of the market in each sector. The results highlight the cointegrated nature of non‐linearity across related sectors, and also demonstrate that different industries within the same economy can reveal highly diverse patterns of non‐linearity and market efficiency in response to financial crisis.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the centrality of narrative to people’s understandings of the world, and the power of stories of enchantment in particular, colour consumer culture. Specifically, it analyses the ways in which fantastic themes of magic and heroism are used in the discourses of marketing scholars and practitioners, as well as consumers to shape views of consumption and marketing. It further illuminates the role that marketers and consumers each have in imbuing consumption with a sense of enchantment and situates this phenomenon within the dominant neoliberal ideology. Finally, it discusses implications for marketing theory and for practices aimed at reducing excessive consumption related to such enchantment.  相似文献   
A number of business ethics theorist have highlighted the potential for economics to contribute to the advancement of business ethics. In response, this article emphasizes the insights of a particular area of economics that could provide such expansion and development. Subjectivist economics may yet provide an effective analytical framework through which to investigate and evaluate business decision making, and hence the ethics of business. Integrating the concepts of uncertainty, time and imagination, subjectivist economic theory contributes to a greater appreciation of economic choice and behaviour. While such notions are often effectively omitted from modern economic analysis to aid formal representation, business ethicists could utilize such concepts more effectively than their colleagues in economic theory. Significantly, the well-known economists who have championed the insights of subjectivist economics have themselves recommended its extension to an analysis of ethics.  相似文献   
This paper addresses consumers' attitudes towards consumption, the extent to which excessive consumption is perceived as an environmental problem and what consumers perceive as their personal responsibility vs. that of marketing for this consumption. Findings from a focus group and a survey administered to lecturers of a university in Portugal are reported. A critical reflection upon the findings reveals that participants view consumption as excessive and mostly due to marketing, but do not associate high levels of consumption with environmental damage. The consumers surveyed did not accept personal responsibility for excessive consumption, and many of them do not perceive their actions to have a significant impact on the environment. The high educational level of our sample makes these findings of particular concern. This paper feeds the debate on sustainable marketing and expresses the need to address consumers', as well as marketing's, place in sustainability. Implications of this study are drawn and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   
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