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Regional airports in Norway are losing market shares to nearby main airports on flights to the national capital, Oslo, and on international travel via Oslo. Travellers are willing to spend several hours extra driving to a larger airport in order to take advantage of lower fares and more convenient airline services. Traffic leakage from regional airports is high when the service from the regional airport is indirect and fare differences are large. Public service obligation tenders (PSO) set maximum fares on the regional legs, but do not cover through travel from regional airports which involve commercial legs. Traffic leakage is particularly evident in the leisure segment. Leakage levels tend to increase as competition is intensified at main airports, but the evidence is rather mixed. Logistic curves of airport market shares have proven to be useful when comparing spatial variations in leakage levels.  相似文献   
The German government plans to introduce a minimum wage from 2015. This must be understood as a response to the decline in collective bargaining coverage and the marked increase in employment in the low-wage sector. The authors discuss how many workers are affected by this new regulation and whether the minimum wage is too high in relation to the average wage of workers (Kaitz index). They assume that the introduction of a minimum wage in Germany can have a number of effects. It is not possible to forecast all the reactions and behaviour of market participants to handle higher wages and goods prices. Some authors warn that these measures are significant labour market interventions that could have adverse employment effects. They recommend allowing more exemptions from the minimum wage law than intended by the government, especially for young employees and student apprentices. Other authors hope that minimum wages would help to strengthen collective bargaining and stabilise wages. Some authors emphasise that there should be a careful evaluation of the economic effects by scientists.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Vorteile der Entwicklungsl?nder aus einer m?glichen Handelsliberalisierung für Rindfleisch und Zucker in den Industriel?ndern. - Die Studie geht von der Annahme aus, da\ die Gruppe der Industriel?nder ihre gegenw?rtigen Handelshemmnisse für Zucker und Rindfleisch aufhebt, und versucht zu ermitteln, welche potentiellen ?nderungen an Wohlfahrt und Devisenerl?sen sich daraus für die Entwicklungsl?nder ergeben. Grundlage ist ein komparativ-statisches Gleichgewichtsmodell für den Weltmarkt eines Gutes. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, da\ die Entwicklungsl?nder für beide Produkte zusammengenommen eine Steigerung ihrer Devisenerl?se um 6,6 bis über 12 Milliarden US-Dollar pro Jahr (auf der Basis von 1980) erwarten k?nnen. Das ist nicht nur absolut oder relativ sehr viel, sondern auch im Vergleich zu der laufenden Entwicklungshilfe.
Résumé Bénéfices potentiels des PVD à cause d’une libéralisation de commerce en viande de boeuf et sucre par les pays industrialisés. - Cette étude essaie d’identifier le changement potentiel de bien-être et des revenus en devises des PVD en supposant que le groupe des pays industrialisés éliminent leurs obstacles commerciaux actuels pour la viande de boeuf et le sucre. Le cadre essentiel est un modèle du type comparatif statique d’équilibre de marché mondial d’un seul bien. Les résultats suggèrent que pour les deux biens ensemble les PVD pourraient attendre une augmentation des revenus en devises entre 6,6 et plus que 12 milliards US $ par année (base 1980): un montant très grand non pas seulement en terme absolu ou relatif mais aussi en comparaison avec l’aide de développement pour les PVD.

Resumen Los beneficios potenciales de la liberalización de las importaciones de carne y azúcar en los países industrializados para los países en desarrollo. - Este trabajo intenta estimar el cambio en el bienestar y en el ingreso de divisas de los países en desarrollo, asumiendo que el grupo de países industrializados elimina las barreras al comercio actualmente vigentes para el azúcar y la carne. El marco teórico lo constituye un modelo de equilibrio de mercado para una materia prima de tipo comparativo-estático. Los resultados sugieren que para ambas materias primas los países en desarrollo podrían registrar un aumento en le ingreso de divisas entre 6,6 y 12 mil millones de dólares por a?o (a precios de 1980). Estas cifras no sólo son muy altas en términos absolutes o relativos, sino también si se las compara con los flujos de la ayuda al desarrollo.
Modularity is a means of partitioning technical knowledge about a product or process. When state‐sanctioned intellectual property (IP) rights are ineffective or costly to enforce, modularity can be used to hide information and thus protect IP. We investigate the impact of modularity on IP protection by formally modeling the threat of expropriation by agents. The principal has three options to address this threat: trust, licensing, and paying agents to stay loyal. We show how the principal can influence the value of these options by modularizing the system and by hiring clans of agents, thus exploiting relationships among them. Extensions address screening and signaling in hiring, the effects of an imperfect legal system, and social norms of fairness. We illustrate our arguments with examples from practice.© 2014 The Authors. Strategic Management Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to advocate the use of multifractional Brownian motion (mBm) as a relevant model in financial mathematics. mBm is an extension of fractional Brownian motion where the Hurst parameter is allowed to vary in time. This enables the possibility to accommodate for varying local regularity, and to decouple it from long‐range dependence properties. While we believe that mBm is potentially useful in a variety of applications in finance, we focus here on a multifractional stochastic volatility Hull & White model that is an extension of the model studied in Comte and Renault. Using the stochastic calculus with respect to mBm developed in Lebovits and Lévy Véhel, we solve the corresponding stochastic differential equations. Since the solutions are of course not explicit, we take advantage of recently developed numerical techniques, namely functional quantization‐based cubature methods, to get accurate approximations. This allows us to test the behavior of our model (as well as the one in Comte and Renault) with respect to its parameters, and in particular its ability to explain some features of the implied volatility surface. An advantage of our model is that it is able both to fit smiles at different maturities, and to take volatility persistence into account in a more precise way than Comte and Renault.  相似文献   
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