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Abstract: This article provides empirical evidence on technical efficiency differences and efficiency distribution for three Kenyan manufacturing subsectors, namely food, metal and textile, using an unbalanced panel data covering two periods. Econometric production frontiers are estimated for each subsector in each period. The confidence predictions for these efficiencies were, however, found to be quite wide. The results indicate variation of technical efficiency estimates of the sampled firms in each period. The technical efficiency distribution for each subsector changed not only in relation to itself, but also in relation to the other subsectors across the two periods of analysis. The efficiency distribution of the firms for both food and textile (metal) subsectors improved (declined) during the study period but with the food subsector firms remaining relatively inefficient. The improvement of the technical efficiency distribution for both the textile and food subsectors is an indication of intra‐plant improvement during the period of analysis. The decline of the technical efficiency distribution for the metal subsector suggests that the market orientation during the structural reform period did not promote firm efficiencies or the firms were slow in responding to the reforms.  相似文献   
We observe a great deal of heterogeneity in the manner in which author orderings are assigned both across and within academic markets. To better understand this phenomenon, we develop and analyze a stochastic model of author orderings. In our model, authors work equally hard to obtain priority in listings but final contributions are stochastic. Further, research outlets differ in their quality hurdles. In this setting, our simulation results are consistent with two empirical regularities. First, we find that the rate of alphabetization increases with the stringency with which papers are accepted for publication. Second, conditional on clearing the publication hurdle, quality increases with alphabetization. These findings arise because increases in the publication hurdle make it more likely that authors will exceed this threshold only when both contribute a high amount. This, in turn, leads to roughly equal contributions (alphabetization) and also generates a positive correlation between alphabetization and quality.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between the passage of six types of corporate antitakeover provisions (supermajority, classified boards, fair-price, reduction in cumulative voting, anti-greenmail and poison pills) and stockholder wealth. Our event study from a sample of 381 firms that adopted 486 antitakeover provisions in the 1984 to 1988 period indicates a strongly negative effect on stockholder wealth, supporting the management entrenchment view of the antitakeover provisions. Moreover, the empirical results of this paper indicate that the market reacts equally negatively to both non-operating provisions that require stockholder approval and to operating provisions that do not require stockholder approval. However, separate analyses of the antitakeover provisions provide some support for the argument that stockholders discriminate between individual provisions.  相似文献   
We examine the short-term price reaction of 424 UK stocks to large one-day price changes. Using the GJR-GARCH(1,1), we find no statistical difference amongst the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of the Single Index, the Fama–French and the Carhart–Fama–French models. Shocks ?5% are followed by a significant one-day CAR of 1% for all the models. Whilst shocks ?−5% are followed by a significant one-day CAR of −0.43% for the Single Index, the CARs are around −0.34% for the other two models. Positive shocks of all sizes and negative shocks ?−5% are followed by return continuations, whilst the market is efficient following larger negative shocks. The price reaction to shocks is unaffected when we estimate the CARs using the conditional covariances of the pricing variables.  相似文献   
Suppose a production function, f, is continuous, quasi-concave and weakly monotone on the non-negative orthant of Euclidean n-space. Let c(·, ·) be the associated cost function. Then it is shown that f is concave if and only if for each w, c(w, ·) is convex.  相似文献   
This paper extends a recent von Thünen-type model of urban structure by Mills to include two competing forms of transportation, and then compares simulated representative American and European cities with respect to size, density, and land rents. Assuming consumers minimize costs in choosing between competing travel modes, the 19-equation model demonstrates that land rent differentials are diminished by adding an alternative travel mode, and that transport capacity is far more important than fare structures in determining transit patterns and land use. American urban structure appears to resemble European urban patterns as transportation modes proliferate.  相似文献   
This paper investigates a firm's stock return asynchronicity through the auditor's perspective to distinguish whether this asynchronicity can proxy for the company's firm-specific information or the quality of its information environment. We find a significant and positive association between asynchronicity and audit fees after controlling for auditor quality and other factors that affect audit fees, suggesting that stock return asynchronicity is more likely to capture a company's firm-specific information than its information environment. We also find that asynchronous firms are more likely to receive adverse opinions on their internal controls over financial reporting, but are associated with lower costs of capital and auditor litigation, providing further evidence in support of the firm-specific information argument. Asynchronicity's positive association with audit fees is driven by firms with higher accounting reporting complexity, suggesting stock return asynchronicity captures a firm's complexity, resulting in more significant efforts by the auditor.  相似文献   
In line with calls to stimulate methodological diversity and support evidence-based human resource development (HRD) through quantitative competencies, we present a methods demonstration leveraging open-source tools and lesser-known quantitative research methods to support the HRD research community and applied HRD in the workplace. In this paper, we provide an informative introduction to partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). We discuss PLS-SEM application trends in the field of HRD, present key characteristics of the method, and demonstrate up-to-date metrics and evaluation guidelines using an illustrative model. Our PLS-SEM demonstration and explanations can serve as a valuable resource for practitioners concerned with substantiating results for organizational stakeholders and support researchers in methodological decision-making while avoiding common pitfalls associated with less familiar methods. Our step-by-step demonstration is conducted in open-source software and accompanied by explicitly coded operations so that readers can easily replicate the illustrative analyses presented.  相似文献   
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