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When clothes are taken on a summer holiday in a hot climate, their performance properties may become particularly important. The purpose of this research was to determine women's fibre preferences for holiday clothes and to discover the perceptions underlying those preferences. Results showed a strong preference for cotton and an extreme dislike of nylon. There was a tendency to regard all man-made fibres with disfavour, with perceptions founded primarily on past unfavourable experiences of nylon only.  相似文献   
Abstract. The occurrence of conglomerate mergers is somewhat of a mystery. This paper presents a model demonstrating a tax motive for these mergers. Specifically, conglomerate mergers are unions between firms with not highly correlated earning prospects—when one merger partner underperforms (earning inadequate income) in the future, the other is likely to overperform. By amalgamating such firms into common taxable entities, conglomerate mergers create several tax benefits: (1) improved chances that future tax write-offs and credits will be immediately utilized in full rather than deferred as less valuable loss-carryforwards; (2) reduced chances that tax write-offs and credits are permanently lost in bankruptcy; and (3) an enhanced ability to write off the interest on additional debt Empirical support for these results are presented. Given (1) and (2), the U.S. tax law changes in 1981 and 1986 would respectively encourage and discourage merger activity, outcomes that were indeed observed. Consistent with (3), a cross-sectional examination of U.S. mergers shows that mergers were more likely to increase consolidated leverage when earnings of the predecessor firms were less highly correlated. Nontax-related bankruptcy costs are not specifically modeled, but firms whose potential tax write-offs and credits are larger tend to have lower preference for leverage. Thus, in many instances diminishing bankruptcy risk is not a motive for conglomeration, but full utilization of tax write-offs is. Résumé. L'occurrence de certaines fusions par conglomérat demeure toujours inexpliquée. L'auteur expose un modèle attribuant les fusions de cette nature à des motifs fiscaux. Selon ce modèle, il en serait ainsi lorsque les fusions par conglomérat touchent des entreprises dont les perspectives de gains ne présentent pas de corrélation très élevée — le rendement escompté de l'une des entreprises qui fusionnent est plutôt mince (ses bénéfices étant insatisfaisants), alors que le rendement escompté de l'autre est assez exceptionnel. Le regroupement de ces entreprises sous forme d'entités imposables grâce à la fusion par conglomérat donnerait lieu, toujours selon ce modèle, aux avantages fiscaux suivants: (1) l'augmentation des chances que les éléments susceptibles d'être passés en charges aux fins de l'impôt ou de donner droit à des dégrèvements soient aussitôt utilisés intégralement plutôt que de faire l'objet de reports de perte prospectifs dont la valeur serait diminuée; (2) la réduction des risques que les éléments susceptibles d'être passés en charges aux fins de l'impôt ou de donner droit à des dégrèvements soient perdus à jamais à la suite d'une faillite; et (3) la possibilité accrue de passer en charges l'intérêt sur la dette supplémentaire. Les constatations empiriques confirment ces hypothèses. Étant donné les hypothèses 1 et 2, les modifications apportées à la loi fiscale aux États-Unis en 1981 et 1986 encourageraient, dans le premier cas, et décourageraient, dans le second, les fusions, ce qui a été observé dans les faits. Conformément à l'hypothèse 3, un examen transversal des fusions ayant eu lieu aux États-Unis a démontré qu'elles étaient davantage susceptibles d'augmenter l'effet de levier consolidé lorsque les bénéfices des entreprises constituantes présentaient une corrélation moins élevée. Les coûts des faillites qui ne sont pas d'ordre fiscal ne sont pas spécifiquement intégrés au modèle, mais les entreprises dont les possibilités de passation en charges et de dégrèvements sont plus élevées ont tendance à afficher une préférence moins prononcée pour l'effet de levier. À maints égards, donc, la réduction du risque de faillite n'est pas un motif de fusion par conglomérat, tandis que les possibilités de passation en charges le sont.  相似文献   
This paper investigates whether the voluntary decomposition of consolidated earnings disclosures into industry segments has information content in the sense that such disclosures better enable investors to predict earnings. The broad rationale underlying the experimental design is that if segment disclosure does enable investors to better predict earnings then residual abnormal returns (after controlling for unexpected earnings) surrounding the earnings announcements of firms providing segment disclosures should on average be significantly lower than a matched' group of firms that do not provide this type of disclosure. Using a short event window design, our results support this view.  相似文献   
We document a directional asymmetry in the small stock concurrent and lagged response to large stock movements. When returns on large stocks are negative, the concurrent beta for small stocks is high, but the lagged beta is insignificant. When returns on large stocks are positive, small stocks have small concurrent betas and very significant lagged betas. That is, the cross-autocorrelation puzzle documented by Lo and MacKinlay (1990a) is associated with a slow response by some small stocks to good, but not to bad, common news. Time series portfolio tests and cross-sectional tests of the delay for individual securities suggest that existing explanations of the cross-autocorrelation puzzle based on data mismeasurement, minor market imperfections, or time-varying risk premiums fail to capture the directional asymmetry in the data.  相似文献   
Abstract. This paper extends the prior empirical research that explains the perceived use or importance of budget control or both, with organizational context and structure in manufacturing organizations. In this paper, the perceived importance of expenditure budget control in research and development (R&D) work groups is explained empirically by organizational context (R&D work group size, source of R&D funding, and size of R&D budget) and the management control system (steps in the control process, social control). Data obtained from 76 R&D work groups in ten organizations support the five hypotheses. Generally, there is an interaction between the steps in the control process and each of the other independent variables on the perceived importance of expenditure budget control for management control of the R&D work group. Résumé. Le présent article s'inscrit dans le prolongement des travaux de recherche empiriques précédents visant à expliquer l'utilisation perçue du contrôle budgétaire ou son importance - sinon les deux - dans le contexte et la structure d'organisation des entreprises manufacturières. Dans cet article, l'importance du contrôle du budget des investissements perçue par les groupes de travail en recherche et développement (R & D) s'explique concrètement par le context organisationnel (la taille du groupe de travail en R & D, la source de financement des activités de R & D et l'importance des crédits affectés à ces activités) et par le système de contrôle de gestion (étapes du processus de contrôle, contrôle social). Les données obtenues auprès de 76 groupes de travail en R & D dans dix organisations viennent confirmer les cinq hypothèses des auteurs. L'on relève, de façon générale, une interaction entre, d'une part, les étapes du processus de contrôle et chacune des autres variables indépendantes et, d'autre part, l'importance perçue du contrôle du budget des investissements aux fins du contrôle de gestion du groupe de travail en R & D.  相似文献   
This study provides fresh evidence on the responsiveness of private consumption and, by implication, saving to government deficits. It focuses on consumption and saving from 1981 to 1989, a period during which the personal saving rate was characterized as surprisingly unresponsive to high federal budget deficits. The authors attempt to determine whether this experience is consistent with previous behavior. They also test whether this experience refutes the Ricardian Equivalence Proposition (REP), under which consumers incorporate the government's intertemporal budget constraint into their own.
The analysis involves estimating two consumer expenditure functions based on two measures of current income capable not only of explaining expenditure behavior during the postwar period but also of successfully forecasting out of sample into the 1981–1989 period. Only one model is consistent with the REP, but neither model indicates that high government deficits caused the drop in the national saving rate experienced during the 1980s. Both models predict similar short-run responses to shifts in the government deficit. The responses depend crucially on the mix of tax and expenditure changes used to achieve the deficit shift. Both consumption and saving are more responsive to changes in government expenditures on goods and services than they are to changes in taxes.  相似文献   
Consistency is an essential part of financial reporting: it applies both to the continuous use of the same accounting principles by an entity from period to period, and to consistency between various accounting principles used by the same entity. In the development of accounting standards, risks to users of inconsistencies can be reduced by good disclosure requirements, particularly so between various pronouncements. A study examining the treatment of interest found inconsistencies in two-thirds of the relevant U.S. GAAP pronouncements.  相似文献   
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