The authors review an incumbent business-to-business distributor of electronic components faced with the entry of more than
50 Internet-based competitors and offer an explanation for why the distributor prevailed. Underlying the explanation is an
assertion that the appropriate unit of analysis is the buyer-distributor-seller triad, not the buyer-seller dyad. In the case
examined, the channel activities were interrelated such that when each party calculated the costs and benefits of the activities
that occurred within this three-way relationship, they outweighed the net gains from disintermediation or Internet intermediation.
Particular conditions favoring the status quo included existing activities for sharing customer identification information
between the distributor and the seller, a high proportion of negotiated distributor-customer contracts, and new entrants’
reliance on open technologies. While no claims are made about the generalizability of this explanation beyond the case studied,
the authors believe their assertion and hypotheses may have broader applicability.
Das Narayandas is associate professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School.
Mary Caravella is a doctoral student in marketing at the Harvard Business School.
John Deighton is the Harold M. Brierley Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. 相似文献
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is currently negotiating with its six trading partners to form a new trade agreement called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). The RCEP intends to harmonise rules and regulations across multiple overlapping free trade agreements in the region, and thereby attract new members. However, it faces several challenges. The mention of a flexibility principle and the ‘ASEAN Way’ of decision‐making has led many to believe that the RCEP will be yet another low‐quality regional trade agreement. However, the RCEP presents all ASEAN members with the opportunity to take a role in setting the agenda for a region‐wide agreement. Hence, despite its challenges, ASEAN must make the effort to reach an attractive RCEP vis‐à‐vis other competing regional agreements. Accordingly, this paper describes what the RCEP is intended to be, how it emerged, and the issues that might affect the agreement's final quality, in order to evaluate if it will establish a new paradigm or a repackaged version of ASEAN's existing trade agreements. 相似文献
Research on alternate masculinity from India that emphasize consumption and consequent subjective well-being (SWB) is primarily about gay men. However, our research points to different marginal masculinity, alternate consumption, and consecutive SWB. The present study uses in-depth interview methods to uncover the “marginal” masculinity of a group of urban, upper-middle-class, heterosexual Indian men. We probe their consumption as a part of their identity project referred to as cathartic. Such consumption leads to a sense of high subjective consumer well-being amidst an otherwise patriarchally defined Indian consumptionscape. This almost fledgling group of men relates itself to the shifting world order of normative masculinity, denounces the patriarchal norms, betrays the cause of male privilege, empathetically responds to the paradigms of femininity, accepts the fall of hegemonic forms of masculinity, and is sensitive toward “others” and ecological/sustainability issues. We further argue that this “cathartic masculinity,” as evident through their consumption, may impact the fledging gender-fluid marketplace of tomorrow. 相似文献
Analysis of the behavior of technical inefficiency with respect to parameters and variables of a stochastic frontier model
is a neglected area of research in frontier literature. An attempt in this direction, however, has recently been made. It
has been shown that in a “standard” stochastic frontier model that both the firm level technical inefficiency and the production
uncertainty are monotonically decreasing with observational error. In this paper we show, considering a stochastic frontier
model whose error components are jointly distributed as truncated bivariate normal, that this property holds if and only if
the distribution of observational error is negatively skewed. We also derive a necessary and sufficient condition under which
both firm level technical inefficiency and production uncertainty are monotonically increasing with noise-inefficiency correlation.
We next propose a new measure of the industry level production uncertainty and establish the necessary and sufficient condition
for firm level technical inefficiency and production uncertainty to be monotonically increasing with industry level production
uncertainty. We also study the limiting probabilistic behavior of these conditions under different parametric configuration
of our model. Finally we carry out Monte Carlo simulations to study the sample behavior of the population monotonic property
of the firm level technical inefficiency and production uncertainty in our model.
The formation of international mergers is examined in the presence of two kinds of asymmetric information, one when a local firm has private information on market size and the other when a foreign firm has private information on its technology. In each situation, parametric configurations are identified under which a merger offer may or may not be made. It also examines the kind of offer and the probability of its acceptance. The likelihood of a merger beingformed is also related to the basic market size, demand uncertainty, and cost uncertainty. Welfare effects of tax/subsidy policies by the host country are also analyzed. 相似文献
This paper examines the relationship between India’s quarterly overall GDP, manufacturing GDP and services GDP and the corresponding monthly data on overall manufacturing and services PMI for the period January 2006 to July 2014. The objective is to see if the two overall PMIs are related to the level and quarterly growth rate of overall GDP and its chosen components. Considering the quarterly time series nature of the data set, the HEGY equation of Hylleberg et al. (J Econom 44:215–238, 1990) extended by adding the PMI variables as exogenous regressors is used as the regression mode to relate a GDP level/growth rate variable to the two overall PMI variables. The results show that the three GDP level variables, but none of the GDP growth rate variables, have significant positive correlation with services PMI, but not with manufacturing PMI. Finally, the marginal effect of services PMI on manufacturing GDP level is found to be the largest, followed by that for overall GDP level and services GDP level.